Joey C Jones profile picture

Joey C Jones

It's time to "Style and Profile" official site

About Me

Thank you for checking out my myspace page. I'm glad to say that I am still writing, recording, and performing. 2006 is the 20th anniversary of my FIRST RELEASE and I'm certainly not finished yet... 2006 was the 20th anniversary of my first release. In '07 I will be performing songs from "The Best Of JCJ Vol 1" and look for a new CD from my new band this year...
On a personal note, I am thrilled to still be in this business. I will always remember the great friends nationwide that have supported me and my music through the years. My voice and my enthusiasm has never been stronger. And YES I am still STYLIN' and PROFILIN' at 40!!! PUT YOUR BIO SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests


Member Since: 11/9/2005
Band Website: Other individuals are illegally using JCJ material
Band Members: Joey is always working with top artists around the nation to keep his music alive. Please keep an eye on this updated site to know where Joey is, will be, and when you can see him in action soon!
Influences: If you have to ask, you must not be listening! Power pop, Beatles, ELO, Cheap Trick and so on. If it came through in the greatest time of music (the Brittish Invasion is what I speak of!) then I love it and it’s been an influence on me!
Sounds Like: I sound like me! Check out the influences post it note and also check out my music on my page.
Record Label: TNT Records, Renegade Radio
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

MY BROTHER BENNY your in my heart alwayse

Posted by Joey C Jones on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 02:44:00 PST


Iwont to thank each and every one who came out to see me.Some were friends some were family and we shared two nights of Passion.I want to thank the Alrosa Villa and Shakers night club for letting me b...
Posted by Joey C Jones on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 02:29:00 PST

SHAKERS NIGHT CLUB. JoeyCJones and the December music Fest tour

Im pleased to say i have teamed up with some excellent bands to start the  December Music Fest Our 2nd leg After the  Home Comming show at the Alrosa Villa is Shakers In Cambridge Ohio. Im l...
Posted by Joey C Jones on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 06:20:00 PST

Update from Joey C Jones

I'm known as a man who's not ever at a loss for words, but these blogs just ain't my thing. This one will cover my new bands 1st 3 months as well as this years events and thank yous and other news and...
Posted by Joey C Jones on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 04:00:00 PST

Ohio Pics Up!

Thanks to Iceberg at RenegadeRadio.Net - you can go to their community and look through their vpPic Gallery and see some shots of me back in Ohio!
Posted by Joey C Jones on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:30:00 PST

Columbus,OH Thirsty Whale

3/31/2007..FTC Compound And begin. From 1988-1992, Frank The Crank and I made some memories as we shared a few stages and a lot of friends in Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, Los Angeles and Columbus ,O...
Posted by Joey C Jones on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 10:13:00 PST