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Providence I.W.W.


About Me

We are the Providence RI branch of the Industrial Workers of the World.
NEW DETAILS ON THE RALLY!From Prov IWWDespite our hopes of having a march from the N. Providence Town Hall to the N. Providence Police Station, after our meeting with the police and mayor the compromise solution is to have a rally at:the North Providence High School (1828 Mineral Spring Ave, North Providence, RI) same day Sunday August 26 and the same time, 1:30.We know a march would have been cool, but essentially they "made us an offer we can't refuse" and if we did not take this compromise we would have been forced into an unpermitted event where people certainly would have been hurt by either/both the police and counterdemonstrators. There will be elderly people, children, and people with disabilities in attendance, and we cannot expose them to violent people. This event is a demonstration to make our peaceful nature evident to the entire state and region.This event will accomplish our goals of publicizing Alex's brutal attack while assuring the safety of everyone who attends against extremely hostile elements.If you want more info call Mark Bray (201) 669 0714We will post more info with an updated flier etc soon. If you want to get involevd with posting fliers near where you live call the above , e-mail [email protected] or download the one we will post and make your own copies.CONTENTS* RECAP* WHERE TO SEND DONATIONS* 20 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO SUPPORT ALEX SVOBODA!* LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR ALEX AND THE I.W.W.* PETITION TEMPLATE* CONTACTS FOR MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF OF N. PROV* NATIONAL LAWYER’S GUILD LETTER OF SUPPORT* PRESS COVERAGE* PROVIDENCE I.W.W. BRANCH INFO******************************************************** ************************ RECAPStarting on July 23rd the Providence branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) handed informational leaflets to several of Jacky's Galaxie locations in RI asking the owner to discontinue their business with Dragonland Trading Inc. Workers at Dragonalnd had been locked out and blacklisted for organizing a union with the 460 campaign of the NYC IWW. The Providence IWW leaflets stated this and asked for a response to this request by early August. Due to a lack of response from "Jacky" Ko, owner of the Galaxie chain, the Providence IWW organized an informational union picket line that would publicly march to and rally at the North Providence Galaxie location on August 11th. This picket action was public knowledge, as press releases were sent to media prior to the 11th. The union did not seek a permit because its members believed that their Constitutional rights would be protected and that this was a labor dispute and not a rally against a public entity. On August 11th, the IWW and its supporters peacefully began marching down Mineral Springs Avenue, exercising their right to protest on public property. At no time were participants of the march acting dangerously or disrespectful to citizens of North Providence. Due to the NPPD's unlawful and irresponsible actions, one union member, Alexandra Svoboda, was seriously injured and arrested while another, Jason Friedmutter, was also arrested. Since then Alex's charges have been dropped from felony to misdemeanor charges. The Mayor of North Providence has issued several statements, stating at first that he fully supports the actions of his police force, but then calling for a full internal investigation with third party oversight. Members of the Providence IWW have also reached out to Attorney General Lynch, asking for an independent investigation, which his office has stated is in the process of beginning. In the interim, "Jacky Ko" and members of the IWW appeared in Superior Court, where Ko stated, under oath, that he has severed all ties to Dragonalnd. Other local restaurants have also severed ties or have stated they plan to sever ties to Dragonland. As response to the brutal and counter procedural actions of the NPPD, the Providence IWW has organized and applied for a permit for a peaceful rally on August 26th to call attention to police brutality and the struggle of workers everywhere. The mayor has responded to this call to action, initially encouraging citizens of North Providence to "defend" their city. He has retracted this statement, also calling for a peacful rally, but has still commended people who have committed themselves to his original statements. On Monday, August 20th, members of the Providence local of the IWW sat down with the Mayor and Police Chief of North Providence, along with other law enforcement officials and set down the logistics of a public rally. The rally will be held on Sunday, August 26th at the North Providence High School (1828 Mineral Spring Ave North Providence, RI 02904) at 1:30pm. During the past week, letters and statements of support for Alex and Jason have come in from all over RI, as well as other parts of the world. The thoughts and prayers of the Providence IWW, as well as millions of fellow workers worldwide, are with Alex as she awaits her fourth operation. Unfortunately, Alex faces a long recovery, underlining the seriousness of the attack she suffered. As soon as possible she plans to join her union brothers and sisters on the picket lines in NY. The Industrial Workers of the World stands firmly by the principles of organizing workers everywhere in a grassroots, democratic fashion, regardless of race, nationality, gender or legal status, so that we all may enjoy the good things in life.******************************************************* *************************WHERE TO SEND DONATIONSThis is the paypal e-mail address we are using for her support funds: [email protected] If sending mail, please send it toProvidence GMB: PO box 5795 Providence R.I. 02903******************************************************* **************************20 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO SUPPORT ALEX SVOBODA!Join Alex’s union – the IWW. For more information on the Industrial Workers of the World visit HYPERLINK "" For more information about how to join the local Providence IWW contact Mark Bray at HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected] Attend solidarity actions organized to support Alex, including the Anti-Police Brutality March on Sunday, August 26 at 1:30 Make a donation to support Alex. There are three ways to send whatever funds you can: 1. Providence IWW GMB, PO Box 5795, Providence, RI 02903 2. Or contact Mark Bray at 201-669-0714 3. For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to the account named HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" [email protected] Call your local representatives voicing your outrage over the North Providence Police’s brutal attack on Alex. Write letters of support for Alex addressed to: North Providence Mayor: Charles A. Lombardi, North Providence Town Hall, 2000 Smith Street, North Providence, RI 02911 Telephone: (401) 232-0900, ext. 226 Fax: (401) 232-3434Police Chief: Ernest C. Spaziano, North Providence Police Department, 1967 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI 02904 Business line: 401-233-1433 Fax number: 401-233-1438North Providence Police Department Professional Standards Unit 1967 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence, RI 02904 (401) 233-1433 Ext. 114 Confidential Fax (401) 233-1425Attorney General Patrick Lynch, 150 South Main St., Providence, RI 02903 (401) 274-4400Governor Donald L. Carcieri, Office of the Governor, 222 State House, Providence, RI 02903-1196Contact friends, associates or organizational affiliates and urge them to write letters as well Do you have connections to national groups? If so, urge them to support Alex by writing a letter Put an announcement about Alex’s situation on a listserve you belong to Download flyers from the website and distribute them; Ask local organizations to distribute them. To download flyers, visit HYPERLINK "" Download the petition on the website and get signatures Table at local events with literature and the petition; Notify the providence GMB about events where we can table Make an announcement about supporting Alex’s case at a meeting or public gathering Write a letter to the editor to your local newspaper or media outlet Make a donation to help with legal fees Pass the hat, take up a collection at your place of worship, union hall, school, etc. Organize a fundraiser/ outreach event such as a dinner party, musical event, film or lecture Offer to donate your skills (artistic, writing, music, research, outreach, canvassing, phone banking, etc) Ask a band or entertainer to donate proceeds of a performance to Alex Check the website often for updates and events! Ask friends and associates to do all of the above!****************************************************** ************LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR ALEX AND THE I.W.W.To Whom It May Concern:I am writing to express my concern and outrage over the North Providence Police Department’s handling of the August 11th protest organized by the Industrial Workers of the World on Mineral Spring Ave. The responding officers’ over-reaction and escalation of this situation that resulted in such a serious injury to a non-violent peaceful protestor will not be tolerated by those who hope for and actively work toward a better community.It is no doubt that officers face many difficult situations in the line of duty; however, the judgment exercised by the officers present during this incident clearly indicates a lack of education about basic civic liberties and training on appropriate responses to minor infractions.Clearly, Alexandra Svoboda is not a criminal, but an activist, whose actions fall within the historic tradition of protest against injustice. That is not the kind of activity that should lead to such a serious injury or criminal charges. Ms. Svoboda is a social justice advocate and has a record of important community service. She is a good, dearly loved, peaceful member of the community who was brave enough to take a stand against injustice and inequality.The pictures that capture this unfortunate incident are horrific. I find it nauseating to look at the photo of the one officer bearing his weight on what is clearly her grotesquely broken leg while trying to handcuff her. Instead, the humane thing to do would have been to find medical attention for