Anything that can hold my attention for 1 minute or more. Reading...a lot, great eye contact,beauty and symmetry, DERBY, sunbathing, bowling, cursing, oddities of any kind, paddle boating, sailing, bumper cars, kayaking, knitting, live music, slinging drinks, road trips, tequila, float trips, friends, bonfires, mouthing off, carnivals, rollercoasters, making out, red bandanas,lip gloss, wine, trampolines, skating, derby, the M'80S!, ARRG, debating, good conversations, nicknaming anyone I have a soft spot for, how people think, why you do the stupid shit you do...comedy, film, theatre, art
ARRG AND ASSOCIATES....Tough broads on skates....boys with big lips...visonaries, weirdos and thinkers.Robert Plant....Jason Momoa....Andrew W.K.....mostly so I can try to make out with 'em.
uh.....not modern country.
If they make me think or are gorgeous...think Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Perfume, I love them.
Yes please. The Known World, Stiff, East of Eden, Things Fall Apart, Their Eyes Were Watching God, phonebooks, Lord of the Flies, Kite Runner, Sultan's Harem, Shakelton's Way, To Kill a Mockingbird, plays of all kinds, ANYTHING by Madeline L'Engle, Fannie Flagg, the dictionary, Michael Moore or Anne Rice. James and the Giant Peach (yep-anything by Roald Dahl),Laurie Notaro (all of em), The Color Purple, history books, fantasy books, anything I can get my hands on, read quickly and toss aside. I dunno, just about anything except romance novels--and maybe radio instructions.