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Taylor Hayden


About Me

Taylor is an award winning actor,director and producer.He recently signed a 9 year contract for his last 7 movies for worldwide distribution of his films.*** Written about his films:"Enough, you sayYou've had it. You're sick of movies. Movies that all follow the same predictable Hollywood formula. You go to a movie, and inside of five minutes you know how the movie is going to end, you've figured out all of the characters' secrets, you're thinking about which TV shows from the 1970s the plot has been stolen from, and you're pissing off the rest of the audience by announcing the punchlines to every recycled joke before the actors have a chance to cough them up. This is not your idea of entertainment. When you go to a movie, you want to be surprised, even shocked. Possibly outraged. You want to see something structurally unique. Unexpected. A movie that openly defies the rules that are taught in film school. Something that Andy Warhol or Salvador Dali would have cooked up just to cause a riot at Cannes. You want to walk out at the end saying to yourself "what the hell did I just see? Did that really just happen? Was I dreaming?" Well, here's what you've been looking for."Click Below To Register For Rosemary And Hayden International.Helping others,with an emphasis on positive behaviour change and empowerment.Mentoring,reducing stigma and taboo,voluntary counselling,for direction in life.Also,interactive film festival coming soon. .. I don't do drugs, I am drugs--Salvador Dali

Go To This Address To Sign Taylor Hayden Productions Petiotion To Have Movie Screenings In Your City: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/TaylorHaydenProductions *MY LIVE STREMING WEBCAM!!!! I will post Bulletins and Blogs when I'm about to go LIVE.

My Interests

I love Jesus,he is my best friend. If you are in the greater Dallas/Ft.Worth area on June 19,please come to my latest movie premier "The 13th Of Never".RSVP at Events on myspace or at the e-vite address I've set up below.http://www.evite.com/app/publicUrl/QWBVNAQRMMCADELAMBZ S/The13thOfNeverPlease help support TRUE Independent Films and get PAID for helping,Click the following Button,it will take you to a Signup Page.Register,check your e-mail,pick a banner,put it on any webpage.Everytime someone orders a DVD I pay you $1.00.Keep in mind the average person orders 3-5 DVDs per order.You can even track your sales. TAYLOR HAYDEN UNISEX SUNGLASSES (style may slightly vary). $10 Taylor Hayden Scents For Men And Women $10 2 Oz.Mens Womens The nearest known black hole is 1,600 light years (10 quadrillion miles/16 quadrillion kilometers) away.

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Your mom. Anyone and everyone.Please help support TRUE Independent Films and get PAID for helping,Click the following Button,it will take you to a Signup Page OR fill out the form right here. Register,check your e-mail,pick a banner,put it on any webpage.Everytime someone orders a DVD I pay you $1.00.Keep in mind the average person orders 3-5 DVDs per order.You can even track your sales. .. href="form_stylesheet.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" /
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Listed below are some of our movie titles to buy,for our entire catalog click the banner below.A ritual,tribal almost animal like clan and society of blood drinkers.Consume others to fulfill their needs.Thirst for blood insatiable.Drama/Horror.Rated R.1 Hour 36 Minutes. ..
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Buy "Solipsism" DVD $7 Or click web address BELOW and Download it now for $1.99 : http://www.brightcove.tv/channel.jsp?channel=1125911372 "Kiss And Cry"-Preview.A modern day re-telling of Bluebeard.Gabriel marries them and buries them.109 Minutes.Rated R.Drama.
Buy "Kiss And Cry" DVD $7 Or click web address BELOW and Download it now for $1.99 : http://www.brightcove.tv/channel.jsp?channel=1125911372"Razo r Dreams"-Preview.Secret world of cutters.Addiction stronger than sex or drugs & the brave ones who try to cut it from their lives. Rated R.90 Minutes.Drama. Buy "Razor Dreams" DVD $7 Or click web address BELOW and Download it now for $1.99 : http://www.brightcove.tv/channel.jsp?channel=1125911372"Year Of The Cat"-Preview.2 realities:Real life and fantasy.Fiction is the truth in the lie.There are some people who love objects more than people,and there are some who face reality;and then there are those who turn one into the other.Drama/Dark Comedy.97 Minutes.PG-13.
Buy "Year Of The Cat" DVD $7 Or click web address BELOW and Download it now for $1.99 : http://www.brightcove.tv/channel.jsp?channel=1125911372"Lust "-Preview. A world where sex is dangerous.Based on one of the 7 deadly sins:Lust.People who have to control it.Temptation is everywhere. 90 Minutes.Drama.PG-13.
Buy "Lust" DVD $7 Or click web address BELOW and Download it now for $1.99 : http://www.brightcove.tv/channel.jsp?channel=1125911372


hey taylor, i think