St Michael's Music Festival profile picture

St Michael's Music Festival

Thanks to everyone for their support......

About Me




st michael's music festival was proud to present:

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 12:00

I am a 19 year old male vocalist. Born in South Africa, I am currently in the UK to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

At age 7 I began taking piano lessons and I always used to sing, but never realised that it would become my greatest passion. From an early age I knew that I enjoyed performing, but I wanted to be more than the background pianist. The idea of becoming a singer was very attractive, but I never thought it possible. I never ever made a conscious decision to take up singing, in a strange way, it crept up on me. I played the piano for a school band and would without hindrance strike up a tune on the ivories for anyone who would listen, audiences small and large. I have taken operatic training for the past 3 years to improve my range. There are very few genres that I cannot listen to or take inspiration from, but my heart is in those of Pop, Rock and Hip-Hop.

I started performing and competing at age 7. I have participated in many regional, national and international competitions. My most recent participation was in the World Championships of Performing Arts which is held annually in Los Angeles, Hollywood.

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 12:20

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 12:50

For those who don't know me / are interested, I make songs with my little guitar (most of the time in my little flat). Sometimes these songs are unleashed upon the unsuspecting public mainly in and around south west Londinium. I have been compared to various different artists, but I'd rather people listen to the tunes and see who they think I sound like...

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 13:40

The culmination of a crazy, frustrating, exciting number of years has found me here, with my first major international album release, a video under my belt and a tour underway.

I started writing songs at about the age of 13 at which time I’d already been playing the guitar for about 5 years. I’m pretty sure that few people would enjoy listening to those first attempts but I guess everybody has to start somewhere. Where better to record those angst ridden teenage emotions??

Since then I’ve toured the states, lived in New York and LA, written and recorded with some of my heroes including Dave Stewart and Michael Kamen, supported many wonderful artists such as Paul Young, Gretchen Peters, Roger Taylor, Tom Robinson, Chris Thompson and more. I’ve been on the road non-stop apart from when I stopped to produce and record an album a couple of years ago. My first single “Mirror For Me” has also been played on Eastenders on numerous occasions and its been wicked to see my music video on MTV and the different music channels.

Getting signed last year to an independent label was great as it’s given me the chance to record a studio album that I’m really proud of and to make sure it gets exposure.

My album "In The Morning" is out now and available from most music shops, i-tunes but also through my site

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 14:00

Stone's Throw are a Surrey based acoustic singer-songwriter duo, who are Richard Berkshire (vocals, guitar) and Matt O'Daly (b.vox, lead guitar) They met way back in 2002 while at college and decided that they both liked the same sort of stuff musically and started writing a few tracks. Things instantly kicked off from there and so started the wheels in motion for where they are today. 2006 has been a big year for both of them with their first EP being recorded at Hatch Farm Studios in Chertsey. The EP went down a storm with all that listened and the catchy melodies and strong guitar lines had really done their job. So this year started with a headline slot at the Acoustic Lounge in Clapham and the ball just kept rolling on, with gigs at The Fighting Cocks (Kingston) The Putney Half Moon, Monkey Chews, Summer Sessions @ The Smoke Rooms, The Embassy Bar Islington, Moore's Bar in Chertsey, West One Four Kensington and 'Summer Breeze' Festival in Farnham. That summer saw them team up and play alongside such great acts as Tom Lillywhite, Ben O'Sullivan and Simply Luke Leighfield amongst so many others. It was also over the summer that Stone's Throw attracted the ear of producer Ben Langmaid of Kubb and Huff and Herb fame. He has pointed them in a few new directions and focused their songwriting to make it stronger and this is very apparent in tracks such as 'Mannequin Man' and 'Three Minute Pop Song.'

So things really are looking up for this acoustic duo who are hot on the heels of all singer-songwriters out there, with catchier melodies and the hookiest guitar playing. To see them live is also something else, both are not afraid of a little bit of stage banter and like to interact with the audience There seems to be an air of confidence about them without being brash or pretentious. They just do what they do because they love it.

