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Drug Salvage - All over the world

Truth About Drugs

About Me

Hey hey all! Big ups for stopping by!
Jessica here, I put this space up simply to educate people on the truth about drugs, so they can then make a well informed decision as to if they want to take them or not. It is simply education.

Go to the Blog section, and read about different drugs and their effects.
These blogs are only extracts taken from the booklets displayed below. If you would like further & more comprehensive information on each drug, download the booklets from this page or go to the website www.notodrugs-yestolife.org
Hey you can send me an email & I'm more than happy to answer your questions!
I can also send you some of your own copies of any booklet to give out to friends & family, just email me.
There is information below on how drugs & toxins store in the fat tissues of the body. If you would like further information on this, and how to rid your body of any drugs you may have taken in the past, please contact me directly.
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What can you do?
1. Get yourself educated.
Read the information contained on this page to inform yourself of the truth about drugs. You can also go to www.notodrugs-yestolife.org
2. Contact me if you have any more questions.

3. Include this page in your Top 8.Help spread the word & get others educated!

4. Download Download the Truth About Drugs booklets from www.notodrugs-yestolife.org or contact me directly and I'm more than happy to personally send you as many copies as you desire. Help get the info out there!

5. Distribute. Help educate. Get the info out there. Send this link to your friends. Give the booklets to people you know. Give it to strangers. Go to Raves/parties & give out the booklets (I've done this and it's actually really well received) there are a million ways to help promote a drug free community. Contact me and I'll help you.

I'd like to meet:

Drugs are essentially poisons. How much is taken determines the effect. A small amount gives a stimulant (increases activity). A greater amount acts as a sedative (suppresses activity). A still larger amount acts as a poison and can kill one.
This is true of any drug. Each requires a different amount, whether it is coffee or arsenic—or methamphetamine.
Drugs block off all sensations, the desirable ones with the unwanted. And while drugs might be of short-term value in the handling of pain, they wipe out ability, alertness and muddy one’s thinking.
One has a choice between being dead with drugs or being alive without them.
When a person thinks of something he or she gets a picture of it in his mind. These mental pictures are easy to see. Close your eyes and think of a cat and you will get a picture of a cat. The mind takes many pictures every second and files them away to solve problems in life.
Normally, when a person remembers something, the mind is very fast and information comes to him quickly from the pictures in the mind. But drugs blur the pictures in the mind, causing blank spots. When a person tries to get information through this cloudy mess, he can’t do it. Drugs make a person feel slow or stupid and cause him to have failures in life. And as he has more failures and life gets harder, he wants more drugs to help him deal with the problem.
This can distort the drug user’s perception of what is happening around him. As a result, the person’s actions may appear very odd or irrational. They can even become violent.
One lie told about drugs is that they help a person become more creative. The truth is quite different.
There is a scale of emotions from enthusiasm to apathy. People move up and down on this scale as they go through life.
Someone who is sad might use drugs to give himself a false sense of happiness, but it does not work. Cocaine lifts a person into a fake kind of cheerfulness, but when the drug wears off, he or she crashes even lower than before. And each time the emotional plunge is lower and lower. Eventually, drugs will completely destroy all the creativity a person had.
One of the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard, since proven by scientific testing, was that residues from drugs and other toxins lodge in the fatty tissues of the body and stay there, even years after they have been ingested. These residues can continue to affect the individual adversely long after the effect of the drug has apparently worn off.
Such drug deposits can cause lowered perception, tiredness, confused thinking and other reactions—all of which impede a person from achieving increased spiritual awareness and ability.
Realizing that this biochemical factor had to be handled before an individual could achieve lasting spiritual gain, Mr. Hubbard devised what independent researchers acknowledge as the safest, most effective—and only—detoxification procedure of its kind: the Purification Program.
Developed to address the biochemical barrier to spiritual gain, the Purification Program is a carefully designed regimen of exercise, nutrition and sauna use which dislodges drug residues and other toxins from the fatty tissues so that these substances can then be eliminated from the body. A person undergoing this program is closely monitored by specially trained personnel in liaison with medical doctors to ensure that each aspect of the program is conducted precisely—and the desired benefits are attained.
This program is described in the book Clear Body, Clear Mind, by L. Ron Hubbard.


You can download any of the following books and find out the real facts, these are from the Drug Salvage website. Go check them out!

The truth about drugs download...

The truth about cocaine download...

The truth about crack download...

The truth about ecstasy download...

The truth about heroin download...
The truth about ice download...

The truth about joints download...
The truth about Kiddie Cocaine download... .

The truth about LSD download...

The truth about painkillers download...

These ten booklets tell the TRUTH straight up! p

My Blog

How to get off Drugs..

Hey!! Here is a helpful and very effective program to get off drugs, written by my good friend Weston. You can check out his page more at http://www.myspace.com/drugsalvagenaturally   It cou...
Posted by Drug Salvage - All over the world on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:06:00 PST

Truth About Ritalin

Common Names for Ritalin   - Diet Coke  Kiddy Cocaine  R-Ball  Vitamin R  Rids  Skittles  Smarties  Poor man's cocaine   Ritalin   Ritalin is the common name for methylphenidate,...
Posted by Drug Salvage - All over the world on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:53:00 PST

Truth About Cocaine & Herion

The Truth About Cocaine   Street Names for Cocaine   - Aunt Nora  Ball  Charlie  Coke  Ice Cube  C  Blow  Flake  Mojo  Dust  Paste  Pony -  Paradise White  Pony  Nose Candy...
Posted by Drug Salvage - All over the world on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:44:00 PST

Truth About Ecstasy & LSD

 Truth About Ecstasy   Street Names for Ecstasy   - Cadillac  Ecsta  E  Ecca  California Sunrise  Hug drug  Lollipop  Love Drug  XTC  MDMA  Pink Pig  Elephants  Clarity  Ad...
Posted by Drug Salvage - All over the world on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:39:00 PST

Truth About Crystal Meth

Street Names - Speed - Crystalz - Tweak - Go Fast - Ice - P - Glass - Crystal tea - Tina - Quartz - Crank   Crystal Meth (Methamphetamine)   Crystal meth and meth is inhaled or smoked. Low ...
Posted by Drug Salvage - All over the world on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:25:00 PST

The Truth About Marijuana

Street Names For Marijuana - Pot - Herb - Weed - Grass - Ganja - Dope - Hemp -Refeer - Mary Jane - Texas Tea - Roach - Dagga Facts About Marijuana   Cannabis is usually rolled up in a cigare...
Posted by Drug Salvage - All over the world on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 04:57:00 PST