Hailing from Orange County's hardcore punk scene, Sick Eddy has kept its roots while creating a new & unique sound.
F ronting Sick Eddy is Queen Mother Dre (QMD) from the bands 4PLAY!, Junk! & A2Z. Mother Dre delivers a high energy performance and her unique ability to connect with her audiences has won her praise & notoriety from the So Cal punk community. On guitar is Eddie aka Shaggy Caudill. Eddie was the Producer and guitarist for the legendary OC Hardcore Skate Band, Doggy Style. He also produced and played in bands such as, HVY DRT, My Big Mouth & Juicy. On bass is Tequila Rob. Tequila Rob is a veteran player you have seen in bands such as 4PLAY!, Critical Mass & Loogie. And rounding out the group is Dave Chavez on drums. Dave's musical career includes playing for bands like Noon Day Underground, My Big Mouth, Juicy & Liquor Fish.
Sick Eddy is scheduled to release their Debut CD, titled,"My Control," Spring 2007. Don't forget to check Sick Eddy out Live at the Flash Rock Studios performing the songs, "No Right," "Mystery Fire (Darins' Sweet As Maple Pie DownTempo FlashRock Mix)," and "Free" in our Blog section. Thanks for stopping by.