Bridget profile picture


Inside every woman is a Trashy Girl!

About Me

Inside every woman is a Trashy girl! (as in TRASHY LINGERIE the store & I run the entire P.R. dept for the company. I also now do PR for a KICK ASS SHOE COLLECTION called ELLIE SHOES, ..My job is not for the faint at heart...promoting the merchandise of Trashy Lingerie/ & Ellie shoes anytime, anywhere I can! It's also my job to scout out hotties to try out to become new Trashy Models & party girls for, I know... what a effin' sucky job! heheheheheh ... I also deal with all the stylists from the major magazines wanting to use Trashy & Ellie merchandise like: Rollingstone, Instyle, Vanity Fair, MAXIM, STUFF, KING, ARENA, Giant, etc...And I'm still the Trashy spokesperson, so most anytime you see us on TV you'll see me! I'm on a couple of "The Girls Next Door" episodes on E! right now. They re-run the hell out of em.It's no secret I'm in love with my husband, Marc Silvestri, who just happens to be Tall (6'7"), Dark (dark brown hair & hazel eyes) and Handsome (deliciously so! ) He's an amazing artist! If you're into comics you might want to check out his art site or his company site OH, if you like video games specially fps, He just released a new game called "The Darkness" which is based off one of his comics. It's very cool!I get cravings for doughnuts & Shopping (not neccessarily at the same time), I LOVE ANIMALS (live ones) Ahhhhh...except Emu's (don't ask!)Oh and I have an uncontrollable addiction to candy...I've made my is what it is...I have to have it ...always will..end of story...
Click on the picture below to see the cool article Destination Truck did on me and Violet!
The pic of me and Sophia you won't see on

This is from the "2008 Penthouse by Ellie Shoes Collection"
The shoe is named after me "Bridget"
It has a couture fetish look with rad embossed fabric and buckles!!!
I love this shoe. I couldn't stop talking about it when I saw the 1st sample ( I think they named it after to me to shut me up! LOL)
It's so new it's not on the site yet and we just shot the new catalog featuring the Stunning Sabina Kelley and divine Dayna Delux!

Ronald and R.I.P Alice

My Interests

Movies, Spa days, shopping, traveling, hanging with my husband, drinking appletini's, animals (especially my Doberman!), reading books, comic books & gossip & fashion magazines, dining at a favorite restaurant, (right now Ruth Chris in Beverly Hills), I watch TV at weird hours, because I TIVO everything... I was watching biographies on A&E channel, I saw a few on serial's thought proking to learn that most humans are SO affected by their childhood..good & horrendous, So how come anyone can be a parent? Boogles my mind!! Down right fucking scary to be honest!

I'd like to meet:

I like people who are considerate and non-judemental. My favorite attributes in people are to be thoughtful, creative, fun, generous, mischevious, loving, and fair. I also like it when someone knows the difference between not caring what other people think and being a complete asshole... that's a big one. I'm ALWAYS looking for the next TOP TRASHY MODEL so if you think you have what it takes, (Beauty, a Smokin Hot Body, & an A+ outgoing personality) then submit your pictures & resumes to [email protected]


I'm an 80's music fan now, although oddly enough I didn't really listen to much of the main stream 80's music until now. It kind of stimulates my brain back to another world. I find it makes me smile. Most of the music I listened to back in the day was angry & well...angry...Ha! but today I can also be caught listening to just about anything depending on my mood. In 1980 I was a punk, so hearing alternative radio stations playing, PIL, The Addicts, Generation X, even hearing the Plimsouls for christs sake freaks me out. Vice Squad was one of my favorite bands. It just doesn't seem that long ago that I was seeing the Dead Kennedy's, Fear, or even sneaking in the The Whiskey to see the Dickies, or going downtown to see Blackflag...Ugh..I'm dating myself now...sigh... And Social D is still touring..gotta love that! You know what I love...that a song can bring back a memory so vividly! Papa was a rolling stone...reminds me of when I was young and this chick got stabbed a few houses down from where I lived...the song was playing on the radio when I ran in the house after seeing her stomach all bloody, I think I was 5? Baby baby fallin in love...reminds me of the beach and young lovers kissing...a cool neighbor chick that was older than me took me with her to the beach to meet up with older friends of hers they listened to music & made out...I watched and played in the sand...I was 7? Any Kiss song... reminds me of my first concert I was 11, Cheap Trick opened for them at The Forum. Sex Pistols, Crass, The Addicts, Crongen, Vice squad, Exploited, Blackflag, Fear, Gen X, The Dickies, X, Dead Kennedy's...ahhhhhhhh the rebel poor Mother... Stevie Nicks....her songs calm me...they make me remember a time when I really needed to slow down and be ahhhhh shall we say healthier...ok healthy at all) ha! Hmmmmmmm I should really Thank her one of these days..It's amazing I'm still alive when i take a look down memory lane sometimes...good thing most of those times are blurry! These days I can pretty much listen to anything and it will effect my state of mind...I think that's cool!


