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I am here for Networking

About Me

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Hey!...Holly Powell Here And So Glad You Stopped By

And I am owner and developer of GUTz Media Training

If you've landed on myspace page; there's a reason! I'm a true believer in building mutliple streams of income. But if you're anything like me you've been led down the road of doing it all wrong!

You've been taught that it's better to live the 40-40-40 life than to live your own dream. You've learned that working in a boxed "cell" for 40 hours a week; 40 years for a $40 watch is the only way to live!

I'm here to tell you that you were NOT put on this awe inspiring earth to live like that. Before I go any further let me tell you a little about

Who The Heck Is Holly Powell?

Originally from Maine I grew up in a family of 3 sisters and 1 brother. My Dad was a nomad at heart. I never lived in one home for more than 5 years until I turned I turned 30. It was not unusual for my Dad to start talking about moving and the next thing I knew there was a U-Haul in the yard and we were off again.

We were poor but I didn't know it. My first lesson was when I was about 10 years old and I asked Dad if I could have 59 cents for a Weekly Reader book--remember the Weekly Readers? Well, to show me that he didn't have the money--not even 59 cents Dad taught me how to balance the checkbook...I knew then what "being in the red" meant and I also knew I never wanted to live like that.

When I was 12 years old Dad got the "fever" again; only this time he decided we were going across Country. So he loaded all of us up and we started on our Journey. I went to 14 different schools growing up; 4 in my 8th grade year.

Our first stop was North Carolina (my home now) where I went to school for about a month. Then Lordsburg, New Mexico for 3 months and Dad got the fever to move back home to Maine; but first he wanted to look up his Dad--my Grandfather who he hadn't seen in over 30 years. So Dad left all 5 of us kids with friends in Arizona and he went to California and found his Dad. Yup, he called and said, "How would you kids like to live in California?" So we moved to 29 Palms, CA for 13 months. Good thing I was a good student; I've never made it through 8th grade.

Yes, Dad got the fever again so at the end of my 8th grade year we moved back to Maine only this time my Dad had converted an old school bus. We had 8 beds; running water; and not only my Dad but my Grandfather on board. What a site we were traveling across Country in that converted school bus! Where did we end up? Maine...but only for a short time. As Dad wanted to live in North Carolina.

So we lived in Lincolnton, NC and that's when I think my world feel apart. I was 15 years old and my Mom and Dad were going through a Divorce. All of us kids were tore up...now fast forward a few years...

I married at 16 years (yes I was pregnant) and divorced at 18. Married again at 21 and divorced at 23. Went through all the "wild crazy" days and nights of partying and carrying on. I even "lost my daughter" to her Father for custody. My life was a mess!

While married to my second husband I was introduced to Network Marketing; Amway. I got the fever. And while my marriage didn't work out I never lost that "burning in my gut" for something better.

I met my current Husband, Jesse--my best friend--during those wild crazy days of partying--he had two beautiful girls--Megan and Christen. But you see I didn't have my daughter so I was runnin' from him. But he stuck it out--no matter how wild and crazy I was...and we married in April 1987. We then started the process of "fighting" to get my Daughter back home with us. It was a battle of back and forth to Maine for several months.

In 1988 our family was complete. Tammie and her two sisters were all living with us.

Fast forward..Jesse and I have been married for almost 21 years. We are proud grand parents and we have awesome relationships with all three of our girls. We live in the small southeastern town of Southport, NC. Feel free to Visit our Small Town's Website at Where We Live . Jesse is a Chef at Bella Cucina Restaurant . If you ever get down our way please look us up. Jesse worked for 17 years in the Nuclear Power Plant here and quit to pursue his dream as a Chef. I'm so proud of him for that. He graduated College the same year our middle daughter graduated High School. Check out some of his mouth-watering dishes.

While life was good. I still felt that I was put on this earth for something bigger. I never lost my dream of Financial Independence.

So I started looking at Network Marketing again. Most of my "experience" though was with Party Plans; Tupperware, Beauti-Control--and I didn't even wear makeup; Premier Designs Jewelry--I didn't even wear jewelry--but people kept saying--you don't have to like the product you just have to like the money you can make with it--hmmm what a joke! I wanted to be passionate about my product--so I started with YTB Travel in 2003 of November--now that I could get in to. Remember all that traveling with my Family growing up? We love to travel! It was perfect or so we thought...

I worked YTB night and day...we did everything our Sponsor told us to do:Drove 3-4 hours for all of the "rah rah" events Invited my family and friends to an opportunity meeting under the "ruse" of It's a Party! Put fliers on all of the cars at Wal-Mart...this was in a mad dash so we wouldn't be asked to leave Passed out "Work From Home Cards" with an 800# on them Practiced the "3 foot rule"...ugh...don't even go there Bought lists and made cold calls...I made 3,627 cold calls from January 2005 through May 2005 and didn't sign one person up in my business!

I Received the NFL Award Three Times!

No Friends Left...No Family Left...and No Funds Left

Now I'm not a company jumper--read my blog here on myspace--but sometimes you have to face facts. While Jesse and I were making a little bit of money with YTB--our team was NOT making ANY money. So I started another Journey. We are now with TraVerus travel and our Team has found a home. Our team was in place with an awesome company...but our Marketing efforts were still costing a "fortune".

Around March of this year--2007 while I was "scrounging" the internet for a better "system" I received an email or found a web page; I don't even remember but I do remember that I could NOT get enough of what this kid was telling me!

I wanted to shout out from the top of the Empire State Building Is This Dennis Guy Crazy?

