My phone number is 519-384-3442 profile picture

My phone number is 519-384-3442

About Me

I play drums and guitar and i love music and music and pretty much alot of things cause im hardcore. gay bands please don't add me your music sucks its why youre on My Space
This profile was edited with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.4
You're the Torn Prince! So basically, you'd be really hot if it weren't for
that gross half of your face.
Which One Of The 13 Are You From Thirteen Ghosts?
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Fun at the Titty Twister.
Which B-Movie Badass Are You?
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You're Pinhead. As the head of the Church of
Sorrow, you are an excellent leader. You know
how to keep your minions under control (whether
by fear or respect), and conversely, keep them
happy by giving them what they want. You
personify the perfect mixture of fear and
adoration. Just as pain and pleasure are
indivisible in your doctrine, so are those two
qualities in your followers.
Which Cenobite are you? (includes pictures)
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Mickey Knox! You love Mallory more than anything,
although there are times when you don't really
know how to show it and you fuck up. You're
romantic and loving, you take care of Mal, you
like tv.
Which Character From Natural Born Killers Are You?
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Jack Torrance ~ You're a complete maniac. You can't
stay in an isolated place for a long time, so
you decide to murder your family instead. Axes
are your friends. However, you have a very
memorable catchphrase that everyone has grown
to love...Heeeeeeere's Johnny!!!
Which character from The Shining are you?
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