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 14:30

Mark Buck is an unsigned singer / songwriter. At the age of 11 he had a very serious road accident. Doctors told him he would never have full use of his right hand (he still has a massive scar). Just to be awkward he took up the guitar. The blue notes came when he heard Dr John, John lee Hooker and Ten Years After on the Alexis Corner Radio Show. Mark spends his time, breeding guitars, in a little cottage miles from anywhere, with the help of his dog named Bob.Mark has played support for Bo Diddley at the Forum in London, Vonda Shepard at the Jazz Cafe London and KT Tunstall the top 10 album selling singer songwriter, Eric Burdon and the Animals. Also not forgetting that Mark opened for Los Lobos in August last year and supported John Hammond, the grammy winning blues guitarist. "What a great guy..."Fantastic show, what a great set"! he said when Mark came off stage. "A Torrid performance from Buck" said Jack Massarik, Evening Standard Jazz Critic.

Mark's CD, Looking Backwards, is now available on itunes and you can catch Mark singing and playing finger-style funk and blues guitar always with a groove, and with some some neat slide playing thrown in too.

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 14:50

Dennie Cook is aged 13 and is virtually a self taught guitarist and vocalist.

Dennie plays a wide variety of songs from the Beatles to Coldplay and also composes and performs his own material.

One of the tracks that Dennie has written can be heard on the second limited edition compilation album specially created for St Michael’s Music Festival.

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 15:20

Formed in autumn 2006, Six Miles Away are a bunch of jammers from the legendary Surrey Blues Delta who got together to have a good time and who’d like anyone who hears them to have a good time too. As they like to say, you can't have too much fun!

With a wide range of experience and talent, Gary Fellows (Vocals), Mike Krabstick (Rhythm Guitar), Nick Farley (Drums), Dickie Hartt (Lead Guitar) and Andy Pretty (Bass) make up Six Miles Away and describe themselves as a Country Folk Rock Jam Band from just beyond the M25 - they don’t take themselves too seriously.

Playing covers from the Country Rock Acoustic Powerpop genres gives them a very wide scope - that could include just about any song recorded in English in the last 50 years or more. The main thing is you should be able to sing or dance along to them. Their covers are usually miles away from the original and probably a bit raggedy, put together at speed with minimal rehearsal and typically a little off the beaten track.

“Our approach is let's have a go - if we fall on our faces in the attempt, so be it; what do you expect? - that's jammin'.”

They also play the odd, very odd, original written by their rhythm guitarist, Mike Krabstick. Indeed, their name came from one of Krabstick's songs. “We liked the last line "I wanna be six miles away" - so we are Six Miles Away.”

Regulars at the Thursday night all-genre electric jams at the White Lyon in Worplesdon near Guildford, Six Miles Away’s Saturday night Jam Sandwichs have also quickly became a legend in their own lunchtime.

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 15:50</b

On his Myspace profile, Ed describes himself as an unsigned singer songwriter from a small plot of land called Egham in England.

He has always wanted to be a singer since he was very small, now at a ridiculous 6ft 6in he wants want to make his dream a reality.

"It’s kind of funny, because when I was in school I took a career test that recommended I should be in the military or on the police force - not that there is anything wrong with those careers; it’s just obviously not me!
Music is a vital part of my life because it’s my artistic expression. I can listen to a song I’ve written (or a song from any artist) a thousand times and take away a different meaning each time.

My songs stem from my personal experiences; some are based on thoughts and dreams I have, or simply just a good idea.
I constantly write to improve and to explore the several meanings that music has to offer. What lured me into music is that it can be a means of enjoyment without thinking about it, or intellectual analyzing if the mood fits.

Sometimes people ask me why I chose the music industry. To be honest, there was never a choice."

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 16:20

Second Time Around have been together for over 2 years, in that time the only member that has changed is the Bass player when Ali went off to France and was replaced by Dave.

How it all began..... I received a call one Friday to say that a band could not make it to play at the White Lyon in Worplesdon that night, I was asked if I could join together with Ali, Alan, Paul and Gill to put together a short set to cover, (I had jammed with the guys but never met Gill before). We arrived at about 7pm with various pieces of paper and proceeded to put together a set list, the night went well to a very appreciative 40 or 50 people, and the rest as they say is history.

