Skateboards, tattoos, loud, fast and angry music, and destroying civilization with a six-stringed assault, getting my number of comments back to 666.
Here's a few:7 Seconds, Endpoint, Slayer, Mouthpiece, Social Distortion, Blondie, Dark Angel, Heathen, Anthrax, Mouthpiece, Gorilla Biscuits, Sick of it All, Split Lip, Integrity, Shelter, Youth of Today, Dekapitator, Minor Threat, subhumans, Scream, Motley Crue, Chain of Strength, MDC, Wide Awake, Turning Point, Lifetime, Kid Dynamite, Buzzcocks, Earth Crisis, Conviction, Sodom, Kreator, Tankard, Destruction, Misfits, Cock Sparrer, Suffocation...
reservoir dogs, death race 2000, dawn of the dead, night of the living dead, blazing saddles, star wars trilogy, true romance, the breakfast club... well, most 80s movies of the like..., spaceballs, trick or treat, halloween, friday the 13th, nightmare on elm street series, gleaming the cube...
Ghost Hunters
Universal Monsters - Cavalcade of Horror graphic novel
Chris Kenyon (RIP)