He Was Telling Me that I could use MySpace and YouTube to:

    Generate Unlimited Free Laser-Targeted Leads using MySpace Drive 100 and even 1000's of Qualified people to your webiste Cash in on the Billion Dollar Streaming Media Industry Web 2.0 Present yourself using MSM--My Story Marketing Instantly Create you own Live Internet TV Channel Use Video to Build a Huge Responsive List in Weeks

And the Law of Attraction! You gotta give to get. You have to re-create your life. Live it today...don't wait until the right time...

I am no longer bound by the chains of Google Advertising. By using Web 2.0 I am no longer bound by the chains of Google Advertising. By using platforms such as; YouTube and MySpace to generate Free Traffic I no longer sell; I build relationships with some amazing people.

I've started my "Life Map" and I'm attracting folks to me...instead of me doing the chasing...Oh What a Feeling!

Even my 3 year old grand daughter knows the value of Creating Her Life Map

So it's time for me to give, give, and give some more--I gotta tell ya--It's an incredible feeling when I receive emails like the following:
"...you do so much training with us and help everyone tremedously with our businesses, even if we had team dues I'd pay it. What you give us compared to some of the training that's being sold." --R Coerbell

    "...Girl you should be patting yourself on the back and if I was there, I'd buy you a drink.... You have hit on everything that all these people preach... you took the best parts and made "Holly's How To"--J Linback

I'm now ready to teach you if you are ready to start attracting success into your life. I am empowered and have finally become the leader I always wanted to be.
I'm ready to pass it on--
What's stopping you from taking Action? If you're ready to take your online business to the next level so you can start living your dreams instead of lining your boss' pockets or your upline's pockets send me a message through myspace.
I'm hear to listen to your story--but most of all I want to become a part of your SUCCESS.

Are you inspired and tired of...

    Selling to family and friends Cold Calling Buying leads over and over again Painfully getting rejected at every turn Tired of dealing with ALL the wrong people Working your butt off for all the wrong reasons and in the wrong way Tired of spending your whole paycheck on Google Adwords

If you wake up each morning or spend countless night scouring the internet for a better way...send me a message here on myspace and we'll talk. Go right now to my website to receive your Free Video's
I have 12 free training videos that you can watch that shows you step-by-step how I use websites like myspace, youtube and all sorts of other websites to get a ton of free leads, and massive traffic for my business…
If you want instant access to these 12 free Bootcamp training videos , simply send me a message and I will get back to you. I look forward to talking with you and Leading you to Success!

This new Web 2.0 Wave that is about to hit is for those who want to position themselves to have massive online success. For those who don't hop on now compare it to what happenned with Microsoft ... because if you don't take advantage of the opportunity now you will miss the boat and be kicking yourself years from now!. Web 2.0 is that BIG! Don't get Left Behind!


Wait a dog-gone minute! What I have I give freely of my time but I don't have time for people who are:

    Negative don't call me Complainers don't call me Lazy and want me to do all the work Whiners (I have some cheese and crackers to go with it) Sick with "excusitis" (take some aspirin and call your Doctor)

If you're NOT serious don't even consider asking for my help! I absolutely love working with folks who are ready to take their online business to the next level. I can't hold your hand and I won't do it for you. I will give you guidance and support. But you must take ACTION! Send me a message today through myspace to get the ball rolling. Or visit my website right now. Don't continue to make the same mistakes I made. GUTz Media Training.com

Remember I'm a believer in building Multiple Streams of Income...so I use Free Leads Network to build my TraVerus business. Whatever your reason for wanting success I can help.

GUTz Media Training

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Are you inspired and tired of...

    Selling to family and friends Cold Calling Buying leads over and over again Painfully getting rejected at every turn Tired of dealing with ALL the wrong people Working your butt off for all the wrong reasons and in the wrong way Tired of spending your whole paycheck on Google Adwords

If this describes you...let's talk...



The Secret


House, Saving Grace,


How To Win Friends, 7 Habits,


My girls, Tammie, Christen, and Megan

My Blog

Sponsoring For Today Issue 2

People do NOT join Businesses; they join people they know, like, and trust If you're like most folks you ordered business cards the day after you started your new business. I'm here to tell you that ...
Posted by Holly on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 07:04:00 PST

Sponsoring For Today Issue 1 Introduction

Like most folks who start a home-based business you may be looking for "that magic formula" for success. You may have just started your home business or you may have flip-flopped between businesses fo...
Posted by Holly on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 06:55:00 PST

MLM Gold Mine Scholarship Applicant

Hi Guys, I'm still learning here. So if this comes out wrong please forgive me. Please go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qfng_7Rtndw  and view my video. I get credit for views, comments (be ni...
Posted by Holly on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:56:00 PST

What Is Your Why? Is It Strong Enough?

Why did you join your current MLM? Is Your Why Strong Enough? Do you remember the day you joined your current MLM Company? Or have you forgotten? Do you want financial independence for you and your fa...
Posted by Holly on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:04:00 PST

Cold Calling Sucks--But Hey What Do You Do?

Let's face it. Nobody likes to pick up the phone and make cold calls. It weighs 1,000 pounds. I did and I hated every minute of it. Why did I call over 4,000 Network Marketers in 2005? Because everyon...
Posted by Holly on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 07:57:00 PST

How Many Quitters Do You KnowMaybe Youre a Quitter!

We've been building our online travel business for about 3 years now and it amazes me the number of people who Quit Before They Even Try! You know I have tried many different strategies to building my...
Posted by Holly on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:23:00 PST