LARKIN:The Special Olympics Mascot&Short Bus R profile picture

LARKIN:The Special Olympics Mascot&Short Bus R

I mean come on...only retards can understand other there has to be a reason why you are

About Me

ALLLLLLL ABOARD MY SHORT BUS!!!! WHERE THE COOL KIDS RULE!!! YOU CAN NEVER BEAT A BUS THAT IS FULLY EQUIPPED WITH: TURBO TUBULAR COOL HELMETS, ULTRA THICK DEPENDS OR IN SOME CASES "OOPS I CRAPPED MY PANTS!", DROOL RAGS AND SOMETIMES DROOL BUCKETS, WHEELCHAIRS(EVEN SOMETIMES THOSE REAL HIGH TECH RASCAL ELECTRIC ONES DURING OUR FIELDTRIPS), SPECIAL PARKING IN EVERY PARKING LOT, MUZZLES FOR ALL YOU FUCKING BITERS OUT THERE, SEATBELTS, LEASHES, CHEST STRAPS TO PREVENT FALLING ONTO THE FLOOR, A STEADY FLOW OF ALCOHOL, AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF MEDS OF ALL KINDS ESPECIALLY RITALIN, DEXEDRINE, ADDERALL, AND ALL OTHER STIMULANTS...PLUS WE'RE SO COOL WE DON'T HAVE STEPS...WE GET A MOTORIZED PLATFORM TO LIFT US UP AND INTO THE BUS...NOTHING BEATS MY SHORT BUS KIDS D-D-DEFINITELY...DEFINITELY NOTHING BEATS MY BUS...DEFINTELYDEFINITELY!!!!!BUT YOU MUST KNOW THE SHORT BUS BYLAWS & REGULATIONS There are strict rules and regulations that must be abided by at all times.NUMBER 1. Your protective headgear/helmets must under-go a full examination and must pass our hit proof and crash-test.NUMBER 2. Your lunchbox and the contents therein will be examined to make sure it contains medications, beer, any and all messy food to be fully enjoy half in our stomachs and half on our faces...a thermos filled with alphabet soup enabling us to practice our daily dirty words lesson on the windows with the noodles...spiked kool-aid, always enjoyed much more with the ever so awesome kool-aid mustache...and any toxic materials are always's not like we need to worry about loosing our brain cells. Infact we encourage that!NUMBER 3. All crayons & finger-paints must be edible (non-toxic is prefered but here again Toxic wouldn't be a problem).NUMBER 4. Your thermos too must be fully checked to be sure all gaskets and seals are in place and are functioning correctly. No leaky thermoses allowed on board!NUMBER 5. The velcro on your shoes must be fastened securely.NUMBER 6. Nurse Corky must be allowed to perform a non-invasive (lubricated) cavity search upon your immediate arrival. Failure to allow this search results in instant termination of all Short Bus privileges and there upon, you must surrender your helmet (we will keep it as both a trophy and a warning to others)NUMBER 7. Uncontrolled snorting and drooling is a must.NUMBER 8. Thermos envy is a right. (size comparisons are allowed)NUMBER 9. All meds will be shared. (No hoarding)NUMBER 10. All riders must have an adequate supply of Depends on hand, we do have extras if needed.NUMBER 11. Seatbelts and chest straps must be fastened at all times, we will not risk another loss of a memeber (R.I.P. Bartholomeul...He now forever rides on that permanent Short Bus in the Sky)NUMBER 12. And of course, WHISKEY AND STIMULANTS FOR ALL!!!!!NUMBER 13. Refusal to wear a leash...which we supply and is REQUIRED which enables us to keep a handle on you at all times will result in immediate removal of all bus privleges...AND you will be FORCED to ride in the metalwire animal crate we have strapped to the rooftop...NUMBER 14. Costumes of all sort that are AT least 2 sizes too small and especially those involving hats such as firemen, batman, astronauts, and cowboy costumes etc, are always welcomed and sometimes required when we have our ever so famous themed field trips.NUMBER 15. These rules and regulations are subject to change at any time (ie. on a whim) and may be added to or modified by the certified staff of the Short Bus Crew.THE SHORT BUS FUEL...NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW RIDERS. YOUR APPLICATION MUST INCLUDE AN 18 PACK AND A BOTTLE OF JACK :DTHE AWESOME ELDER ON OUR BUS...ONE OF THE LONGEST KNOWN MEMBERS LORRAINE!!!!!!...AND MY NUMBER 1 IDOL. LORRAINE!!!!!! ..Napolean is my lover...Timmay has my heart...we all ride the little yellow bus together...I'm the short bus slut...hey I can't help myself with all those hotties :D My Lover the owner of my heart I let him share my bottle of jack with me...HERE IS MY PRIDE AND JOY AND MY LIFE!!! THIS IS MY LITTLE GIRL HANALEI NALU... ME AND MY GORGEOUS BABE...Well I'm known for being EXTREMELY FREE-SPIRITED, ECCENTRIC, AND A FULL BLOWN WILD LEO!!! I party like a rockstar and wouldn't have it any other way. I think I must have been a Rockstar in another life!!! I smoke, I drink, I smash bottles, I go out, and I HAVE FUN!!! I don't take life too seriously because why should I? I have to live this life so why not make it as fun and exciting as possible and just fucking enjoy everything while I can. Don’t get me wrong though, I do have well built and very strongly constructed high morals, ethics, integrity, values, and a wonderful sense of responsibility...but I just feel like why worry about something or take things too seriously until you absolutely have to!! I'm usually ALWAYS with a bottle of JACK DANIEL'S in my purse. Hey you never know when you might need some warming up ;D I love seeing the suprised look on peoples faces when I pull this huge bottle out. The nickname is "J.D. Bangles" for my love of Jack Daniel's and I ALWAYS have an arm full of bangles(loads of silver braclets...they are my trademark, and I ain't ever letting any poser ass bitches steal that trademark from me) You will always be able to hear where I am, from the bangle bracelets moving and shaking. I'm a very animated person, and tell every story or anything with intense and loud arm movements and gestures, not to mention how loud I am. I'm well known for being waaay too loud but shit I don't give a fuck, at least I'm heard. I am who I am, I never lie, I tell ya straight up how it is, and I do not mold to anyone's thought and characterization of me. I stay true to myself, and how I was brought up NO MATTER what. When I say I'll do something I mean it and I do it, not one of those people that is flakey or wishy washy. I can't stand the people who are so indecisive, make up your mind and then fucking do, don't suggest something and then never get around to it!!! I LOVE to build things, and have loved to since I was a child, I tell people if women didn't get harrassed I would be a construction worker. In turn, I LOVE building and working on projects. I am an exhibitionist in the fact that I hate clothes, whenever I can I love to chill in just a bathingsuit, or my undies or nothing at all, but clothes make me feel uptight and too restricted. I like to do things myself. Instead of someone washing my car, I use that as a perfect opportunity for some exersize and I wash and detail it myself. I hate gettting manicures and pedicures and things of that sort, cuz WHY THE FUCK would I need someone to do it for me. It builds character to do your own things man. Why the fuck is everyone so damn lazy that they need someone to wash their feet for them, I mean COME ON. Plus, I think it keeps me more grounded doing things by myself rather than depending on someone to do it for me and it's added exersize. I'm always barefoot, being brought up on the beach I never wore shoes and I hate them. So whenever possible I go shoeless and sans clothing. My passion is art of all kinds...but my direct passion is photography and music. I'm currently trying to restore my grandfather's large format antique camera...and other vintage cameras I have collected. I plan to restore them and use them in my photography...using each one as a different style. I am currently finishing school(graduate May '07) at the Los Angeles Recording School where I learned how to be a recording/sound engineer with the goal to one day become the head of an A & R department(I want to bring back the REAL fucking talent!!! Music that will last and inspire everyone for generations to come as music from the the past has done for us. But the shit going on now...SUX!!! And can not possibly provide inspiration for future generations) And my goal is to do the live sound engineering for concerts. I sweeten my coffee with maple syrup because it keeps ur blood sugar levels steady for a longer period of time rather than making ur blood sugar spike and declide in turn gives me more I LOVE the taste. Try me u'll be hooked. I don't like restaurants because I think they are impersonal. The uptight, noisy, and crowded surroudings give me anxiety and only make me anxious to get out of there rather than enjoy the food or the person/people I'm with. If u want to bond with someone do something TOGETHER and make food TOGETHER at home in an intimate environment rather than in a loud and noisey restaurant where u have to shout from across a table to talk, what's so intimate about that. I like to wear BRIGHT red nailpolish when I feel sexy/passionate and dark burgundy/dark colors/or white nail polish when I feel artistic and contemplative. I have an intuitive way for knowing people's vices and problems without ever asking them or them telling me, but I never judge and I am the MOST open-minded pure hearted person so it doesn't matter how dark u are I will accept u and help u overcome any obstacles. I mean isn't that what friendship is about?? Seems like people don't have a true loyal value on what friendship consists of these days. Everyone just seems too wrapped up in themselves, that they brush u off or run away anytime u aren't what they had molded you to be in their mind. Or how about this...stop creating a picture of what you want that person to be and just enjoy the process of learning everything about ur friend and accept them...ACCEPT ALL OF THEM. Take the good and bad and help them overcome any bad that still plagues them, and benefit from the goodness in them. Because of my friendship beliefs and acceptance to all... I've become everyone's psychologist(which I absolutely love). I have an extreme temper. Combine the spanish(my dad is Cuban) screaming temper with the fire of my astrological chart(10 plants in fire) and u get me, but I don't show it much to people on a regular basis. When u question or insult my integrity, family/friends, my morals, or accuse me of lying(I grew up in a family where WE NEVER LIED...EVERYTHING WAS ON THE TABLE!!! So in turn we were forced to deal with the situations with no hidden darknesses and nothing that would creep up in the future that could mess with our psyche' or cause complexes and weird internal issues) but when those things are insulted/questioned/opposed to negatively/etc that's when I unleash the savaged beast raging lion, and watch it cuz I have a special way of finding the right words that will strike u in places u didn't know could affect u so roughly. I have VERY Few female friends. I CAN NOT stand the attitudes, cattiness, and jealousy girls have. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, why do you have to hate on someone because you are jealous of something they have or the way they look and are insecure with yourself. Just be nice man, ask her where she got her clothes, or compliment her rather than give her the evil eye and stare her up and down. If she has a bad ass body tell her and then ask her what she does and how you can get a body like that. What's with the evilness girls enlist upon eachother? We all have to share this world so why clog it with such hostility and rage? Better yet, be happy for what you have and what you've been given and be stoked for what other chicks have and have been given as well, and fucking let them be happy with it...THAT'S WHAT MAKES US FUCKING INDIVIDUALS!!! WHY DOES EVERY GIRL FEEL THE NEED TO LIVE UP TO A STANDARD OR WEAR A CERTAIN STYLE ETC TO BE CONSIDERED BEAUTIFUL AND TO FEEL PRETTY IN THIS SOCIETY!!! Be happy that we are different and STOP fucking being jealous and STOP objecting against diversity.!!! So because of those feelings I have, I tend to not get along with the girls that I just described. I like to have fun, and I DO NOT put up with girls like that, I wont waste my time with that pettiness...and I will definitely get in their face if they bluntly act that way towards me. So the majority of my friends are guys, but hey I can't complain haha. I have no problem keeping ur ego in check. I don't care who you are, what you do, how much money you have, if you are an ass to me and don't show me the proper respect I deserve then I have no problem bringing your ego down and showing you the EXACT disrespect you are showing