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Live2day2 the fullest b/c tomrow is never promised

About Me


Live today to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised...Im full Pilipino...yup that’s a pacific islander....Im cautious of my actions and how they may effect others….I never mean to hurt nor offend anyone intentional…I respect everyone until they prove me wrong ..I never judge nor make always up front and honest…I hate bull shit, gossip, and drama…I feel fighting gets no where… that’s why people should just confront there feelings and emotions ...I enjoy helping other in need….if you need someone to talk to im only a phone call a way “if you know my number”.. outgoing, spontaneous, caring/loving, athletic, and I have a lot of ambitions in which I will accomplish no matter what, I work hard to get what I want.....I believe that life is why to short and you never know when you are going to die...therefore you should fulfill each day to its fullest....never regret the past, live in the moment, and make your dreams goals so that they may come true.....if I have a need I execute it … I adore animals ….my favorite animal is horses…when im sad or pissed and you want me to become happy or relaxed just have a horse around me and ill do a 180…..I feel for speed…fast cars and street bikes are the shit…basically anything fast im down….. Moving " " moving …..Overall im a gal that tries and enjoys life while getting all my shit done…meaning school, work, volleyball, and all my other responsibilities…..Im just writing my book on life…. making friends everywhere I go….so that when I die….I know that people will read my book and that I helped make a difference in the world…with me just being my true self….…that’s all for now. 11/17/05 3:30 a.m About me... let’s think… I feel that I have lived an amazing life. I tired everything that I ever wanted to try; I partied my ass off and meant amazing people. I thought of others before my self, which I finally learned DON’T because they don’t care about you. This is what I learned the past few months… You will never know how much someone loves you until something happens. Hold on and spend time with the ones you truly love and care for; because once they are gone you will cry and be hurt for days and feel like shit. And you want them back so bad, so bad that you can’t even go into a room that they are always in, nor do your normal routine because the site of certain things makes you cry and bring back memories. I finally found out who my true friends are this past few months and these are the people that mean the world to me besides my family. I will be there for them no matter what. When any of my friends need me, they know that I will drop everything to be there for them. When I say I’ll call them back, the first sec. I have it’s for them. These days I am going to go back to becoming independent in means of, not needing anyone else but my self. I am not going to depend on other people to help me or be there for me. God makes things happen in my life that he knows that I can handle and what I cant I have to learn to handle it to make my self stronger. I am going to start making my self happy again and stop worrying about other people, because when it comes to you needing them I won’t be disappointed if they can’t be there for me. I am getting my stuff done, setting up my future and living my life to the fullest. Sorry to my friends that misses the party fun wild crazy girl!! At least you got to meet her and became her friend. She grew up and is becoming a woman!!! So enjoy the pics of my crazy days, Those days made me happy. I miss you J more then you know!!! Thank you for helping me become who I am today!!!

My Interests

drinking, 350 Z, clubbing, horse back riding, volleyball, reading, snowboarding, parties, working out, movies, music, hanging out with amazing people, water sports, and LIFE pretty much anything fun~~ Im willing to try new things……I LOVE TO PLAY WoW WITH MY MAN... FOR PEOPLE THAT DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS, IT'S CALLED World of WarcraftTHIS IS A WEBSITE I LOVE TO SHOP AT!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!!HALLOWEEN OAKLEY STAFF MY ASSISTANT MANAGER LENNYMY TOP SALES GIRL MEGAN!!!SATURDAY NIGHT ATRUIM HOTEL HALLOWEEN PARTY 2006 ME AND THE GIRLS 11/28/2006 HALLOWEEN PARTY

I'd like to meet:

~~~~People that are outgoing, spontaneous, and knows how to have a good time… NO Drama please..…For guys ~~ I FOUND HIM... he plays… NO GAMES / NO BULL- SHIT..... he is honest....he is some one that wants to get know the real me, my mind, heart, body and soul…… im not changing for anyone… this is me… take it or leave it…and he took it... Scooter i heart u so much.....For everyone else...if you don’t like what you see, then Don’t look~~~~~


Anything with a good beat.......... :)
Get this video and more at


Exit Wounds, First Knight, A knights Tale, Sum of all Fears, Armageddon, The One, Exit Wounds, Cradle to the Grave, Zoolander, Top Gun, Shrek, Fast and the Furious, American History X, American Pie, Gone in 60 seconds, Braveheart, 8 mile, The One, Minority Report, Matrix, Pearl Harbor, Romeo Must Die, and Cocktail


I wish i had time to watch life is to crazy! !


Besides from school books ~~~ Shakespeare, Screen plays, A Purpose Driven Life, stuff like that*


My friends and the people I love….because they remind me of who I am, and they believe in me…..with out them I would be dead….they bring me joy, hope, desire, well, encouragement, and strength to my life….without them I would not be where I am today…..I love you guys from the bottom of my heart!!!!!! You mean the world to me…you complete my happiness~~~ Stop yelling at me……mY LITTLE DUDE SLEEPING

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My Blog


I will not make the same mistakes that you did I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did You fell so hard I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that...
Posted by Foosticken on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 04:52:00 PST


IF YOU WANT YOUR PICS DONE BY HIM HIT HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HERE IS HIS INFO.... amp;name=Services&file=index...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


V20 -  LONG BEACH, CA ...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I don't have to be anyone other than a birth of two souls in one Part of where I'm going is knowing where I'm coming from I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately All ...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


OMG~~~~ Crazy night..... this was my night... thanks to T and my sister.... first got off work at 8 picked up my sister, then headed over to a sports bar to watch the Laker game... at first i thought ...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Something to think about!!!!

....My really good friend told me this and it helped me out!!!! there is this apple tree and you are searching so hard to try the best apple, the juiciest most tender and crispiest apple, so you star...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What drives a man's desire for a woman?

What is it that drives a mans desire for a woman? Is it her look? The way her body slowly moves as she goes from on end of the room to the other. The way her hips glide from side to side letting he...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I Forgot

....I forgot to write about Vegas.....i was writing a paper then i was like shit....i need a i thought i would get out of the smart zone for a few moments and write a journal entry....Thank...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What are you???????????? This is it true???? Let me KNOW

Aphrodite/Eros and i am also........... Apollo~~ IS THIS TRUE ABOUT ME????????? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU ARE I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW!!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to yo...
Posted by Foosticken on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST