Jeff Calder profile picture

Jeff Calder

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Web professional, keyboard player who doesn't yet act his age. I own a sail boat and try to get out as much as I can. Trying to balance a full time job, full time relationship, and a very active performing/studio music schedule. I can sleep when I'm dead!

My Interests

Writing/playing/performing music, sailing, computers/programming, traveling, nightlife, sports, close physical contact with my girl, great food, art, movies,

I'd like to meet:

Ben Franklin, Frank Zappa, John Lennon, Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs, Leonardo DaVinci, Alexander Calder (yes, distant blood relative), Mozart


In no particular order, Miles Davis, the Tubes, Herbie Hancock, the Beatles, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, the Who, John Coltrane, Keith Jarret, George Clinton/P-Funk, James Brown, Kings X, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Elvis Costello, Stevie Wonder, the Police, Joni Mitchell, Yes, Zeppelin, aw christ, pretty much anyone that speaks from the heart and isn't some record label bitch act that does what they're told.


The Blues Brothers, Animal House, This Is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, any/all Monty Python, Dumb & Dummer, Old School, Back to School, School of Rock, Schoolhouse Rock


little to none ... Comedy Central, sporting events, 24, Simpsons, (Futurama, where'd ya go???)


Mostly tech/product manuals or programming guides for computer languages .. how boring.


Anybody that's true to themselves, but not full of themselves