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.....KITTY GLITTER ENTERPRISES presents........"Kitty Glitter Costumes".........Email KittyJ on [email protected] for specialised or customised designs in theatre or dance creations................................................... ............................................................ ..................It is my desire to learn more about many cultures & offer support to global humanitarians & also artists or businesses who CARE to use their FREEDOM & fortune in whatever way they peacefully & lovingly can, to help others across the globe, to either be emancipated from the horrors of war or natural disasters & bring forth awareness. We can all use our experiences & Artistry to bridge the gaps between cultures with that same spirit we all share. One of my personal journeys is to discover my own ancestral heritage, for I am Indigenous & am still yet to trace back my genealogy to meet with Elders of my Tribe. Although it is important for me to say here that I do believe we are ALL one Global Tribe. We just need to realise that. ....................................................Please feel free to share with me your own knowledge & wisdoms to help broaden my horizons.................................................... ...........................................................T here is a vision I share with the rest of all people of the world, of a brighter future & a safer place for all children. This planet is truly beautiful & when we really start to see our own beauty & how that is reflected through all other people across the globe, we can unify more & use our people power to nurture each other & our Mother Earth. ........ I am a Seeker & my mind & heart is open to receive TRUTH.... Perhaps that ultimate truth stems from pure LOVE................This is a part of that journey I'm on.............Are'nt we privileged people to have the FREEDOM & creativity to CHOOSE what we wish to do...?I CHOOSE to use some of my creative talents as follows.....I'm going to enjoy making some "Dazzling" costumes for all those people out there who love to "sparkle"... For all of those flamboyant & gifted entertainers who want to "Glitter & Shine" for their audience......... This business is also branching out to bring some captivating & innovative dance productions to the table for your pleasure............................When "Kitty Glitter Enterprises" reaches a favourable position, we will be working in conjunction with some other business professionals & artists to set up a locally based "Theatre & Dance Company" for children... It will be FOR children & (aside from a few of us business people co-ordinating) it will be operated by children!....This theatre & dance company will offer FREE dance, theatre & art classes for underprivileged or challenged children who, otherwise would miss such an opportunity.There are already a number of people ready to contribute & participate on this project..... We foresee this project as a success & through their amazing shows, these children will be raising money & awareness for other children in far greater need, the children of Darfur!!.....Any project that involves us all raising our awareness & helping the people who are suffering in Darfur needs immediate attention! ................................. ..........We are all here to help each other.....& not just to plug someone's business or music! .....Yes!! Success to you all, but lets use that FREEDOM & opportunity that we have to give to others who need it most...... ....NEVER GIVE UP ON PEACE........And remember........... If you work hard & keep on believing, your dreams can come true.... So......for all of you kids out there........ all of you lovers, dreamers & believers........Breathe life into your dreams...