michael profile picture


the eagle has landed

About Me

I'm originally from Ne'castle in the north east of england. I joined the army when i left school so i could see the world and kill people.
After getting up to alsorts in manilla and owning a monkey, I moved back to the UK and got a job at a motel in Norwich. I was fired after two years of hard work after I swore at and threatened a guest at his leaving party.
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A had nee idea that he would torn oot tu be a good mate. He's caaalled Alan Partidge. He used to be on the telly and then got depressed and got a ukranian girlfriend. He's got a boook on sale in the station. Me other mates are Tom Donaldson. I used to gan tu school wi him and he lives lurcal in norwich. Dan Moody is anotha one what comes in from time tu time but his mrs is a bit sex pest. oh aye, i aaaalmurst forgot abooot tex - he's real name is terry but he like american things so we aaall caaall him Tex. - he names his pick up truck "convoy" and he's coming back ovva sooon.
i also like watching documentaries aboot weather, strong men and organised crime....
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My Interests

My bike (i call it desert storm), cup o' beans - with a sausage in, or a 'michael special'. Gannin to Cardif to meet up with pensioners. Amatuer video and working at the garage.

Oh, and getting hammered on my own!

I'd like to meet:

Rambo, Andy McNabb, and the bastard that nicked my front door.
i'd also like to meet my old pet makkak - i loved that bastad but he made me dee a bad thing like.....
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Phil Collins, Tina Turner, Elvis, Rod Stewart, simply red, David essex, U2.
I listen to Norfolk Nights sometimes on the radio at work.


I like The Onedin Line, Carry On films and the James Bond ones - I love the gadgets.
I used to like charles bronson films but I don't now.


Documentaries about weather (especially hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and mudslides) World strongest man, Time Team, Silent Witness, Rising Damp, Casualty, Crimewatch and Dads Army. And Tenko.


Bouncing Back - Alan Partidge.
Bravo 2.0 - Randy Mc-Nob,
Bad Slags,
Everything you need to know about petrol,
I'm currently reading Haynes Manual for a Vauxhall Cavalier, and cooking for one.


Me mates are my heroes. Tex, Tom Donaldson, Mr Partridge, Dan Moody, Frank Raphael, (he doesn't come in anymore) and more...

I would like a greyhound and i'd love to have a go of an apache attack helicopter.

My Blog

this myspace sorvey

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:MichealBirthday:couple o' week agoBirthplace:newcastle likeCurrent Location:near norwichEye Color:whiteHair Color:broonHeight:aboot 5" 9Right Handed or Left Han...
Posted by michael on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 05:44:00 PST

promoted to manager

Aye, I've been promoted to manager at the BP like. I get more money, and it's more hoo-ars, but i divvent mind, cos i'm getting sky plaus man! might get a bit chinkies tonight to celebrate - and th...
Posted by michael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tex's postcard man!

I got a post card from Tex this morning man - it says   Howdy Mike, I was having me lunch in the pick up, and after my twinkie bar and doctor pepper I found a ticket in me bag of royste...
Posted by michael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

night school

I'm storing a new course on mondah at the lercal neet school. I'm deeing a course on calligraphy for three week. Its aall aboot posh writing and that. Mr Partridge got it for us for me borthdee man....
Posted by michael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my new blog by michael

have a bit look at some of my new photos. i took some of them with me new camera. someone left it in the station (and he left his bottle of lucozade isotonic but I didnee have that.) theres a pitur...
Posted by michael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My front door

I've no idea how this happened, but someone's had me front door. I had to stay at a mates house while to council stuck a new door on for us, which they still havn't done man. Off to truckfest soon...
Posted by michael on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST