I Stay punk and Stay Free
I live my life the way I want to live my life
I hate judgemental stupid fucks
I play guitar, shredd !!! to mostly what comes across
I accept anyone for who they are unless your adding me because u think i have cool hair or want to raise your friends up hire. Then fuck off.
I love living life I dont go to many, many shows but I still try to support once in a while if i can make it to them that is.
Im very social in person if you know me
Im very anti-social if you dont know me.
Im anti racism
Im anti Human beings for people fucken suck!
Most of all im anti people who always seem to contradict them own selves when they talk shit about certain people or things. done.
If you want to know more about me just ask.
You can Fuck.Off.And.Die. if your just going to message me and talk shit because conflicts on my space never solve or prove anything, ever!
If your basically talking shit you really are condradicting your own inner self because you dont either know me or hang out with me so fuck off you rich stupid fuck. .. fuck im alwayz drunk.