Bourne Ultimatum, Zodiac, The Prestige, Borat, Capote,Transamerica,The Matador,Corpse Bride,Batman Begins,40 yr old Virgin,Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, The Station Agent, Lost in Translation, Pieces of April, Wonderland, Collateral Damage, Batman 2, Being John Malkovich, Pirrates of the Carribean, Punch Drunk Love, Secrets & Lies, Best in Show, Bound, Virgin Suicides, Lone Star, Adaptation, Waiting for Guffman, In the Company of Wolves, True Lies, Harold & Maude, Amadaus, Alien, Jaws, The Godfather, Young Frankenstein, Willy Wonka & the chocolate factory(The original with Gene Wilder) & the return of the Pink Panther.


Big Brother "Go Dick!", Biography, Battlestar Gallactica, South Park, The Dog Whisperer, 2 1/2 Men, Dog Shows, The E! True Hollywood story, Cold case files, (of course my favorite TV show was Witchblade...Why....Yancy..Why!!!!)


Murder mysteries by Robert B. Parker, J.D. Robb, Sue Grafton, Marcia Muller, Da Vinci Code, anything Anne Rice, gossip & fashion magazines and comic books, ( anything published by Top Cow Productions that's written, created, or pencilled by Marc Silvestri, I'm reading "The law of Attraction" right now BTW it works!).


People who follow their dreams but are considerate enough to do it without being A-holes.

My Blog

Check out my husbands movie trailer: Universal Pictures Wanted Movie Super Bowl Ad

Check out this video: Universal Pictures Wanted Movie Super Bowl Ad Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Bridget on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 10:39:00 PST

Happy 2008 Friends!!!

I am SO excited about it being 2008. And tomorrow January 2nd is my B-day! I'll be 43 Yippeeeee! Me & my hubby Marc will be traveling to Chicago to visit family and play for a few days in the windy (s...
Posted by Bridget on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 01:21:00 PST

What a gnarly weekend!

?It's been a crazeee exhausting 48 hrs.First came the great news Fri afternoon that Ronald, (My Doberman) surgery was a success. The vet was able to remove the huge benign tumor, (3 lbs and the size o...
Posted by Bridget on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 06:24:00 PST

RIP Alice Silvestri 4/8/1995-8/30/2006

For those of you that know me well, you know how much apart of my life my dogs are. Alice was the 1st dog of my own aside from the dogs I have had throughout the years of life in my family. So to me s...
Posted by Bridget on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:29:00 PST

Happy Birthday to my 2 dogs today!

Eleven years ago in 1995, Alice was born into the Graybull family in Upland, Calif. She became MY baby girl 8 weeks later and has been with me ever since ;-)As most of you know, this is such a special...
Posted by Bridget on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 02:18:00 PST

Bulldog Alice update

To all my special myspace friends who message & comment wanting to know about my Bulldog Alice, here's the latest update.She is in the final stages of cancer and I decided to take her off of all her m...
Posted by Bridget on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 09:35:00 PST

See me on Best Damn Sports Show Oct 31st

Tune in to Fox Sports on Halloween night Monday Oct. 31st to see me and my Trashy Models on Best Damn Sports Show! If you can't watch then set your TIVO ;-) Happy Trashy Halloween! Bridget
Posted by Bridget on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 03:56:00 PST

See me on TV

I am on episode ..8 of "The Girls Next Door" on E! The episode about the famous Mid Summer Nights dream party at the Playboy mansion. I am on right at the beginning as Bridget (Hef's girlfriend) comes...
Posted by Bridget on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 08:53:00 PST

I only answer messages when I have time which is rare ;-)

Hi MySpace friends, Summer & fall is my busiest time of year... as I'm Traveling with the Trashygirls, and traveling with my husband to comic conventions. I just returned from a comin con in Boston l...
Posted by Bridget on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Most Gorgeous MySpace Models wanted...

Submit your online photo's at and subscribe to our newsletter to be informed about all our upcoming events! "Inside every woman is a Trashy girl!"
Posted by Bridget on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST