Playing my flutie and piano, piccolo, violin (not very well, but still fun), playing sparkly percussion instruments, books, philosophy, art history, oil painting, Internet, Harry Potter theories, wikipedia, learning languages Artwork copyright 2004 Michelle Skinner
Mendelssohn- G minor piano concerto, Songs Without Words, E minor violin concerto (except I play it on flute), Elijah, G minor piano fugue, Midsummer Night's Dream, the list goes on; Schumann piano concerto; Bach Fantasia in G Major; Mozart flute concerto; really I like any flute or piano concertos; Dragostea Din Tei (curiously addicting) Enya, U2, Enigma, Evanescence, Beethoven piano sonatas, LOTR soundtrack, Destiny's Child, Alicia Keyes, Josh Groban, Céline Dion, Aaron Copland,
Lord of the Rings, HP, Dead Poet Society
Harry Potter 1-6, Lord of the Rings, Sophie's World, A Wrinkle in Time, Life of Pi, philosophy books, many more