My weiner dog, weiner, who we have had for 11 years and my cat bud who we adopted from a shelter. I have no idea how old he is but he was thought to be about 7 years when we adopted him 6 years ago. that would make him about 13. there is no feeling like the unconditional feeling of love we get from our pets.
I work for Head Start. It's a federally funded preschool program for low income families. This school year will be my 10th year with the program. Working with children makes a person grow so much in everyway...everyday. the children are such a joy to my life. If i can just make a difference in one child's life it's worth it all.
One hundred years from now...
It will not matter what your bank account was,
The sort of house you lived in,
Or the kind of car you drove...
But the world may be a better place because
You were important in the life of a Child!
Alittle about my family history and my fight for the causes below.
My mother is a breast cancer survivor. My brother and brother in law have sarcoidosis. My first cousin died of cancer at the age of 14 who i named my daughter after. My brother in law was just recently murdered trying to defend a woman who was a victim of domestic violence. My daughter just recently ended a marriage afew months ago to a man that was mentally abusive and also was just recently diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. My niece suffers from bipolar disorder. As for child abuse well I work with children everyday. Someone has to be a voice for the children, it's the least I could do.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of Battle.
My Blinkies
they say you can learn all about a person by reading their read on...
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