...a Music-conjectural-social collective...
Founded back in 1989 by painter - musician Tzimis , the poet Poiitis , the wandering busker Gero-Beatnick ( R.I.P ) and Kloubios .
In the founding declaration they declare: “to avoid madness, stay crazyâ€, something that is translated into live performances that anything -anywhere can happen.
From the beginning up to now (and to the infinity) they have played, organized and participated in countless gigs, festivals, boreholes, graffiti, body paintings, occupations, demonstrations, strikes, campings (free), anti- olympic games, football matches, and so on…
So far they managed to concentrate all these in three records ( Ferte ta , 1996, Aeralandi 1998, Eylogia kai eleos , 2002)
The band consists of constantly renewable musicians.
They continue giging and still belive in the basic principle: REALITY DOES NOT EXIST