me(which has gotten me in trouble numerous times with authority but fuck...I DON'T CARE WHO U ARE...WE ALL DESERVE RESPECT AND IF I FEEL I AM BEING DISREPECTED THEN I WILL SURELY DISRESPECT U BACK!!!) I must say I do have a tendency to be very self-concious from time to time as do many people, buuuuut I am the MASTER ACTRESS WHEN IT COMES TO HIDING IT!!!! You would never know that I lack confidence sometimes. I tend to have a special way to release the inhibitions from the inhibited people. I'm the most open-minded, open-hearted person I know. I accept everyone and everything and always give people the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best in them. I have no fear of myself as many people usually fear themselves the most, and I have no problem showing the world who I am, good and bad aspects of me. I put all on the table because if you are to know me and my personality then you need to know and accept ALL of me...that way I am able to benefit from my “TRUE” friends who are able to better myself in any of my flawed/weak personality traits etc!!! The one thing I HATE MORE THAN ANYTHING IS people pegging me as a certain someone from my looks, fashion, etc...basically stereotyping me without knowing me fully or only taking in certain things about me to mold me as THEIR IDEAL PERSON rather than for who I truly am...I LOVE TO PROVE U WRONG AND SHOW U THAT I AM SOOOO DIFFERENT THAN HOW U PERCEIVED ME...and because of that I tend to do the unexpected and do the things many others would LOVE to do but are too afraid to go for, and one of my greatest aspects is being able to help people unleash their inner wild child and be a little less uptight and enjoy life a bit more like the way I do. BUT ONE THING EVERYONE ALWAYS KNOWS IS...I am the Queen lioness of the kingdom!!! And no one forgets it!!!! Plus, something EVERYONE MUST matter how well you know me or think you know me...I am ALWAYS revealing new aspects about myself, my life/experiences, and my personality/psyche' that you have never known before...even though I am one of the most open people in the world, I always am a mystery and am always bringing new tid bits about me to the table(keeps ya on ur toes) once again no matter how well you know me or how well you THINK you know still don't know all of me YET and...I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AND WILL FOREVER BE AN ENIGMATIC LIONESS!!!!:DTHE NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN POSTED THAT WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING ME ALIVE...THOSE DAMN HUNTERS WERE ALWAYS AFTER MEMY OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD SIGN...POSTED RIGHT NEXT TO MY HOUSE TO WARN OUR NEIGHBORS THAT ME AND OTHER HANDICAPP KIDS ARE WOBBLING ACROSS THE STREET...AND ARE PRONED TO BURSTS OF OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR...FUCKING FUNNIEST SIGN I'VE EVER SEEN...LOOK AT THE HANDICAPP KID TRYING TO GET ON THE BUS. THEY HAVE THE LIL FUCKER ALL PIGEON TOE'D AND JUST ALLLL FUCKED UP HAHA...A VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE SURGEON GENERALONE OF THE NEWER SETS OF PICS FROM THE SPECIAL ED KIDS IN ACTION FROM 11-29-05......THE SIGN THAT SAYS IT ALL... OH MAN...I'M ABOUT AS SPECIAL AS IT GETS...GUESS SHE FEELS LIKE SHOUTING IT OUT TO THE WORLD EH?SHIT NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A HUUGE OL' WOODY...I FUCKING LOVE IT...GOTTA LOVE THOSE CLUELESS FOREIGNERS WHEN THEY CHOOSE A NAME FOR THEIR RESTARAUNTS...NEEDLESS TO SAY IT IS ALWAYS A ONE WAY DEAL IN THIS SITUATION...HMMM DELIVERY VEHICLES...SO THAT'S WHAT POOP IS CALLED THESE DAYS...AS QUEEN ONCE SANG "BIIIIICCCYCLE!!!! BIIIICCCYCLE!!! I WANT TO RIDE MY BICYCLE...I WANT TO RIDE MY BIKE..."AS LONG AS YOU PAY LATER YOU CAN RIDE IT NOW BABY... YYIIPPPEEEE.......CUSTOMERS...WEEEOOOO...WELL...I FINALLY GOT MY HANDICAP PARKING THAT I DESERVE...THE GOVERNMENT WONT LET ME BEHIND A WHEEL :( SO I GET AROUND WITH MY TRUSTY OL' BASKET...HEY $24.95 BOYS, CAN'T BEAT THAT...FOR THAT PRICE U CAN GET SOME QUALITY WORK HERE...THIS IS A WENDY'S SIGN THAT JUST SAID "WENDY'S IN --" SO TAKE OUT WENDY'S AND YOU CAN HAVE A WHOOLEE LOTTTAA FUN WRITING OTHER THINGS IN THERE...YOU KNOW THE WAY IN SO...CAREFUL WHEN DIVING...SLIPPERY WHEN WET!!HEY NOW...HERE IS REAL AUTHENTIC SAN DIEGO "CARPET" OVER THIS WAY TO THE RIGHT...QUICK AND EASY...CAN'T BEAT THATENTRANCE THIS WAY-- FOR THOSE WHO ARE CARPET LOVERS ;DCUM IN TO THE MUFF HEADQUARTERS...WHERE EVERY CUSTOMER LEAVES SATISFIED...SHORT BUS FIELD TRIP...1-18-06CAUTION...FLAMMABLE GASES LOCATED IN REAR...ANYONE THIRSTY FOR MILK?? WHO KNOWS HOW TO MILK THESE THINGS?FOR THOSE TIMES THAT MAY BE A BIT TOO ROUGH AND LEAVE YOU NEEDING RE-ALIGNMENT...HOOOOHOOOOO...WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, FAT KID AT HEART FOUND HER PLACE OF WORSHIP...PPPOOOOOOOOOOOO...AAAAAH...ONE OF LIFE'S GREATEST PLEASURES!!!PPSSHHH...WELL DUH!!A FEW PICS FROM THE SHORT BUS FRIELD TRIP TO THE SUPERCROSS IN ANAHEIM...YES WE ACTUALLY WENT LIKE THAT BRINGING NEW MEANING TO THE PHRASE "I DRANK MYSELF RETARD!!"A SHORT BUS STAPLE...ROLLING SHORT BUS STYLE DARLING...TAILGATIN' AT THE SUPERCROSS...CREATING OUR OWN SPECIAL OLYMPIC EVENTS...FOUND THIS WHILE BROWSING THE CHANNELS...SOME GUY MUST HAVE BEEN REALLY FUCKED UP TO NAME HIS MOVIE "JOHNNY SKIDMARKS" HAHA...FUCK I WANT TO MEET THIS GUY...HE'S AWESOME!!2-21-06...FOUND THIS IN THE FRESNO AREA. NOT ONLY IS IT FUCKING FUNNY FOR THE OBVIOUS REASON BUT WHO EVER MADE THE SIGN DIDN'T EVEN USE THE CORRECT FUCKING ENGLISH...USUALLY THE SIGNS SAYS SLOW CHILDREN AT PLAY BUUUUUT NO, NOT THESE DIPSHITS..."CHILDREN SLOW" HAHA RETARDS!!!!!!I DIDN'T SET THIS PICTURE UP...I FOUND IT ON THE NET. BUT I FIND IT DAMN FUNNY AND PRETTY FUCKING CLEVER!!!NEWEST SET 4-20-06 I’M KIND OF A BIG DEAL...I SEEM TO GET RECOGNITION WHEREVER I GO...DRIVE THROUGH…IF YOU WANT TO TASTE MY SWEET SUCCULENT KREMEERECTING STRONG, WELL BUILT “STRUCTURES” AT COX CONSTRUCTION COMPANYONLY THE SHORT BUS PRESIDENT IS COOL ENOUGH TO ROCK JACK DANIEL'S OR BUDWEISER IN THE SIPPYCUP AND LOOK BAD ASS...EVERYTHING IS BETTER FROM A SIPPY CUP WITH A PICTURE OF A SHORT BUS ON IT!!!DOWN SYNDROME IN IT'S FINEST ELEMENT...CIRCA 1999
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

I don't work out because the mundane workout regularites bore the shit out of me so I try to get my cardio by doing strip-aerobics or better yet I get my cardio workout by spending the day cleaning my apartment in my highest stillettos(works the butt and thighs) and lingere(helps with confidence and makes me feel SOOOO much more feminine doing something so stereotypical that the WOMAN DOES but in a sexified if ya got a guy around the house let 'em watch and bam u spice things up...this is my little tid bit to every girl to fire things up if they have a boyfriend/husband/fiance/whatever...but I swear by this!!!) I also just LOOOOVVVEEE to rock my 4 inch stillettos whenever...I’m a tall ass 5’10 u’d think I wouldn’t want to wear heels but I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!!! I wear what makes me feel sexy. So I wear those fuckers whenever but my fav is rocking em at my my teeth...dancing in front of the mirror...using the power drill to hang dishes...etc...I TELL CHICKS DO AND WEAR WHAT MAKES U FEEL SEXY AND GOOD WITHIN UR OWN SKIN AND MAKES U FEEL MORE CONFIDENT!!! FUCK WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS...THEY DON’T LIVE IN UR MIND OR UR BODY SO DO IT FOR URSELF!!!!!!!I like to have fun making an ass of myself and being able to make myself laugh and laugh at’s one of the most humbling things we humans can do. To not take ourselves too seriously...and I swear I make myself laugh more than anyone else makes me laugh. I have the BEST time video taping things like my ever so famous DRUNKEN MOMENTS...and just being a complete moron and videoing itOther interests are...LEARNING AND TEACHING MYSELF ELECTRIC GUITAR & DRUMS...building things(gimme a hammer and a nail...POWER TOOLS!!!!...screwdriver...etc and I'm satisfied haha)... playing in the mud and playing in the rain and acting like a kid again completely carefree and just living in the the moment...playing around outdoors...climbing trees and building forts... collecting and restoring vintage cameras to use in my photography...AND WE CAN’T FORGET My one first and true love Mr. JACK DANIEL'S (I usually remain faithful to Mr. Daniel's but we have an open relationship so I tend to cheat on him time to time)...My other fav whiskey's are BUSHMILLS IRISH WHISKEY, JAMESON WHISKEY, KNOBB CREEK, OR WOODFORD WHISKEY...AND DON'T FORGET GOTTA LOVE SIPPING ON BOWMORE SCOTCH...I also like to switch it up sometimes and go for tequila(but only clear tequila, I don’t like the darker stuff)...partying like a fucking hang out with me you gotta keep up with me and my good friend jack daniels...CONCERTS(PREFERABLY ROCK OR METAL)...guys with bad ass tats(mmm LOOOVEEE tats on guys) and piercings(but tasteful piercings)One of my BIGGEST interests is ASTROLOGY(in depth though...not shitty horoscopes...tell me your exact birthdate and if possible place of birth and your birth time and I can do your whole astrological chart)...philosophy of religions...mysticism...metaphysics...human sexuality...occult beliefs/science...vintage books...hidden and secret societies...haunted places...the history of places especially haunted places...parapsychology...psychology/psychiatry...abnormal psychology(I’ve read 2 college text books cover to cover which was Psychology and Abnormal Psychology...chemistry of the brain and the way the brain works FACINATES ME...angels...gaurdian angels...nutrition...alternative/holistic medicine...homeopathy...herbs and herbology...alternative medicine...healing my wounds whatever they may be and helping to heal others psychologically(I'm a good psychologist)...water...waterfalls...creeks...oceans...strea ms...lakes (anything involving moving organic water)...meditation...chrystal balls...ghosts/spirits/aperitions/entities...THE EVER SO REGAL AND GORGEOUS LION(maybe that stems from me being a leo)...taro card readings......mental asylums(all the mental&personality disorders and crazy people just fascinate me)...traveling and learning new cultures...Cuba(My dad is Cuban...and my grandpa was a Cuban religious revolutionist)...mystical and metaphysical bookstores(ex. Psychic Eye)Librarys... drugs(I don't do them but I LOOOOVE knowing everything about them)...the "afterlife"...egyptian artifacts and mythical stories...greek mythology(and all mythology)...castles!!! I must own a castle some of all kinds(if it is self-expressive, who am I to judge it and ur’s all beautiful to me) stillettos) course...but original personal fashion...stuff I’ve fucked with and made into my own style)...thrift & vintage theory...anything 60's, 70's, or 80's rockstyle and anything vintage that no one else has...collecting old records and putting them on my room wall...I made a wallpaper outa the record albums...being at the beach(the one place where I truly feel centered and one with the earth and at peace with everything...Kauai(it's been my home town during the summers for my whole life), Manhattan(lived there last year...having moved around to 6 different fav one had to of been when I lived in the ever famous and ever so haunted Hotel Chelsea)snowboarding...skatboarding...poggo sticks...street chalk...starburst...skittles or any fruity or sour candy...andies ice cream...reeses pieces...Timmy from south park...gotta love that kid man!!! Toliet humor(go check it out in my about me section, I'm totally amused by poo, pee, toots, burps, and etc)...drinking games...EXTREME SPORTS...hiking...camping...ADVENTURE!!!One thing I LOOOOOOOOVE to do is dress up in costumes or wacky outfits...I have a rather amusing collection of hats and costumes that never seems to stop growing. I mean why not spice up the night and have a fun time amusing urself and others by rocking some funny ass hats to the local bars...AND why wait for Halloween to rock the costumes...u don’t need a DESIGNATED holiday for that shit. Wear that shit whever u want...This was my Halloween costume for 2005& one ever rocks "Christ-day" on the "Devil’s night" so I had the bright idea to be Santa’s Naughty Lil’ Helpers. Needless to say...when Santa shouts “HO HO HOOOOO...” he is referring to his naughty helpers. Let’s just let it be known that with me u DEFINITELY WANT TO BE ON MY NAUGHTY LIST...MY NAUGHTY LIST CANDIDATES GET SOME “EXTRA SPECIAL” ATTENTION !!! ;PAnd some of my other general interests are just doing anything adventurous, stupid, and insanely crazy...doing the things people wouldn't expect me to do, I love to prove that I'm not afraid of breaking the mold that you may have me pegged as... OH AND OF COURSE TAKING RANDOM REALLY RETARDED PICTURES LIKE THESE AND BEING ABLE TO LAUGH AT MYSELF AND SMILE CONTINUOUSLY...SOMETIMES I FEEL THAT A TRUE ORGANIC SMILE OR LAUGH IS ONE OF THE GREATEST SATISFYING AND MOST PLEASURABLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS WE CAN ACHIEVE IN THIS WORLD TODAY!!! MY DREAM BUS...IT'S SO SHORT!!! IT'S THE BUS FOR THE COOL KIDS WHO SIT IN THE BACK BECAUSE EVERY SEAT IS THE BACK OF THE BUS!!!JUST A TASTE OF THE TYPICAL NIGHT AT MY APARTMENT...SHORT BUS ALCOHOLICS ALWAYS AT IT...MY MODE OF TRANSPORTATION....GOTTA LOVE IT :DI'M SUCH A FREQUENT SHORT BUS RIDER THAT I GET MY OWN SHIRT THAT SAYS IT..."OFFICIAL SHORT BUS RIDER" HAHAHA...I ACTUALLY DID MAKE THAT SHIRT THOUGH...I'M AWESOME!!!FOUND SOMETHING JUST FOR THE BOYS... SOMEONE TOOK THE PENIS GAME A BIT TOO LITERALLY...FOUND THIS WHILE GETTING ONTO THE 405 FREEWAY IN L.A....YYYEEAAHHHH SO THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN HIGHSCHOOL DROP-OUTS, BURN OUTS, AND THOSE ADULTS WITH DOWN SYNDROME(who aren't already employed at your local Taco Bell) ARE EMPLOYED AS ROADWORKERS...LIKE THE SIGN SAYS, TRY TO FOR FREE... AND NO NEED TO TAKE US SOMEWHERE ELSE, TRY FOR FREE ON SITE :DA VERY PERSONAL PARKING PLACE JUST FOR YOU...WE DON'T CALL HER THE FAT KID AT HEART FOR NOTHING...DID YOU REALLY NEED A SIGN TO SAY IT?THIS IS A SELF-EXPLANATORY PICTURE...SPECIAL 2 FOR 1 DEAL...CAN'T BEAT THATAVAILABLE...COME AND GET IT...NOW WE SEE WHY I'M AVAILABLE...HEY LOOK THERE'S EVEN A HANDICAPP SIGN IN THE BACKGROUND JUST FOR ME ;DTHE TIJUANA HOOKER I PICKED UP...WHAT A HOT PIECE OF ASS!!MY VERSION OF MAPQUESTEXIT ONLY KIDS!!DAMN...UR MAKING MY NIPPLES HARD!EAT IT BITCH!!!AS CARLOS MENCIA SAYS "DUNN DUHH DUNN!!!!DAMN THAT'S A HUGE MOUTH!!!" NOW YOU SEE WHY I'M SO LOUD :DYEAH I DID IT...SORRY...NEXT TIME I'LL TAKE BEANO FIRSTGNAR GNAR...I WILL EAT YOU...WATCH OUT THOUGH MY BARK IS WORSE THAN MY BITE...AND JUDGING BY THE SIZE OF MY MOUTH MY BITE IS PRETTY FUCKING BAD KIDS!!!!I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING...BUT DON'T!!! WE WERE CRAVING POPSICLES...WHAT? WHAT ELSE DID YOU THINK WE WERE MOTIONING TOWARDS?GOD DAMN...THAT DORSAL FIN IS JUST TOO SEXY...HAD TO GET ME SOME DOLPHIN LOVE!!EVEN THE SEALS FIND THEM IRRESISTABLE...NEED I SAY MORE?COWAABBUNGAA DDUUUUUUDDDEEEEE!!!MY SIDE JOB, WHAT CAN I SAY? I'M A LIL' SHORT ON CASH SO...I STRIP FOR THE BUMS AT THE PLAYGROUND AFTERDARK... HEY YOU...WHOEVER'S DOING THAT...KEEP GOING...OOOOHHHHH YYYYEAAAHHH!!! I THINK CHRIS IS SAD THAT SHE'S NOT GETTING ANY ACTIONTHE TRUE HANDICAP AROUND HERE...YOU KNOW YOU'RE WHITE TRASH WHEN YOU CONSIDER CAMEL LIGHTS, A 40oz. OF BUDWEISER, AND A RIDE THAT ONLY COSTS 25 CENTS YOUR DISNEYLAND...DRIVE THRU WEINER???? AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DRIVE THAT ON THRU IN MY DRIVE THRU ANYDAY...KICKED OUT OF SPECIAL ED FOR BEING "TOO SPECIAL" WHICH SPARKED THE BEGINNING OFFFFFFFFF MY SHORT BUS CREW KIDS!!! WE ARE THE DEFINITION OF CLASS AND REFINEMENT DAMMIT!!!ME: DRUNK? CHRIS: HIGH?...NOPE...THIS IS US SOBER...SAD HUH? MY PARENTS DID DRUGS AND WELLLL CHRIS...SHE HAS NO EXCUSE, SHE'S JUST PLAIN OL' DOWNSTHERE REALLY IS A GOD...AND THAT SWEET SWEET MAN MADE THS BEERV.I.P PARKING FOR SHORT BUSERS WHERE EVER WE MAY TRAVEL TO…EVEN IN MY BATHROOM WHERE THIS PARTICULAR SIGN IS POSTED OVER THE TOILETTHAT’S RIGHT BITCH BE SCARED…DONTCHA BE TALKIN' 'BOUT MY MAMA SON!!!!SOMEONE LIFTED A VATO ON HER SHOULDERS…THAT IS ONE STRONG CHICKTO ALL YOU HATER BITCHES/JUDGEMENTAL LEMMING FUCKIN' MOTHER FUCKERS OUT THERE...FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK YYYYOOOUUU!!!! BYE BYE!

I'd like to meet:

Stephen Lynch...I love that dude. He's the creator of The Short Bus Crew's theme song...The Memebers of the East Coast Chapter of my Short Bus Crew...Dico being the head of the chapter...holding down the fort for me over there.I would absolutely LOVE TO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO MEET G.G. ALLEN SO WE COULD FLING POO TOGETHER!!! HAHA. No serious though, that dude was one bad ass mother fucking punk!!! He did what he wanted and didn't give a fuck about anyone else and what they thought. I think everyone could have learned some amazing things from him if he would have stayed alive but unfortunately was sucked into the seductive drug domain as many legendary genius musicians have. But it would have been nice to hangout with him and TRY to have a conversation to hear how his brain worked and to just be around his insanely robust out of this world energy...(R.I.P!)...I would also have LOOOOVVVEEEDD to met Sid Vicious and Kurt Cobain amongst many many other musicians...BUT I'd die to meet and pick their brain to just experience their dynamic energy and spirit and genius creativity. I also would love love love to meet Jenny McCarthy because I swear we must have been separated at birth...we have the exact same style of humor and personality!!! I love that chick!!!I like to be surrounded by other free-spirited intelligent people. People who don't label or judge, and live life like me accepting of everyone and trying to live life each day at a time and see what the day brings...enjoy the excitement of not planning the whole day so you can be delightfully suprised with the next experience of the day. Other's who have somewhat same interests as mine, who can hold an opinion about things and not just agree with EVERY DAMN THING that they have been taught because I feel u NEED to form ur own opinions on things rather than JUST trusting what others say. People, who are genuine, and those who love adventure and fun. No party poopers!! I fucking party like a rockstar if you can't handle that then you wont be able to handle me. I study astrology, and my astrological chart is the only one I've seen. No one elses has even come close to it. I have an insanely large amount of fire signs, but don't worry I've got the right amount of earth signs to bring me down so I'm not TOO scary off the wall firey. So people who have personalities that will compliment mine, not one up mine or degrate me, but who will compliment my personality and help me to become a better person. When I say I want to do something crazy and name something wild and off the charts someone who will do that crazy thing with me and not chicken out, or better yet who will think of something crazy to do, I don't like being the only one thinking of what to do. People who are nice, like me, I'm a genuine person who tells it like it is, no lies, no bull shit, so I want to talk to people who can handle that and who are like that. I hate when people sugar coat things, tell me the truth for crying out loud. The truth may sting for a second but a lie will ache forever. Can't stand people who are fake and take advantage of my friendship. I have a distinct toliet humor, and I am easily amused by poop, pee, farts, burps, and other bodily functions, if you are one of those people that are too disgusted by that then I probably wont be getting along with you as well as I would be if you had the same toliet humor as me. I want to talk to people that arrouse my interests and teach me things. I want to talk to people who can have a great conversation with me and expand my mind, and show me the other points of view w/ me new things in the world I haven't experienced yet. I have an overabundant eternal thirst for knowledge and adventure. I want to be surrounded by people who show me things I haven't seen, or teach me things I haven't learned...and most of all who want to have free-spirited fun as well!! All of you that drink hard whiskey and party like a true mother fucking rockstar have an automatic in with me!!! ;)


