Left for Dead profile picture

Left for Dead

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a concatination of a whole bunch of psuedos. Psuedo philosophic cynic, skeptic and social/political nihilist. I find most people really have no idea what even the basic tenets of nihilism actually are, so please dont inundate me with nasty emails until after youve done a little research. Dont just assume you know what you are talking about. Once you do know feel free to attack my point of view at will and if I think you have a point that fits better than mine I will thank you and adopt it. I am also an angry, crabby vegan. I do not like to hurt things and I get a wee bit upset with those that do. The near infinite wisdom of the internet has labeled me a socialist, but I have some trouble buying that one. Goddamn internet quizes. I have yet to find a political system without fundamental flaws and absurd implications. I draw pictures in people. That is where I derive a good deal of my pleasure and all of my income. My job is absurd. I like to read books. I like music. I like to walk in the rain and specifically look at nothing in particular. I love a good burrito. Boiled down I am a carrier for genetic code, designed simply to replicate and carry on replicating. I don't think that i'm designed very well though because I have come upon certain moral impositions to my supposed basic purpose. I am a silly quixotic man. I am also, as we all are, getting older by the moment and only a very few things hold any value to me. Most of those things know who they are.

My Interests

many a thing

I'd like to meet:

A giant pink platypus with the ability to hover just overhead. He would sing all the time and give me candy. We would be friends. We would laugh at helpless babies and beat up your sister.


I like good music. you like crap.


Anything with Kung Fu. Or Pirates. Especially Kung Fu pirates.


Watching television makes you more of an asshole.


Kundera, Kafka, Nietzsche, Sartre, Sagan, Hawkings, philosophy and physics textbooks, Douglas Adams. Hell ill read just about anything.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

My Blog

its not for you to ’get’.

for those who can count the people that know them on one hand.  one hand that held the firecracker too close and too long.  it is hard to say and easy to know that it was done on purpose.&nb...
Posted by Left for Dead on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 02:21:00 PST

ill hang out with my own shit cause hey... poop cant lie.

almost everyone is judas with a few notable exceptions.      1.  history will not vindicate you.    2.  you will usually not be paid in coin.  &n...
Posted by Left for Dead on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:38:00 PST

on bidding oneself farewell and good riddance.

a friend of mine and i used to have an inside joke about anti-matter.  not the stuff of science fiction or physics fame but rather an absurd abstract of context.  anti-matter had become a so...
Posted by Left for Dead on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 01:08:00 PST


I dont take photos.  If i took photos it would be in stark contrast to the finer points of my swiftly disintigrating memory.  my memories fade for a reason.  bye mike.
Posted by Left for Dead on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:27:00 PST

litost is word we do not have in English. Paint me a pretty picture.

  Against a tree in a park in Hartford, across the way from a glowing golden building and outside of the shadow of The Travelers", someone set a mattress ablaze.  At 10:30 in the morning, t...
Posted by Left for Dead on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 08:05:00 PST

byebye mutsie

goodnight baby mouse. i love you.
Posted by Left for Dead on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:12:00 PST


so why am i staying here?  i can move to long island and go to school full time or i can stay here and keep doing what im doing.  what gives?  cant really think of a good reason to stay...
Posted by Left for Dead on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

so if its come down to this, you can bury me breathing.

ill watch the sky come crashing down.  let the stars burn themselves out.  almost everything slowly burns away.  almost.  the remainder are dead when you find them, you just havent...
Posted by Left for Dead on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

more of the same.

so it seems that for years ive been mistaking dissapointment for depression.  im not depressed.  im simply tired. very very tired in many ways, all of which have nothing to do with sleep.
Posted by Left for Dead on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

its really less of a death wish and more like a general need for egress...

and i hope it rains forever so that i can stay home and sleep.  i believe in conservation of energy and momentum.  i believe in entropy.  i dont believe in you.  i dont need to kno...
Posted by Left for Dead on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST