Hi, my name is Jason Aron. I am from Long Island, New York. My life revolves around music and it is my one true passion. I manage artists and currently work for Ozone Entertainment. I am pretty tall and always have been. I can rock the fuck out and have been known to do so on many occasions. If I had to pick three artists I could not live without I would go with Limbeck, Ryan Adams, and Neil Young. I love NYC and going to shows. I love burritos. I drink lots and lots of beer. I love to travel and do so every chance I get. My favorite states are California, Florida and South Carolina. I am pretty happy with my life right now. If you think you can keep up then get to know me.
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My Top 5 for July:
-going to europe
-shake it going platinum
-san francisco
-warped tour with wtk
-thai food
SN: suburbanxthrills