Back in the day...
In the last year of school, 1979 in fact, Sam and friends decided to form a band.
Five years later they do their first gig under the name of 'Protex Blue', which just so happens to be a Clash song title.
They thought they were great, but listening back they realise they were a bit shit but hey, at least they were having a go!!
'Protex Blue' were a five piece back then and the line up also included Mark, it was his first band.
'Protex Blue' soldiered on up until 1986 when they decided to put a halt to the band.
And that was it, until 1988 came along... And a band called 'Nobodys Heroes' shortly followed ( which just so happens to be the name of a
Stiff Little Fingers song, can you see a pattern emerging? )
Sam and Terry recruited an old school friend called Ian, to sing and went through quite a few drummers - not like that you dirty gits!
They gigged around and about the West country, supporting the likes of GBH, The Seers and the UK Subs and carried on until 1992 but felt
like they were banging their heads against a brick wall.
Punk was a bit of a swear word then ( although not as bad as cunt ), so they started lying about the music they played just to get gigs,
had the plug pulled on them a few times with the threat of the end, thay'd had enough and called it a day, if they'd carried on,
they would have seen Rancid and Green Day breaking into the mainstream
but they didn't and they're not bitter....yeah, really they're not...honest!!!
In 2002 some friends of Sam's who put a gig on at their farm every other year asked them if they wanted to reform and play,
such a difficult offer to refuse. An all night gig, 600+ people, just before the Glastonbury Festival, sounds like a perfect all round event.
Terry and Sam asked Mark if he was up for it, thankfully he was. They decided to do the vocals themselves as it was only going to be a one-off gig ( hindsight eh? ).
They had such a great time they decided to carry on with the band...
Which brings us to now. There's a new singer, and and old drummer, an old bass player and a fucking ancient guitar player, but Nobodys Heroes have supported local heroes such as Far-Cue, Hacksaw, Two Sick Monkeys, and giant Punk Rock stars such as 999,
Peter and the Test Tube Babies,
The Selector, Vice Squad, and the UK Subs (again). They've recorded two albums, one of their own songs and one live one.
They have done about 25 gigs so far and will keep going as long as its fun and people want some good old Punk Rock.
16 Tons
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