Metallica...Slayer...Nirvana...Pantera(R.I.P. Dimebag)...Iron Maiden...Aerosmith...ZZ Top...Velvet Revolver...Guns 'N Roses...CKY...Bloodhound Gang...HIM...Hendrix...Motley Crue...Godsmack...Deftones...Beastie Boys...Megadeath...Seether...Submersed...Vast...Enya...Nine Inch Nails...Slipknot...Disturbed...Enigma...Sergio Mendes(my brazillian music man)...Ted Nugent...KISS...Street Drum Corps...Eighteen Visions...Moby...Steppenwolf...Soundgarden...No Doubt(Old No Doubt, not the new sell out shit)...The who...Delerium...The Clash...Rage Against The Machine...Red Hot Chili Peppers...Blue Oyster Cult...Electric Light Orchestra...System of a Down...Queen...The Beatles...Zeppelin...Basia...Yo-Yo Ma...Bobby McFerrin...Pink Floyd...Tool...Bob Marley...Steel Pulse...Poison...Beanie man...Orgy...Limp Bizkit...Foo Fighters...Linkin Park...Rancid...Dreamtheater...Bush...Oasis...Clint Mansell...Marilyn Manson...Bjork...The Gypsy Kings...a7x...Prodigy...The Doors...Necro...Heart...Black Sabbath...Lacuna Coil...Depeche mode...Hooverphonic...Dust Brothers...Incubus...Leonard Cohen...Zwan...gotta represent boys' band Project 86 AMAZING music... AC/DC...Stillwater...The Police...Eagles...Black Label Society...Cream...The Black Keys...Journey...Deep Purple...Clutch...Kansas...Damien friend's band Ringer......Apocolyptica...Sneaker pimps...Beck...Faithless...Massive attack...Sizzor Sisters...Static-X...A Perfect Circle...Korn(only specific songs though)...Rob Zombie...Morcheeba...Within Temptation...My Ruin...any songs from Cirque Du Soliel soundtracks...Rammstein...Nightwish...Kronos Quartet...Celldweller...Goldfrapp...3 Days Grace...Ministry...Bullets And Octane...AND THE LIST IS CONSTANTLY CONSTANTLY GROWING PLUS I’M SURE THERE ARE SO MANY MORE MUSICIANS/BANDS THAT I’VE FORGOTTEN TO LIST!!!!


