This is some of what people can expect of me:
I - can be very blunt - here to insult/offend anyone - probably wont meet you anywhere, ever - do drink tea - used to date TOO MUCH - enjoy watching odd movies - am trying to be vegetarian - enjoy religeous/philosophical folklore and mythology - love writing - enjoy beauty of all types - am COMPLICATED - am honest about emotions, and protective of my thoughts - am human with a full range of emotions, and I am not always happy - have a low tolerance for stupid people with big egos - can be very naive, and misguided - am constantly asking questions of people whos answers I know will crush me - fear real intimacy to the point that it paralyzes my confidence to inactivity (I can't make the first move) - know alcoholics, junkies, prostitutes, insane people and criminals - know people who are honorable, pious, truthful and selfless - know good people who lie and bad people that tell the truth - have personally commited crimes you could not imagine, and done acts of kindness no one ever seems to notice - set my expectations higher for myself and those around me than what can ever be achieved - punish myself when I cannot reach my goals - try everyday to be a good man, and suceed everyday at just being - have rigid ethical standards, and questionable morals - easily recall my failures, and have a hard time remembering remembering my success - see in color, and I judge others in black or white - am public about my life, and private about the lives of those I love - am loved by few and hated by many, but somehow the two balance eachother out - am more like you than you are willing to admit to yourself - have seen an endless series of dreams end while I waited to die twice, but I am still living (Zombie?)If something is listed as a hobby or interest it is just a hobby or interest. I make no claims to be anything but a working stiff with a 9-5 job. My job consists of looking at a computer screen constantly, and performing various tasks related to computers. It is not exciting, or interesting in any way. I write lines of text that translate into instructions that some guy in an office passes down to me.
1. What's their name?
2. Can you trust them?
3. How did you meet them?
~We used to talk online/phone and we took the jump to real life
4. How old were you when you first met?
5. Is this person one of your best friends?
~She is absolutely one my best friends
6. Say something that only makes sense to you two.
~Spotlight/Charles/Sexual Chocolate
7. Is this person older then you?
~Nope, a few years my junior
8.When was the last time you saw this person?
~Maybe a month or so
9. When was the last time you talked to them on the phone?
10. Are you related to this person?
11. Do they have pets?
~Yes, a loud mouthed cat which I haven't met... His name is Morpheus
12. Are they hott or sexy?
13. Are you their b/f or g/f?
14. Do you have nicknames for each other?
~I think my nickname is "asshole" and hers is "boobie girl" but my memory has been cloudy lately
15. Do you have pics of this person on your myspace?
16. How many times do you talk to this person in a week?
~Usually half the week... 3-4 days... sometimes all week... lately when both have time
17. Do you think the person will repost this?
~If she is bored
18. Could u live with this person?
~I am sure if I could get rid of some of my crap yes... but honestly she doesn't like living with others, and neither do I.
19. Why is this person number 1 on your friends list?
~I love her dearly and I would be lost without her
20. Have you seen this person cry?
~Yes, unfortunately and everytime I hope it is the last time she cries for that reason.
21. Do you know this person's middle name?
The Hermit Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.
The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.
The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude.
You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.
The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.
You scored as Nazi.
Greed: Medium
Gluttony: Medium
Wrath: High
Sloth: Low
Envy: Low
Lust: High
Pride: Medium
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