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"Take it easy! everything's fine." Enough depression. People around me talk about Gods, boundless opportinities, light and maths; Some of them are cool, others are just fake and pretend to be something they're not - i can't stand this attitude anymore, but I'm taking it easy, everything's fine. You know you like the real things, like bier, jeans, poetry and tne night... You know what's the most important thing - "what is essential is unvisible to the eyes", "There is nothing totally strange" and... that question Erich Fromm asked has only one answer: To be. And, well, if you don't agree - that's too bad, we don't share the same view of life nor the same conception of the world... "Life is amazing" - I heard that last week and I believed (Thea, love U so much, dear)...calm, moody, adventurous, careless... those are adjectives that define me more or less. They say at first I seam to be calm, nice and conciderate, yeah... this is supposed to be the first impression, about the second... it depends. And now, let's talk about mmmmmmmmmyau,