After a very successful year last year, (no less than 8 open air gigs every one of them in blazing sunshine), we now have a good number of gigs already booked for this year. A number of highlights last year were, Loxwood Beer Festival, playing to the troops down at Party in the Park Bordon and the events for Chase Charity.

This year we already have 4 open air charity events already confirmed and would love to do more! If you want a great night out please do come along and see us at one of the gigs/events, if you are organising a festival or event, we are always willing to help out where we can......if you don't ask you don't get! for info just email [email protected] for more information check out our website at

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 16:50
Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 20:20

Formed in 2005, London based quartet WATERHOUSE, are an alternative rock band breaking the mould of current mainstream thinking.

Having played numerous well known UK venues like Covent Gardens "Rock Garden" and headlining at the "Exhibition Road Music Festival", WATERHOUSE have built a reputation for electrifying live shows with dramatic stage craft and melodic anthems.

With backgrounds ranging from sub-Saharan Africa to the streets of Southend, this highly ambitious foursome draw on influences from both British and South African cultures to create a sound where passionate vocals, poetic lyrics, heavy but funky drum and bass, and swirling yet melodic guitar riffs form the backbone of WATERHOUSE music.

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 17:20

People call us alternative, whatever the hell that means!

We're The Bad Thing, we originally came together on the 3rd of January to create interesting and witty music and that's exactly what we do.

Now the Summer is over our heads we are playing much more shows and we would love it if you came down to one, your support may be the difference that gets us the gig or not.

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 17:50

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 18:20

Hiddy(vox), Lean(guitar), Smax(Bass) and Patsy(Drums)
"Veer all over the punk pop shop" Give 'n' Go
"Clash inspired" Wired mag.
Vic McGlynn listeners on BBC 6music voted LARP their favourite band from a choice of four!
Alan McGee has made absolutely no comment at all!
Lean's dream is slowly forming into a golden ukelele.....

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 18:50

One listen to Velvet Razor and its immediately obvious that this is a band that enjoy making music together, there are no cynical motives just a genuine passion for what they do.

Having formed four years ago (2003), Velvet Razor haven't wasted time in trying to establish themselves as a fixture in the UK South's live music scene. 2005 saw the band play at Guilfest 2005 and proving to be a minor sensation of the festival. They were unknown latecomers to the festival, playing the notoriously difficult first slot on the Surrey Advertiser stage. Initially they played to a nearly empty marquee, but half way through their set, the crowd started to pour in from outside. The band followed Guilfest 2005 by playing at the GBOB 2005. They did a string of pub gigs in the Surrey area.

In 2006 they have gone in to the studio to record their new EP Razors Edge in mid June. The recordings are a showcase of the bands diverse live set, which They hope will add fuel to their growing reputation as a band on the ascent. They played at the Ents24 stage at Guilfest 2006 (The 2nd largest stage). VR are set to go back in to the studio to record a whole new cd album in early 2007.

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 19:20

A London based band that has emerged as a force revered for producing an emotionally charged, melodic and captivating sound. Mann Friday music has also been noted for its provoking lyrical technique.

Extremely ambitious, Mann Friday have gained a loyal fan base from the London gig-circuit and have also released a riveting current independent album, 'Blue Sky Science'. The Mann Friday appreciation is a beast that continues to grow worldwide and things are all a-go!

Even newer tracks are making their way into the live sets in 2007 and the band hits the recording studio in the first half of the year, so get those taste buds ready.

Their live performances, predominantly rock and emotive lyrics also lead to an award winning featured appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. They have gone on to headline various famous London venues such as The Borderline, Bull & Gate, Halfmoon Putney (sold out four times in a row so far), Camden Barfly (broken record), the Clapham Grand & the Marquee Club. The band was also invited to perform the topically controversial rock-show at the prestigious Riverside Studios in Hammersmith for a prime ten-day summer run.

Their ability to produce sounds ranging from big melodic rock to acoustic sets, plus being able to pen tunes gently mixed with African rhythms right through to smooth electronica has also caught the eye of the media. Last year a sample of their delicately crafted electronic track 'Counting Down' was used on Sky News' Year in Review.

They played at the Live Music night last year in London at the Bush Hall along side The Storys, recently signed to (Korova/Warner) & The Deadbeats, winners of the Glastonbury Unsigned Bands 2005.
Winning their heats in the 'Rock on the Beach' 2006 battle of the bands, Mann Friday jetted off to Mykonos in Greece to battle it out in the finals last September and have just headlined one of the nights at the 2007 Xfm Oubreak Festival so stay tuned to be a part of the ever exciting MF journey.

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 19:50

We want to write the best songs we can. We want to play them in the most interesting way. We want to say what's on our mind, And we want to make you dance while doing that. That's why we got together in May 2005. We are Yell Robot Yell: Omer-ran away from his native Israel and its poor music scene after playing with his former band for 3 years. Jo- killer riffs, that's his motto is in his never ending pursuit of the formula for the perfect song. Once this formula is harnessed he plans to sell on e-bay to the highest bidder. Brian- as all the rest of the band members belong to minority groups, we've asked him to go gay, but he sticks to his straight preferences like his catchy bass lines stick to your head. Steve-sound engineer and a great drummer. And all of that without being able to see. Thats us. The rest is up to the music.

Chariot Express Transport Stage - 20:50

Stereophonics meets Razorlight for a few pints down the local reminiscing about The Rolling Stones.

Stratstone Land Rover Stage - 21:20

The Heal are currently recording tracks for their upcoming debut album."After many practices and recordings the album is starting to resemble the true feeling and sound that we've wanted in our songs since we began this little band. Its been a new experience having a deadline. We think we have really pulled out all the stops having embraced the pressure we put ourselves under in order to deliver the type of music that we love to play both live and in a studio. Its really exciting times at the moment and, once the album is complete, we hope to take it on the road, around England, Europe and on to America."

The list above shows the excellent acts that took part in the Music Festival on 14 July 2007.

You can visit each act's own profile page by clicking on the images or through our 'Friends Space'.

The Event

To raise funds to improve the school playground facilities, St. Michael's Catholic School in Ashford, Middlesex, hosted a music festival featuring a wealth of local talent.

Despite the number of good quality bands in the area, there are very few live music events in the Ashford and Staines area. This event hoped to showcase some of this exceptional talent whilst raising much needed funds for the school.

There were nineteen acts performing on the day on two stages.

The event ran from midday through to the evening of the 14th July in the school grounds, and entry was £5.00 per adult. Children under 16 were able to enter for free. The weather was glorious (our one day of summer this year?) and there was a fantastic atmosphere.

Any acts wanting to perform at future events or any individuals or organisations wanting to help sponsor events should get in touch with Sandy Clark at [email protected].

About St. Michael's Catholic Primary School

Mission Statement

St. Michael's school exists to provide a catholic education for children aged 5 to 11, primarily from the Parish of St. Michael's, Ashford. Within a community which is explicitly Christ centered, the school aims to foster within each child an open and enquiring mind, one that will lead them in their search for truth and excellence, the fulfillment of which is to be found in Jesus Christ.
St. Michael's School Aims

    To affirm for every member of the school community that they are loved by God; that they are special; that their work and contribution to the life of the school is unique To provide equal opportunity for all in such a way as to promote dignity, respect, tolerance and understanding, thus enhancing the value of each individual's contribution to school. To welcome and sustain those in our community who are broken in some way and in need of God's healing power. To foster and maintain the partnership between home, school and Parish which is central to the development of the working environment. To support and promote the skills and qualities of self-discipline, self-reliance, confidence, striving for excellence and co-operation among all members of the school community.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/14/2006
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Posted by St Michael's Music Festival on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST


St Michael's Music Day is fast approaching and response has been fantastic. We are expecting queues to buy tickets on the day, but you can pre-purchase wrist-band tickets to avoid these queues.All you...
Posted by St Michael's Music Festival on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST