Comedy, Poker, Girls, Food. In that order. (sorry girls) ... I'd like to do all four at once. I'd like to be on the pokertable, during a game, eating a lasagne while getting in on with a hot girl! I believe I could do this.Tim- "Alex, are you in this hand?"Alex- "Actually, Tim, I think the hand is in me"Tim- "Is this really neccesarry? Can't she come back after the game?"Alex- "Are you going to eat that?"And they say we can't multi task! Ha!
Good question. Girls that are fun, blunt, aaaand MOST importantly - that love to laugh!! People who are ok with who they are, and are not trying to be anybody else.Note: Please - No diva's, crybabies, wannabe's, spoilt brats, none of THAT. If you've ever said "Daddy, I need three hundred dollars for a new hat" or "Self service, you mean the want me to get out of the car?" or if you've ever walked outside on an abnormally warm winter day and explaimed "If this is global warming, Bring it on!!"- then I am NOT the guy for you. ok? (That's kind of like saying "Sure I've got aids, but I really enjoy the taste of the mediscine!!" Ok good. If you’re a cool chick who likes to giggle and have loooong meaningful conversations (before getting down to it ;) – drop me a line!
Nirvana still officially my favorite band, but these days - Cooper Temple Clause, Smashing pumpkinds, Filter, NIN, Marylyn Manson, Killers, Frans Ferdinand, Hot hot Heat, Bloc Party, Dred G, Old Metallica, Juno Reactor, Infected Mushroom, Patrick Wolf, James Blunt, Coldplay (don't hate me, some of it is good), Arcade Fire, The Vines, The White stripes, Prodigy, Carpark North, 20 seconds to mars, The Goo goo dolls, Bush, Offspring, Green day, Bad religion, The new pornographers
Movies rock. Back to the future one is still my favorite! Scarface, Pulp fiction, fight club, highlander, braveheart, goodfellas, donnie brasco, the matrix (all the good stuff, innit)
If you watch reality shows, kill yourself. Most TV is crap. There are a few notable exceptions. THe iImpsons, Southpark, family guy, Soprano's, Seinfeld, Frasier, and the WPT baby!! OH YEAH!! (World poker tour, for those of you who haven't been infected yet) ;)
To kill a mockingbird, 1984, animal farm. The best democracy money can buy.
Bruce Lee, Bob Geldof, Nelson Mandela, My Grandma. Whoever invented Lasagna, Poker, and girls. They're a hoot, aren't they? Oh and whoever came up with toilet paper. I shudder to think.