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Alex Lasarev

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a Stand up-Comic (who plays a lot of poker on the side) ... Yes, I'm joking around all of the time. Yes, I'm funny. No, I will not tell you a joke. (You're all invited to my next gig, just ask!) ... I'm kind of.... a rebel? I just don't feel comfortable with the world as it is. I'm a shit disturber. With charm. In entertaining way. I point out truths that often make people uncomfortable. I'm all about meeting original people. People who don't just go with the flow. People who ask why. People who will make a stink, and ask for that refund. People that will send the "kinda warm" pizza back. People who are not afraid to exclaim "This is BULLSHIT, MAN! - I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!" - In a crowded restaurant. That's who I am. Is there anyone out there like me? ps - and i'm normal in looooots of other way. I like movies, long walks blah blah blah kill me. Just substitute in all the other generic bs everyone puts in, and chances are, I like a lot of that stuff too. Yipeee!! Aren't you glad we covered that? You know I've always thought people who meet people on the net are dorks. But I was wrong. Looking around, some of you people (some) seem....fascinating. Chances are I'm not talking about here :P - So if wanting to meet some of you makes me a dork - i'm ok with that! If you think you have what it takes, if you KNOW you got what it takes - to wow me. To change the way I look at things - to rock my world!! .... drop me a line! Peace! ... Alex (I should point out, I don’t actually say “peace” in real life, it’s just an internet thing. Ok, I’m going now. Really. This is the end. Move on. There’s nothing else here. Seriously. You’re wasting my time, and yours. Come on now. Move it. Piss of. Go away now. Go on. Seriously. Move it along. Nothing to read here. Really. Go away now.

My Interests

Comedy, Poker, Girls, Food. In that order. (sorry girls) ... I'd like to do all four at once. I'd like to be on the pokertable, during a game, eating a lasagne while getting in on with a hot girl! I believe I could do this.Tim- "Alex, are you in this hand?"Alex- "Actually, Tim, I think the hand is in me"Tim- "Is this really neccesarry? Can't she come back after the game?"Alex- "Are you going to eat that?"And they say we can't multi task! Ha!

I'd like to meet:

Good question. Girls that are fun, blunt, aaaand MOST importantly - that love to laugh!! People who are ok with who they are, and are not trying to be anybody else.Note: Please - No diva's, crybabies, wannabe's, spoilt brats, none of THAT. If you've ever said "Daddy, I need three hundred dollars for a new hat" or "Self service, you mean the want me to get out of the car?" or if you've ever walked outside on an abnormally warm winter day and explaimed "If this is global warming, Bring it on!!"- then I am NOT the guy for you. ok? (That's kind of like saying "Sure I've got aids, but I really enjoy the taste of the mediscine!!" Ok good. If you’re a cool chick who likes to giggle and have loooong meaningful conversations (before getting down to it ;) – drop me a line!


Nirvana still officially my favorite band, but these days - Cooper Temple Clause, Smashing pumpkinds, Filter, NIN, Marylyn Manson, Killers, Frans Ferdinand, Hot hot Heat, Bloc Party, Dred G, Old Metallica, Juno Reactor, Infected Mushroom, Patrick Wolf, James Blunt, Coldplay (don't hate me, some of it is good), Arcade Fire, The Vines, The White stripes, Prodigy, Carpark North, 20 seconds to mars, The Goo goo dolls, Bush, Offspring, Green day, Bad religion, The new pornographers


Movies rock. Back to the future one is still my favorite! Scarface, Pulp fiction, fight club, highlander, braveheart, goodfellas, donnie brasco, the matrix (all the good stuff, innit)


If you watch reality shows, kill yourself. Most TV is crap. There are a few notable exceptions. THe iImpsons, Southpark, family guy, Soprano's, Seinfeld, Frasier, and the WPT baby!! OH YEAH!! (World poker tour, for those of you who haven't been infected yet) ;)


To kill a mockingbird, 1984, animal farm. The best democracy money can buy.


Bruce Lee, Bob Geldof, Nelson Mandela, My Grandma. Whoever invented Lasagna, Poker, and girls. They're a hoot, aren't they? Oh and whoever came up with toilet paper. I shudder to think.

My Blog

We´re in barcelona!

Ok there are mistakes and omissions in past blogs but the basic idea is there. so today, we arrived after a long ass hourney from milan. Almost forgot to say, we´ve been doing some really inappropriat...
Posted by Alex Lasarev on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:33:00 PST

The adventure continues

Hey you stinky monkeys.  Ok we´ve done florencia, the tower of pizza and venice and we have just arrived in Barcelona. The internet is NOT 8 euros an hour like in Venice. It´s a more modest 2.85 ...
Posted by Alex Lasarev on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:42:00 PST

Rome Travel Blog day 2

Ok am going to do day one and two right here. Basically it all started going wrong right from the get go.  Its funny - I always bitch about how i hate that you have to show your ticket when you g...
Posted by Alex Lasarev on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 03:33:00 PST

Russian brides

So I'm online scanning for Russian brides, as you do. You can pick which age you want... it goes from as young as 18! I thought "I'd like a woman with a bit of experience... 24 or 25 would be nice.&nb...
Posted by Alex Lasarev on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:54:00 PST

Don't get testy on airplanes...

It was fun coming back on the plane. The stewardess told me to put away earphones, I did eventually. Then she was checking on everyone's seat belts and she asked if mine was on and I said no. I starte...
Posted by Alex Lasarev on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:48:00 PST

Lasarev performs May 2nd. Be there!!

Hey. I was at this Joke Club last month and it totally rocked. This month, I'm performing. And it's not just stand up, it's loads of different funny shit. Sketches, Lectures, Arguments, and presentati...
Posted by Alex Lasarev on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 05:27:00 PST

Waiting for AIDS test results!!

Ok, I took an aids test last week. Well, to be accurate, I took all the tests. But there's only one I'm really worried about. Funny that. We're all so concerned wth Aids. Hep B is a motherfucker too, ...
Posted by Alex Lasarev on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 06:47:00 PST