Abrasions. Contusions. Night-putting. Polishing my Gats. Nurturing injured waterfowl. Sometimes, when the moon is full, I can hear my talent being squandered.
The person who picks the music to lure children to Ice Cream trucks.
The sound of one hand clapping. The sound of one dan tapping. The clown of one man rapping. The Enchanting Rhythyms of the Universe.
Home. Silent. Midnight. Free.
It's that thing in your house with the moving pictures...but they don't really live in there.
"Dino:Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams" and "Country: The Twisted Roots of Rock 'n' Roll" by Nick Tosches. Chandler, Cain, Hammett, Thompson, Ellroy. Carver. Kafka. Salinger. "Winning Low Limit Hold 'Em" by Lee Jones. "Soul On Ice" by Eldridge Cleaver. The entire "Literature for Dummies" series.
Zentra, baby. Rest In Peace, Jake.