Watching sunsets, Daydreaming, Picking flowers, Having promiscuous unprotected sex,skate boarding,entertain and PARTY yieah.
ANYONE COOL READY for PARTY! (this space is dedicated to all the happy party people that always have a smile in their faces i invite to all people to join the party, YOuR PARTY!) when ur PEOPLE feel sad about something come visit PARTY BOY S SPACE I already know that U'LL FEEL muchBETTER)so lets PARTYYYYYYYYY! WOOOOW!:) NOTE: i want to say Thank you to all my fans for the great comments and all the good wishes i really appreciate,love you all and lets keep partying people!!!!hehehe
Misfits, Black Flag, Elvis Presley, Pixies, Doo Rag, Bob Log III, White Stripes, Melvin's, Hasil Adkins, Fred McDowell, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Eazy E, NWA, Any Gangster Rap.
Big Trouble in Little China,TANGO & CASH,jackass the movie.
Different Strokes, Scooby Doo
'Breakfast of Champions' by Kurt Vonnegut; 'Barrel Fever' by David Sidaris
Jason Jessee , THE BOMB SQUAD, mary poppins.