this victim. I hereby demand that you take action against the offending officers; order a full-scale, independent investigation into the incident; issue a formal apology to Ms. Svoboda and all who were present that day; and dismiss all charges against Ms. Svoboda and fellow union organizer Jason Friedmutter.In this digital age where news stories can be passed around the world in seconds quite literally, I can say in all honesty and conviction that THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING and looking upon the City of North Providence with shame. It is not too late to rectify this situation by holding the officers accountable for the abuse of power that was exercised that day and issuing a formal apology to Ms. Svoboda and all who were present at the demonstration that day.Thank you for your attention to this matter.Sincerely,******************************************* ***************MORE INFO:CONTACTS FOR MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF OF N. PROV:North Providence Mayor: Charles A. Lombardi North Providence Town Hall 2000 Smith Street North Providence, RI 02911 Telephone: (401) 232-0900, ext. 226 Fax: (401) 232-3434Police Chief: Ernest C. Spaziano North Providence Police Department 1967 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence, R.I. 02904 Business line: 401-233-1433 Fax number: 401-233-1438************************************************ *********NEW ENGLAND CHAPTERS OF THE NATIONAL LAWYER’S GUILD CONDEMNS VIOLENCE AGAINST PROTESTERS IN NORTH PROVIDENCEThe New England chapters of the National Lawyers Guild, in Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut, as well as the regional leadership, have joined with Rhode Island members to condemn law enforcement violence against protesters at an August 11 protest march in North Providence.Last Saturday, a group of about 40 people were taking part in a march organized by the Providence International Workers of the World (IWW or “wobblies”) in support of HWH Trading Corporation warehouse workers. HWH, now called Dragonland, is a warehouse in Queens, New York, known for its sweatshop conditions and flagrant disregard for workers rights. Jacky’s Galaxie, a restaurant chain in Providence and surrounding areas, continues to do business with HWH, despite knowledge of the company’s illegal practices.On Saturday, the peaceful marchers were walking down a side of the road and, when making their way to the sidewalk at the request of law enforcement, suddenly found themselves being pushed backwards by police. Alex Svoboda, a Providence wobbly, was violently pushed to the ground and sustained a broken leg, which had been bent in an awkward while she was pinned face down to the ground. Not only was Ms. Svoboda’s leg broken, but she required surgery for a burst blood vessel in her leg. Despite Ms. Svoboda’s significant injuries at the hands of law enforcement, she was subsequently arrested on multiple charges. Another wobbly was also arrested and two other marchers were pepper sprayed by the police.The National Lawyers Guild condemns the violence shown by law enforcement towards these peaceful marchers who were exercising their first amendment rights in solidarity with workers. Rather than those who were attacked and arrested, it is the companies that provide sweatshop conditions for their workers and the companies that purchase goods from these vendors.We call for all criminal charges resulting from this lawful march to be dismissed, and for those law enforcement personnel responsible for the injuries to Ms. Svoboda to be held professionally, and financially, responsible. Furthermore, we call on Jacky’s Galaxie to finally, and permanently sever its connections to HWH Trading Corporation and to commit to only dealing with vendors which have a demonstrated commitment to the rights of workers.**************************************************** *****PRESS COVERAGE (NOTE: there are many many more articles out on the web in every language imaginable but time is precious and we don't have enough of it to track down all of the amazing articles, blogs, and coverage that people are giving Alex in support during these strenuous times.)VIDEO COVERAGE:* cles-JAR-2007-08-14-0004.htmlOn 8/14/07, Michael da Cruz wrote:* J.339122a.html * KEM.201d5aa.html * BH6NSPP.34ba2ed.html * 8/update_injury_a.htmlDEMOCRACY NOW!:* amp;mode=thread&tid=25(see doug's snippet too)PROVIDENCE JOURNAL(front page on internet and on the newspaper?)* -07_L16OBI5.34bfbd4.htmlthe projo have printed many more articles....searth the archiveLATIN PUBLIC RADIO:* rticleid=2054 * rticleid=2031More to come, of course.... We are working day and night (literally), every second, for Alex and the union.******************************************PROVIDENCE I.W.W. BRANCH INFO:Providence GMB: PO box 5795 Providence R.I. 02903 [email protected] GMB: PO box 5795 Providence R.I. [email protected] Providence Mayor: Charles A. Lombardi North Providence Town Hall 2000 Smith Street North Providence, RI 02911 Telephone: (401) 232-0900, ext. 226 Fax: (401) 232-3434Police Chief: Ernest C. Spaziano North Providence Police Department 1967 Mineral Spring Ave. North Providence, R.I. 02904 Business line: 401-233-1433 Fax number: 401-233-1438
The mission statement of the IWW:

