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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Learn More About Me
If I could only share one thing with you about me it would be 28 Years ago, alone and lonely, depressed, suicidal and paranoid, I listened to Earl Nightingale read As A Man Thinketh, by James Allen. I got one thing from that reading...that I could change my pitiful life by changing my thoughts. I've lost count of how many times I've read As A Man Thinketh but each time I get something new. That little book lead to hundreds more, some great, some not so good. Today, I can't remember the last time I was down. I'm never lonely and when I'm alone, it's by choice. I'm a genuinely happy person, one of those people who talk to everyone, everywhere. There are no strangers.
Aside from that I'm a child of the 60's and a recovering Hippie. I bought into that scene hook, line and sinker. That was a great time to grow up. I still believe in peace and love but put the drugs down for good in 1988. My hair would still be long if it weren't for this balding thing I have goin' on. I'm really not going bald, my hair is just migrating from the top of my head to my ears and nose. Raise your hand if you are old enough to understand that one. Getting old is too much fun. Most of my working life was spent driving trucks and operating heavy equipment in the oil fields of California. Then, for about ten years I drove a Fresno City Bus. Having to be at work at 5 AM got old. Union Vs City contract time was always a source of stress. I’ve always wanted to work for myself, particularly from home.
The best thing about having my own business is being able to sleep in. I work from home and love it but it does have its challenges. The biggest one is working and not doing everything else that needs to be done around the house, like mowing the lawn, counting paper clips you know, the important things. Last night I finished "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. Wow! Get that book. In it he says, that small positive choices over a long period of time equal success. You know like walking 30 minutes one day won't change your health but walking 30 minutes a day for a year will. Small negative choices like "counting paper clips" today won't make me a failure but doing similar things over a long period of time will. Years ago I was told that Network Marketing is a self-improvement program disguised as a business. We get paid to become better people. I choose my partners and I only work with people I would like to be on a one month cruise with. Only work with people you trust and respect.
For me, it all started when I got bitten by the Network Marketing bug in 1979. I saw the compensation plan circles on a white board and couldn't sleep for day afterwards. I'm still in love with the industry after all these years. It hasn't been all peaches and cream though. Back in 1979 I believed that it was easy, anyone can do it. That's just not true. If you are looking for easy don't even bother. Really! If you're not afraid to roll up your sleeves and work, you are in the right place.
My company is in 42 countries. Know someone in Europe? You could have an international business and "write off" your vacations there. Just a thought! Thanks for taking the time to read this little blurb. Here's another free ebook that will save you years of failure and frustration in NM: 35 Mistakes Enjoy the books.
Talk to you soon.
I appreciate your spirit!
818-392-8293 Call anytime! ..

follow mrkimb at
4881 E. Norwich Ave.
Fresno, CA 93726

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who work from home now or who have worked from home. I'd like to Mastermind with you about what you are doing now and what went right and wrong.

This is how I stay healthy.

My Blog

BS We love to believe.

Ring RingHello!"Hello! Is this Kim Bolte?" Yes I am. How can I help you?"You don't know me but my name is Nick. My company is expanding in your area and we are looking for one or two high energy self ...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 20:45:00 GMT

Is what you're doing, how you're doing it or who you're being working?

I read this many years ago and it moved me to my core. I was that fly and in some areas still am. See if you can identify with the fly and ask youself, "What beliefs am I holding onto that don't serve...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 03:21:00 GMT

BS and the MEDIA

I mentioned in the Mr. Kim's Interests section that I don't watch TV or read the paper. I'm on a 30 day Mental Cleanse,  going on 36 days now. If you would like to do something really good f...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 21:25:00 GMT

How did I get sooooo popular

I asked my sister (who would never lie to me), Do I look old? "No Kim, you don't look old." But what about this gray hair and wrinkles? Don't they make me look old? "Kim, they make you look distinguis...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 07:51:00 GMT

Have you heard about It's a dot (.) community (com) where folks can post Vblogs (video web logs). I don't spend much time there and the potential of spending many hours watching 2-8 minut...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 04:36:00 GMT

Just a Quickie!

I've heard it said over and over that, "Perception is Reality" and time and again I nodded and agreed. Yup, Perception is Reality, just a sure as I'm standin' here. Eight people witness two cars colli...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:57:00 GMT

The Incredible Disappearing Awesome Idea

Did you ever have one of them? You know, an idea so incredible that it just blows your mind? Crap! If I did this or that I'd have women ripping my clothes off or If I made this change to a w...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 07:12:00 GMT

The little guy up the street

This is just a reflection on what's really important in life.When I get up in the morning it's usually still dark and one of the first things I do is open all the windows and doors and let in that fre...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 16:49:00 GMT