Pristina profile picture


BONER JAMS 07 available NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About Me

Pristina was formed in 2003 to give the band members an outlet/escape from the terrible, mediocre drivel that was somehow passing for "metal". Almost 5 years have come and gone, and with very few exceptions, it has only gotten worse.Trendy,lightweight bands and people without a shred of originality or appreciation for the artform have saturated the metal scene,looking only to make a quick buck and exploit it in any way they can. In turn, Pristina have grown even more bitter and evolved into a fucking killing machine. Pristina now exsists to be the "ANTI" band. We make music for ourselves, and for people who enjoy REAL music. All others can kindly fuck off.
- 2007 saw the bands first official release "Boner Jams '07 on Sparechange Records. Although we are very happy with the album, it represents where the band was at 4 years ago more so than now, So we are working hard on writing and recording new material as we speak.
-In the fall of 2007, Pristina will be recording "The Drought" EP in Nashville TN, with Steve Austin of Today Is The Day. Also appearing on the 20+ minute song of the same name is: Rennie Resmini of Starkweather, Scott Angelicos of Hope and Suicide/ex Bloodlet and Steve Austin.
-2008 will see the bands first Full length LP.
-Pristina is current and ex members of: 100 Demons, A Thousand Falling Skies, Dry Kill Logic, Invocation Of Nehek, Born Under Saturn, The Farewell Order, Godsburn and more.
Add our banner to your myspace page or website !
Design work by Von Crush Custom Graphics

My Interests


Member Since: 9/12/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Evil Brendan, Classic Jay Barnes, Colin "The Architect" Squizton, Ian "The Mollusk" McNulty, Mike "Sandwhich" Banfield.
Influences: Today is the day,Rorschach,Bloodlet,Starkweather,Dissolve,Overcast,Blood Has Been Shed, Napalm Death,Venom,Black Flag,Celtic Frost,Black Sabbath,The Rolling Stones,Motorhead
Sounds Like: Dick cancer
Record Label: Sparechange Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Pristina in September issue of REVOLVER!

THE AIDS IS SPREADING!!!!!!!!!! It's incurable, so just accept it and let's rock!
Posted by Pristina on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:47:00 PST

Pristina interview....
Posted by Pristina on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 06:00:00 PST

Boner Jams 07 is available!!!!!

Release date isn't until June 5thBut if you go here: can order it NOW!Next day delivery.Be the first motherfucker on your block to FEEL THE THICKNESS!And we u...
Posted by Pristina on Sun, 20 May 2007 10:18:00 PST

Fucking Update. 4/5.07

Today we started our major overhaul on the page.Thanks so much to Jay Farino from A Thousand Falling Skies for making the background.There will be more within the next few days. Pics,and banners from ...
Posted by Pristina on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

2.13.07 Update

Good news:Pristina's debut album "Boner Jams" (the harpooned heart)Is FINISHED!!!!!!!We're just waiting for the artwork to be finalized and it will be shipped out for duplication.The release should be...
Posted by Pristina on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:19:00 PST

Sick of these tits?

In a couple weeks were going back to Ol Mikey YEAHs studio and finishing our Ep called "Boner Jams 07"It will include remastered versions of the songs up on myspace and 3 new Crushers noones ever hear...
Posted by Pristina on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:19:00 PST

Too much rock for one band to contain!

Hey, did you know that all the members of Pristina have OTHER bands too? For shame. well we do. check em out Jay,Ian,and Mike have a couple bands together: Flee This Room and The Sons Of Mo...
Posted by Pristina on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:54:00 PST

UPDATE (amputee porn content)

Last weekend we cut the insturment tracks for "Lilith's Severed Head" "Bird God" and "The Bloodhole" Now all that needs to be done is somehow get Brendan back to the studio to cut his damn vocals. Ho...
Posted by Pristina on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 12:38:00 PST