ANDREW CHAMPION profile picture


It's another beautiful day, time to get out there and grab every second of it, even if it means just

About Me

No matter where I go, whom I meet, what you say, where I stay, I love the EAST BAY, more than anything else born and raised and although I wake up in different cities all the time, my heart always wakes up in Oakland. I love music and laughing and trying brand new things. I love straightedge and hardcore music, but I listen to pretty much everything, music is the heart of my life and holds me up through tough times. I am a pacifist and I practice non-violence in all of my actions and thoughts to the best of my ability, although it can be very difficult sometimes. I have been a Buddhist since I was 14 in response to a lot of violence and chaos in my home growing up and it has always helped me explain my world and make it through tough times. I am clean and sober and I am always trying to make the place I am standing a better place to be, for everyone involved. I am a vegetarian and try my best to lead a cruelty free lifestyle, for very simple reasons that any thinking person can see. I miss my father very much, I think about him a lot, and sometimes when I am walking by myself I will have whole conversations with him. I make a few mistakes, but I try not to make the same ones more than once. I sing, I am a singer, I am tired of trying to be other things, and I should just do what I do best. I have wanderlust, I can't sit still for very long, I am either in the process of moving somewhere or planning a move at all times. A year can be a very long time, and many things can occur. My plans change constantly so heads up and take lots of notes. I am a very good soul that gets a little bit lost sometimes, but I can always have a sense of humor about it. I am a really good dancer; I just rarely get the chance. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I am a trivia computer, I am the guy you call if you need a strange question answered, try me. I am interested in everything pretty much, and when I say 'everything' I mean it. I have a great love of knowledge especially politics and can debate for hours (or even days) on almost any topic. My political leanings are extreme to say the least. People who misquote things make me laugh for many days, I have no idea why I think it is so funny, my favorite misquote is, "I am become death, destroyer of worlds...” You would think that a scientist would get it right.

I'd like to meet:

I love people who are loyal who will fight for you literally and figuratively, I like the feeling of being 'looked for' and missed, like when you get the feeling someone is thinking about you and it makes your heart sing and your eyes close. So I try to think of everyone I love and care for as much as possible, fight for them and stay loyal to them, and always miss them when they aren't around.I met her already while eating El Salvadorian food. She is a great dancer and I love her very much, and for me, the sun rises and sets with her.


Mozart, Chopin, Bach, Beethoven, Satie, Debussy, and many others. I love music of all kinds and love listening to music as much as possible.


All of them, although there is a point where you should only see a movie every once in a while, the world is waiting and a movie just can't beat life experience. Have you noticed the reoccurring theme these days of, 'White guy goes to foreign country (Fill in time period and country), white guy misunderstands and hence disturbs cultural milieu, white guy falls in love with (Either local girl or another white girl who is visiting a foreign land in order to disturb some delicate balance she knows nothing about), conflict results (Revolution, outbreak of disease, civil war) due to large white person presence, (and finally) many people die (Especially an inordinate amount of locals) in last moments of film all except, yes, the white guy (Unless the white guy dies in a relatively painless yet meaningful way after learning a valuable lesson about being a filthy colonial invader)'. BLOOD DIAMOND, LAST SAMURAI, HOTEL RWANDA, LAST KING OF SCOTLAND, the list goes on and on, is it me? Or is Hollywood a racist money machine that doesn't REALLY care about a fucking person or thing on this planet and only pretends to care to turn a quick buck and only after the 'conflict' is pretty much done with, not to change public opinion or to help anyone anywhere. And doesn't this sound like a current situation that is going on right now that we just don't seem to care about or want to talk about on any level, anywhere, at anytime? Let's make a movie about that maybe Tom Cruise (He always did play the best white guy) is free to star in it. Mel Gibson could direct it and maybe we could get George W. Bush as a technical adviser.


I will watch the news for a few minutes but then it gets really old and numb real fast. It is time truly wasted, just think of all the hours of television you will never ever get back. It is not unlike a parakeet looking at itself in the mirror.


All of them, I try to read as fast as I can, there is so much I want to read before I go, I want to be prepared. I am currently re-reading some books as well as reading some new ones that I have meant to read for quite a while. I like to read several books at a time, it gets more done and it forces you to really focus on the story of each individual book. Yukio Mishima (Everything he ever wrote is untouchable), classics, Russian authors (old and new), hell I even read reference books.



My Blog

Closing Time In Heaven's Bar, and I am Toasting With Water

The pianist plays slower and slower, I think his fingers like a hundred little carpenters are numb from the hammering and want to sleep in a hundred tiny beds with a hundred tiny pillows.This place do...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:52:00 PST

George Washington father of our country, trading slaves for West Indian rum,

George Washington was born into a world in which slavery was accepted (This is the number one excuse used by racists to explain their thinking and behavior, basically that they didn't know any better,...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:28:00 PST

President George W. Bush goes back to school to learn about geopolitics,

I love looking at statistics, and this one (The link that is at the very bottom of the page.) struck fear in my heart. Not only does Iran have military and financial support from China and Russia (Due...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 01:19:00 PST

Star Spangled Banner, the complete unedited version, please rise.....

There are actually four verses to the American National Anthem (no lie), why is it that we only sing the first verse? Is it the blood washing away pollution line? Or the 'conquer we must, when our cau...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 01:24:00 PST

Pay Close Attention, Michael Chertoff is going to slide the three shells around.....

.............and you guess which shell the bean is under. So does Michael Chertoff (Who has been COMPLETELY useless as a Homeland Security Secretary, not that the office itself has done any good for a...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:02:00 PST

Cult check list, are you in or are you out?

The Cult TestQuestions 1 to 10by A. Orange1. The Guru is always right.2. You are always wrong.3. No Exit.4. No Graduates.5. Cult-speak.6. Group-think, Suppression of Dissent, and Enforced Conformity i...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 09:28:00 PST

Waiting For The Revolution That Will Never Come To America,

At least not any time soon. People are too fat, lazy, and ignorant, I suppose that is everything that we are and represent as Americans these days (At least in the eyes of the rest of the world), it's...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 11:57:00 PST

George 'The Simple' turns clock back 40 years, Cold War colder than ever.

MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Moscow could take "retaliatory steps" if Washington proceeds with plans to build a missile defense system for Europe, including possibly aiming nu...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:45:00 PST

'Goodbye Tony Blair, Have a Nice Life'

Remember to give us a nice yelp as you head out and don't let the dog door hit you in the 'bum', you call it a bum over there yes?That's what we call the guy who is running things over here, running i...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Tue, 22 May 2007 03:42:00 PST

Oh Lord, Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood,

Carter: Bush's foreign policy is 'worst in history'39th president says 43rd has done severe damage to U.S. reputation abroadLITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Former President Carter says President Bush's administra...
Posted by ANDREW CHAMPION on Sun, 20 May 2007 10:55:00 PST