.. " / Our goal at Marvonna Productions, Inc. is to provide a family friendly, inviting, comfortable and compassionate Competition experience. The stress of ‘competition’ is enough in itself and we try hard to provide an atmosphere where all performers will thrive.We also try to keep the adjudication process as fair as possible for everyone, from the beginner to the advanced performer. We strive to do this through our unique skill-leveled entry system, which is based on dance criteria…not years of experience.Our upcoming 2007 season is our 9th year of competition in the southeast. Our goal is to take Marvonna nationwide in our 10th season. With your help on myspace we can make it happen. We will be looking for new locations in the upcoming year. So join our mailing list and we will see where the greatest interest lies.We are really excited about our ‘007 season (for the movie buffs out there, you should get the connection. Plus this years graphics, kinda gives it away.) A special thanks to Kipper, our good friend, judge and choreographer, who came up with this brilliant, ‘007/Live and Let Dance, theme. By the way, he is our MVP choreographer. MVP is short for Marvonna’s Valued Performers. These performers are selected throughout our regional shows and are invited to perform at our final show in the Myrtle Beach area. Our first MVP performance was staged this past year and it was a blast. Anyway, with Kipper’s idea, the ‘007 theme is already taking off with a bang. We can’t wait to see Kipper’s choreographic brilliance staged again this year at our finals in Myrtle Beach, SC!
Any questions on this site feel free to email us at
[email protected]