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Bishnu Ghosh

I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

I, Bishnu Ghosh, born in Lahore, India am a celebrated physical culturist and the first to scientifically document Yoga's ability to cure chronic physical ailments and heal the body. Beginning in the 1920's, I developed a school of Yoga that provides a unique blend of spiritual inspiration and a highly disciplined physical regimen.
I came from an extraordinary family. I was initiated into the field of yogic exercise and physical education by my guru and older brother, Paramahansa Yogananda , the world renowned Yogi and spiritual master. Yogananda founded the Self Realization Fellowship Center and his book, " Autobiography of a Yogi ", continues to be one of the best known and influential works of our time.
I developed a Yoga regimen that provides a unique blend of spiritual inspiration and highly disciplined physical exercise. My view of the human body as the temple of a living God has been a major force in the renaissance of Hatha Yoga in the West. In 1923, at the young age of 20, I founded the first Ghosh College of Physical Education in Calcutta and my fame quickly spread throughout India. Other schools were opened, first in India, and then in locations around the world.
In 1939, I came to the United States to educate people on the subject of yoga by giving demonstrations of amazing yoga feats. I lectured at Columbia University in New York, generating a great deal of interest in the field, and was widely acknowledged and respected in the academic community.
In 1968 I went to Japan with my troupe and traveled all over the country giving lectures and yogic demonstrations. Mine were the first yoga exhibitions to be televised outside of India, and were seen and loved by millions of Japanese. I passed away in 1970. My legacy is being continued by my son, Biswanath Ghosh, the current director of the Ghosh College in Calcutta.
The legacy is also continued by my own student, Bikram Choudhury and by his student, Tony Sanchez .
"What is desirable in body culture is the harmonious development of power over the voluntary action of muscles and the involuntary processes of health, lungs, stomach and other organs and important glands. This is what gives health, and is the scientific principle underlying the Yoga exercises."
"Postures strengthen and develop will and body. Physical and mental development are intertwined."
". . . the faithful student will find that the yoga exercises invariably and consciously develop his will power along with his bodily strength."
--Bishnu Ghosh
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My Interests

Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Bikram Yoga. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.


Raja Yoga : Being a Translation of the Vakyasudha Or Drgdrsyaviveka of Bharatitirtha, by Sankaracarya, Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi. Aryodaya Press: 1890.
Autobiography of a Yogi , by Paramahansa Yogananda

My Blog

2007 NY Asana Regionals

Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 02:49:00 PST

Black and White Yoga Competition Video

Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 02:09:00 PST

Bishnu Charan Ghosh Cup 2007 Results

4th Annual International Yoga Asana Championship Bishnu Charan Ghosh Cup 2007 Results Men's Yoga Asana Division 1st Place Ky Ha - USA 2nd Place Amir Abdul-Jabbar - USA 3rd Place Jeffrey Rangel - US...
Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 03:44:00 PST

Let's Kick Some Self-Realization Ass!

Let's Kick Some Self-Realization Ass! by Meghan Daum, L.A. Times FEEL THAT restorative energy coming from downtown L.A. this weekend? It's not another real estate development project. It's the sacred ...
Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 01:08:00 PST

Listen to the founders of Bikram Yoga New York City

Learn how Donna Rubin, a former Broadway performer, and Jennifer Lobo, an athlete, came upon Bikram Yoga, and why they felt compelled to start their business, from scratch.  From NPR: http://www....
Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:27:00 PST

Sweatin' to the Yogis

Ever watch TBS Story Line's The Lighter Side?Click here and watch as he takes a little documentary trip to try out Bikram Yoga for the first time.You'll need Quicktime Player for this one. You'll have...
Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:46:00 PST

Videos of Four Bishnu Charan Ghosh Champion Performances

Huiping Mo - #1 Women's World Champion 2005 Sarah Baughn - #2 Women's World Champion 2006sarah at yoga champs Add to My Profile | More VideosAdd to My Profile | More VideosIda R...
Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 03:12:00 PST

Some Old Footage of Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda and his guru Sri Yukteswar. Yogananda in the 1920s. This looks like old News Reel footage from the twenties, in New York City. "How to Sleep Correctly" London, 1936....
Posted by Bishnu Ghosh on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 09:46:00 PST