The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life.

Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth.

We find that the centering of the management of industries into fewer and fewer hands makes the trade unions unable to cope with the ever growing power of the employing class. The trade unions foster a state of affairs which allows one set of workers to be pitted against another set of workers in the same industry, thereby helping defeat one another in wage wars. Moreover, the trade unions aid the employing class to mislead the workers into the belief that the working class have interests in common with their employers.

These conditions can be changed and the interest of the working class upheld only by an organization formed in such a way that all its members in any one industry, or in all industries if necessary, cease work whenever a strike or lockout is on in any department thereof, thus making an injury to one an injury to all.

Instead of the conservative motto, "A fair day's wage for a fair day's work," we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, "Abolition of the wage system."

It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organized, not only for everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.
Wobblies in Providence
IU 460 members in NYC
Starbucks Union members in NYC
Wobblies in Edinburgh, Scotland
The IWW differs sharply from the position of other unions in that, we believe the problems of the working class can not be solved by begging crumbs from employers or praying to politicians for favors. While it fights for better conditions today, the IWW insists that working people are entitled to everything they produce, instead of a meager share.
There will be insecurity and hunger among those who toil for as long as there is an employing class that benefits from low wages and evil working conditions. The IWW holds that there can be no solution to industrial warfare, no end to injustice and want, until the profit system itself is abolished.

My Interests

Strikes and Sabotage, High Wages and Health Care. The end of Exploitation and Discrimination on the job. More control in the hands of the workers and less in the claws of the bosses, beaurocrats, and politicians.

NO job is insignificant and ALL are worth improving and organizing. Stand together against the ones who are now deciding your fate as a wage worker. An Inury to One is an Injury to All. Join the Union!

From Wikipedia: The IWW (or the Wobblies) is an important industrial union, and was the first American labor union to recruit and organize women and people of color, and played a critical role in the fight for the 8 hour work day and in Free Speech fights all over the country in the early 20th century. Their most famous and influential years were from 1905 until they were largely suppressed by the Palmer Raids. **Contrary to some historians' accounts, the IWW never died and remains an active labor union today. In the 1990s the IWW experienced a major revival, and is now one of the fastest growing labor unions in America, and one of the nation's largest explicitly anti-capitalist organization. Current campaigns are focussed mostly on low-wage service industry workers, and in 2005 the IWW became the first American labor union to successfully unionize rank and file workers of the Starbucks Corporation (in multiple cities/states).**

Starbucks Union

NY Wob News

IWW Australia

IWW Canada

AK Press

I'd like to meet:

just about anyone

To get involved with the IWW here in Providence, to get us to table an event or to help in anyway with campaigns and workers struggles, or just for good old fashioned correspondence: contact the Providence branch via this profile, via email: [email protected], or through snail mail:

Providence IWW

PO box 5795

Providence R.I.

The General Membership Branch meets every other Tuesday night @ 139 Wood Street in Providence (Armory District, West Side) Get in touch to find out when the next meeting is!


Utah Phillips, Phil Ochs, The Coup, Refused, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Immortal Technique, Leadbelly, Joe Hill, Disaster Strikes, Pete Seeger, Dead Prez, Billy Bragg, The Set of Red Things, Shallow Waters, etc...


The Take, Wobblies, The Corporation, Live Nude Girls Unite!, Bread and Roses, etc...


Starbucks Workers Union - Together We Win

|.. width="425" height="350" ..


Wobblies! A Graphic history of the IWW//Joe Hill: The IWW & The Making Of A Revolutionary Working Class Counterculture//The Grapes of Wrath//Little Red Songbook//Labor's Untold Story//Solidarity Forever: An Oral History of the Iww, Books Published by Charles H. Kerr// etc...


Question: What do you believe today’s union movement could learn from the Wobblies?
Answer: "Almost everything. Lawrence Wechsler, who wrote a fine book on Polish Solidarity, commented that the Polish strike leaders had absolutely nothing to learn from the AFL-CIO. They weren’t corrupt like the Lane Kirkland office, they hadn’t made any deals with capital (or state-capital) to guarantee themselves big salaries, and they weren’t bureaucrats. (Later on they made careers for themselves by selling out the workers they had led--- but that’s another story.)
The Wobblies were first of all transracial and transborder by their nature and their aims. They faced a working class substantially made up of immigrants—much like today’s American working class. Women were among its most vivid agitators and local leaders. They were not perfect but they were deeply democratic. They understood the labor movement to be a social movement.
They were also, at a personal level, hugely courageous, and they had a great sense of humor. These two qualities alone, missing in all but a few of labor’s top leaders, would make a world of difference. We need a movement of working people able to attack but also to ridicule politicians and corporate leaders for the nitwits and thugs that they are, ruining our beautiful world for their own greed and power." -- Paul Buhle, RI resident and editor of the book Wobblies! Graphic history of the IWW

My Blog

Upcoming IWW Legal Defense Fund-Raisers for ALEX SVOBODA

Upcoming IWW Legal Defense Fund-Raisers:Join us in our effort to raise thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight the criminal charges of Alex Svoboda and Jason Friedmutter, members of the Providence...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 02:48:00 PST

Stockton Truckers Call Out the Industry with 400 on Strike

Stockton Truckers Call Out the Industry with 400 on Strike .. --> start main content --> Submitted by intexile on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 5:09am. ...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:53:00 PST

Stockton Truckers strike once again.

Stockton Truckers strike once again.Submitted by intexile on Thu, 05/08/2008 - 5:33am.The image at the right was taken in 2004Once again a step ahead of intermodal truckers across the US, Stockton tru...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Fri, 09 May 2008 06:24:00 PST

Support illegally fired IWW worker!

Support illegally fired IWW worker!Submitted by intexile on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 6:57pm.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2008CONTACT:Matthew AndrewsIWW Organizercell: 617-633-1857email: peopleu...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 08:31:00 PST

Thomas the Tank Engine Goes on Strike - A Children’s Story for Young Wobblies

Thomas the Tank Engine Goes on Strike - A Children's Story for Young WobbliesSubmitted by Sparrow on Wed, 01/16/2008 - 9:53pm.THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE GOES ON STRIKE:(A Children's Story for Young Wobbli...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:17:00 PST

ICE raids in Hartford, CT at union hall

This is really bad...Folks are talking about organizing some kind of fundraiser to support this woman's husband. If people have any ideas, please share. And please donate to the fund. This shit can't ...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:56:00 PST

EZ Supply Workers Win Reinstatement

EZ Supply Workers Win ReinstatementSubmitted by intexile on Fri, 01/18/2008 - 10:21pm.By Stephanie Basile, January 15, 2008An NLRB judge recently ruled in favor of the IWW in the case of 13 workers wh...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:49:00 PST

Cold Day Finds Old Union Outside Modern City Shops [New York Times]

Cold Day Finds Old Union Outside Modern City Shops [New York Times]Submitted by intexile on Thu, 01/24/2008 - 8:23pm.Disclaimer - The opinions of the author do not necessarily match those of the IWW. ...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:45:00 PST

Maersk workers in the ports of Tacoma & Olympia wildcat

Maersk workers in the ports of Tacoma & Olympia wildcat, demand union representation with the solidarity of SDS / IWW membersSubmitted by intexile on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 4:23pm.MAERSK STRIKE! -- PORT OF...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 07:10:00 PST

IWW Recyclers in Berkeley rally for Strong Contracts

IWW Recyclers in Berkeley rally for Strong ContractsSubmitted by bruce on Wed, 11/14/2007 - 5:42pm.Recyclers held a stop work rally to press contract demands on Thursday, November 8th, at recycling fa...
Posted by Providence I.W.W. on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 07:09:00 PST