Wrench in the Works is a collectively-organized community space located at 861 MAIN ST. WILLIMANTIC, CT and is a place for people to come together and create positive change.
In addition, Wrench in the Works provides a gallery space, a performance area, a collection of radical books and zines, and a comfortable space to hang out with a cup of fair-trade coffee.
for more information, visit our website
Collective members are responsible for the space and decisions are made at our business meetings, which all interested people have an invitation to attend. Membership benefits include priority in reserving space for organizational meetings and events, ability to check out books from our lending library, and the personal satisfaction that comes from knowing your time, efforts, and money is directly benefiting an amazing space. A sliding scale rate is available for low-income persons.
Membership Rates:
personal one-year....$120. or $10 a month
Family.....................$200. or $17 a month
Sliding scale............$please give what you can