listen to FRED!
listen to FRED!
Likes - French music, travelling, foreign films, languages, big city walkabouts, eating out, meeting random, interesting, nice people, sleeping in, concerts in France, hmmmm...
Tous/toutes mes amis/ies myspaciens/nes. :-)
Grand Corps Malade (my idol), Rouda, FRED, Sancho, Jimmy Hendrix, Vincent Delerm, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Specials, Benjamin Biolay, Noir Desir, M, Les Innocents, Raphael, Arthur H, Alain Souchon, Bernard Lavilliers, Chris Garneau, Sufjan Stevens, Matt Costa, Beck, Benabar, Keren Ann, Zebda, Wheezer, Death Cab for Cutie, U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pierre Guimard, Abd Al Malik, Shakira, Tri Yann, Neil Young, H-F Thiefane, Mathieu Boogaerts, Moby, Jeff Buckley, Les Taites Raides, Louise Attaque, Ray Charles, The Killers, 10,000 Maniacs, Annie Lennox, Ismael Lo, Cesaria Evora, Pierre Akendengue, Manu Chao, Lenny Kravitz, Elvis, Billy Bragg, Norah Jones, St. Germain, Sade, Prince, Daddy Yankee, Francis Cabrel, John Coltrane, Weezer, plus beaucoup d'autres, etc, etc...EPK MUSIQUE DES LETTRES
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Si j'étais ton grand frère
Uploaded by pedrobala
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels...
TV5, PBS, BBC, (does NPR count?)
On the Road, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, l'Ecume des Jours, Lord of the Flies, and dictionaries!
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