About Me
Greetings people of the 'Nam! The purpose of this space is to bring people together, bands, fans, media and any other interested parties. We want to make 2007 the best year ever for music lovers in the 'Nam, and we want to meet EVERYONE in the locality who has any interest in the local music scene. We will use the space to promote gigs and events, help bands promote themselves and generally get people working together and helping each other out so that we can build a strong sustainable music scene that will seriously ROCK! We do not care what genre you play, what age you are, or what clothes you wear, we only care that you have a love of music and want to help the 'Nam music scene grow and get better and groovier. Please let us know what you think of the site, suggestions are welcomed, also check out www.phonicflux.com a web site dedicated to the local music scene.So get in touch, if you are a band, let us know when your gigs are and we will put them up here, same goes if you have any photos or videos, we want reviews of gigs, we want interviews with people, we want mp3's, we basically want to ROCK, so get on board, get involved and together we can make beautiful music!
Profile Generator
My Blog
Hey Folks, Apologies for the Nam Live radio silence, we have no one to blame but ourselves, suffice to say we got a little sidetracked, but we are back on it with a vengeance! BIG NEWS! The indepen...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 10:09:00 PST
Outlaw Funk Review
Outlaw Funk The atmosphere was beginning to buzz in the Old Road Tavern barn before Cowshed took to the stage; tonight they were sans drummer, but the growly Simon Garraway and the walking-bass man C...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:09:00 PST
Bands Send MP3's Photos & Videos!
Send us your stuff to namlive23@yahoo.co.uk, and we'll put it up on the site along with links and info about your band!Something's happening in Chippenham!Spread the word . . . .PeaceNamLive...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:08:00 PST
Wine Vaults Videos - Cabaret Rat First Up!
In The Void Productions night at the Wine Vaults was a great success, many people were there, and those people danced and drunk, and talked a lot of sh*t, and basically had a great time . . . bands pl...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 06:42:00 PST
OH YEAHDusty StarsHitchmoLunch Was My IdeaROCKNot much more to say reallyPeace Outnamlive
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 12:22:00 PST
Tavern Videos . . . Slight Delay!!
Apologies to folks looking for the vids from 24th Tavern gig, we are having technical difficulties which will be resolved shortly!!Videos of Hitchmo, Dusty Stars, Jericho and Lunch Was My IDea will be...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 02:01:00 PST
Phonic Flux Update
Hey peeps,Just a quick site update!If you haven't been back to the site lately there have been quite a few changes.Artists/Bands/DJ's:-The Artists section has changed so now you can now add a profile ...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 07:26:00 PST
bands wanted for Gigabyte Festival!!!!
From John Tierney @ Gigabyte Festival - http://www.myspace.com/kemblefestival I need CD Demos if you want to play, and all contact details to the postal address on the page.Mail To:GIGabyte Festival...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 07:21:00 PST
We need Nam Live Reporters- Interested? please read.
Hello All!!We need to get more involved with the Chippenham Music scene. We need guys and gals to give us gig reviews, media- photo's, film's, recordings of live gigs in and around Chippenham. Intervi...
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:51:00 PST
The King Alfred
Is the king Alfred being turned into a music venue? Does anyone know about this??
Posted by Chippenham Live! on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 04:24:00 PST