having faith. 11:11. lucid dreaming. quantum physics. creating my reality. psychology. vegan chocolate chip cookies. vegan anything. sugarfree monsters. not lying. los angeles. having butterflies. substance. sugarfree lattes. sugarfree anything. keyboard. ghost hunting. pugs. sushi. golden spoon. the bible. trains and subways in nyc. reconstruction. mannequins. the sand, the water, the beach. friends all over the country. black holes. the holocaust. thrifting. grey goose. the ab lounge. text monsters. pch. proving you wrong. feeling infinite.
only add me if you know me in real life, please.
my match. wherever you are.
Saturday Night Live - Celebrity Jeopardy - Stewart, Reynolds and Connery
the us vs john lennon.
the secret.
what the bleep do we know?
a clockwork orange.
i met the walrus.
the weather underground.
the jacket.
eternal sunshine.
bill and teds excellent adventure.
the goonies.
factory girl.
waking life.
i heart huckabees.
donnie darko.
almost famous.
vanilla sky.
darfur now.
bowling for columbine.
colbert report.
family guy.
its always sunny is philadelphia.
americas most smartest model.
south park.
i shouldn't be alive.
anything on the history channel.
catcher in the rye.
i am america (and so can you!)
skinny bitch.
whatever you think, think the opposite.
the bob dylan scrapbook.
wonderful tonight.
the secret.
the law of attraction.
ask and it is given.
exploring the world of lucid dreaming.
heal your self esteem: recovery from addictive thinking.
a seperate peace.
the book of secrets.
final exits.
teach yourself to dream.
the seven spiritual laws of success.
ham on rye.
invisible monsters.
what matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
animal farm.
how to read hitler.
lord of the flies.
night trilogy.
he's just not that into you.
hidden messages in water.
the great gatsby.
conversationally speaking.
anything by bukowski.
bret and jemaine, obviously.