Formed about begining of 2005 by the hand of the former singer of the disbanded The Obsidian (now Frequency's singer) searching for some less melodic black metal oriented metal that has been always his style.
This solo project is based in long struggling and obscure riffs mixed with pure black metal brutality (more slow at the beginning).
The first demo was Hellig Dritt an experimental noise demo with electric elements and tons of madness and insanity, after this odd start Jedah stops playing dumb and oriented this project into a metal vein and the melodic mid tempo black metal demo Eritis Sicut Deus was released.
but here is not the end and nowadays Jedah ihas released his second Black Metal demo which name is Infernus.
if you want Infernus or Eritis Sicut Deus you only have to send 3€ to:
C/Poniente nº3, 3ºA