UNIT profile picture


Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

About Me

Well, I grew up in Oklahoma City. Attended high-school at Classen SAS. Partied pretty hard in town when I got out of school. Went to some college classes.....that didn't go so good. I love my friends, even though sometimes I dont show it.

Decided to move away from the plains and into the swamps of New Orleans in 2000. I was only supposed to spend the summer here....its been 6 years of the best man love ever. Thats the best part!

Started a hip-hop record label, Media Darling Records, in 2003 with my good friend Nathan Tape (later a third person bought in to the company, but we can't speak his name). Been putting out quality music and touring around the states ever since. If anyone would like to see and hear what we've been doing......

Media Darling Records on MySpace

Media Darling Records Website

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone. Everyone. Including your mom.


Buy Media Darling Projects Here!!!

"The Humid Sounds of Media Darling Records"

Price: $4.00
Tracks: 6 ..

Know One
"Know One's Home"

Price: $10.00
Format: CD
Tracks: 23 ..
"The Humid Sounds of Media Darling Records"

Price: $5.00
Format: CD
Tracks: 21 ..
Ruin (aka Able Chris) "Joy"

Price: $5.00
Format: CD
Tracks: 16 ..




Video Game Stradegy Guides (sad isn't it), Anything by Anne Rice, Jack London, Rico Suave