Domino(damn that chick is bad ass...),CONSTANTINE IS THE SHIT!!! THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING!!! I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND RENTING THAT MOVIE. Requiem for a Dream(I LOVE ANY AND ALL DRUG MOVIES)...Endless Summer 1 & 2...In God's Hands...A few other new favs are Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Watcher in The Woods...fucking freaky ass movie!! The Faculty, Sunset Strip, Anchorman ("I LOVE LAMP...I LOVE LAMP!" HAHA "Brick where did you get a grenade?...I don't know but I killed a guy" "LOUD NOISES!!" "I read somewhere their periods attract bears. Bears can smell the menstruation" hahaha LOVE LOVE LOVE BRICK TAMLAND), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, White Chicks, Meet the Fockers, Ocean's 11 & 12, The Italian Job(After watching this and ocean's 11&12 I very much want to be a international Thief and spy haha), The Shining, Dazed and Confused, Gimme an "F", Can't Buy me Love, Detroit Rock City, Too Wong Fu...thanks for everything Julie Newmar, Spun, Space Balls, Fight Club, Trainspotting, The Salton Sea, Care Bears Movie, IT , Ferenheit 9/11, Wet Hot American Summer, Jackass, Cky trilogies, mall rats, fast times at ridgemont high,JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK..."Fuck, fuck, fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, / Mother, mother fuck, fuck / Mother fuck, mother fuck, / Noich noich noich, / 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, / Noich, noich noich / Smokin' weed, smokin' wizz, / Doin' coke, drinkin' beers, / Drinkin' beers, beers, beers, / Rollin' fattys, smokin' blunts, / Who smokes the blunts? / We smoke the blunts. / Rollin' blunts and smokin'..." , labrynth, return to OZ, blow, The Goonies, wonderland, The Brave Little Toaster, drug store cowboy, natural born killers, Empire Records, almost famous, 12 monkeys, highway, Tommy Boy, Good Burger, 54, Party Monster, True Lies, Face Off, Foxfire, The Christmas Story, Napolean Dynamite, Cry Baby, The Notebook(sweetest movie), Rules of Attraction, Milo & Otis, Oliver and Company, All Dogs Go To heaven, The 9th Gate, Happy Campers("Man, I took a grande grumpie the other day...I didn't know whether to flush it or send it off to pre-schoool"), Bully, Tart(and any other Dominique Swain movie...she's a rad actress), Van Wilder "Write that Down" ...I HAVE SO MANY FAVORITE MOVIES, I CAN NOT POSSIBLY REMEMBER OR LIST ALL OF THEM ALL!! Here is the best scene from one of my fav movies "Highway" Jeremy Piven is a genious comedic actor...just watch ..


absolute all time fav has to be Fraggle Rock!!! MXC, TRIGGER HAPPY TV, Grey's Anatomy, CARNIVALE(HBO NEEDS TO FUCKING BRING THAT BACK)Desperate Housewives(yes I got pulled into it...dammit!!) Full house, Mad TV, Jackass, Degrassi High:The New Generation, Saved by the Bell, Friends, Sex and the City of course(what girl wouldn't have that as one of their favs) OLD SCHOOL STYLE LIST: My lil' Pony, Care Bears, Punky Brewster, Inspector Gadget, Rainbow Bright, Princess of Power, Gummy Bears, Smurfs, Beavis and Butthead, Alice...through the looking glass(it was on disney)The Magic School Bus, Arthur, then u can't forget Are you Afraid of the Dark, and all the shows that were on SNICK, AHHH! Real Monsters, Rocco's Modern Life, Legend's of The Hidden Temple, Double Dare, Guts...All the old school shows I had when I was those were the shit!!!!!! Fuck these new age shows...


Party Monster, Go Ask Alice, The White Horse, Candy, Smack, Clubland, The torn Skirt, Jay's Journal, The beauty queen, satiable, ravenous, wasted, the wild girls club, The Potty Book :) James and the giant Peach, all the "clifford" books, Harold and the Purple Crayon, A light in the Attic, Where the Sidewalk ends, New kid on the Block(another Shell Silverstein book), abnormal psychology 12th edition, MayoClinic Medical book, Psychology and occultism, strange and eccentric behaviors, whispers, all my astrology books, The Dirt:Confessions of the World's Most Notorious rock band, artbooks of alllll kinds...especially Salvador Dali...I AM CONSTANTLY BUYING AND RECEIVING NEW BOOKS OF AMAZING KNOWLEDGE...I HAVE THE LARGEST LIBRARY OF THE MOST FASCINATING AND INFORMATIVE BOOKS


I had the best shit written here and some fucking piece of shit mother fucker hacked in and erased it all!!! Dammitttt!!!!!!! But one of my biggest heros are all those mentally handicapped. Think about it, these people NEVER stop smiling. They don't let the rules of society taint them or their spirits.Always have a positive attitude and positive outlook towards everthing. They stay true to themselves and all those around them. Never worry about what others are thinking or try to change themselves to "fit in"They speak their mind and speak the blatent bull shit. Plus they are the eternal comedians!!!

My Blog


Posted by LARKIN:The Special Olympics Mascot&Short Bus Rider on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 07:18:00 PST


..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>the drinking surveybasicallyhave you ever drank alcohol?:If I didn't would I be filling this out?? what is your favorite alcoholic beverage?:Jack Daniel's straight up......
Posted by LARKIN:The Special Olympics Mascot&Short Bus Rider on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:34:00 PST


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:LARKINBirthday:AUGUST 17TH, 1983Birthplace:LA JOLLA, SAN DIEGOCurrent Location:HOLLYWOODEye Color:GOLD-GREENISHHair Color:DARK BROWNHeight:5'10Right Handed or L...
Posted by LARKIN:The Special Olympics Mascot&Short Bus Rider on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 02:28:00 PST

!!!!!!!!!!Does The Special Olympics Mascot intrigue you??!!!!!!!!!!

Bored as hell...I'm waiting till morning to go file a damn police report for my stolen phone so my phone insurance can send me a new one...and then off to the DMV to get a new fucking liscense since m...
Posted by LARKIN:The Special Olympics Mascot&Short Bus Rider on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 12:27:00 PST

HERE ARE MY MOST RECENT MODELING PICTURES!!! come see them if u are interested

I did a recent test shoot with L.A. Models(my new agency) and I just got a few of the pictures from the shoot so here they are...we'll start out with the eh so so head shots and go into the ones that ...
Posted by LARKIN:The Special Olympics Mascot&Short Bus Rider on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST