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Hurry up spring!

About Me

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*Contemplative*Thoughtful*Intelligent*Silly*Crazy*Smart*Entr epreneureal*Literary*Bitchy*Crampy*Competative*Suspcious*Pra ctical*Impractical*Wasteful*Thrifty*Motherly*Spritual*Funny* Witty*Hungry*Wise*Stupid*Beautiful – “All of the above.”
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My Interests

Learn about The Commonwealth City of Fredericksburg, VA:

Cut n' Paste:

Who I Meet Each Night: "My husband, and then I "Thank God!"

I'd like to meet:

Who I Meet Each Night: "My husband, and then I "Thank God!"

Shonda Rhimes - "Grey's Anatomy creator because my passion is writing and I would have some really fresh stories for her show!"

Just people!

When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity." - Dale Carnegie

My assistant "Neema" is in!

I enjoy graphics, but comments are ALWAYS welcome!


Old School Funk, Classic Rock, Latin, R & B, Reggae, Jazz, Classic Hip Hop, Christian and Classic Soul.


"Invincible" with Mark Walhberg. The Philadelphia Eagles story of a 30 year old bartender who plays for the Eagles and helps them get to the SuperBowl. I'm not a huge football fan, but I really enjoyed it's inspirational message.


Food Network and HGTV are both HOT!
Grey's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes is amazing. Addicted to Nip/Tuck. Now I'm back into my Grey's Anatomy.I've been watching which is entertaining.


The Bible has always been my favorite, with it's lessons, plots, twists and turns. It's spiritual as well as exciting to read!

I'm reading Little Black Book of Connections by Jeffrey Gitomer (2006). I love reading childrens books to my boys.


The "Sheroine" is within me.
Are you ready to be a "real" hero? See banner below - Find A Missing Child.

My Blog

The Real 'Nykki'

Oh my! You must listen to this. You must pass this one around. This blog must make the top. I don't want to spoil it! Just listen... The Real Nikki! .
Posted by ReeseCup on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 03:22:00 PST

Six Feet Under (when it's convenient for them)

I place this under the category of "Travel and Places" simply because neither James Brown or Anna Nicole Smith's body reached the Six Feet Under threshold. I mean geesh, how morbid can this get? This ...
Posted by ReeseCup on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 03:42:00 PST


TOP SPANISH FASHION SHOW REJECTS 5 WOMEN Five women were rejected for being too thin (finally)! One had a body to mass (BMR) to height ratio of 16! The normal average BMR for a 5'4" wom...
Posted by ReeseCup on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:07:00 PST

JD Tagged Me! My First One!

Oh wow! I just got my first "tag" and I'm a virgin at this s*&t! I'm glad it was JD who "broke me in." Here goes.. "List seven facts about yourself. At the end of your blog, tag seven others to do...
Posted by ReeseCup on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 04:26:00 PST

MySpace Missing Children's Petition

Dear "friends,"I am not one to send bulletins.Frankly, I like to keep to myself. I'll bet some of you feel the same. But there comes a time in your life when you, too, will feel 'compelled' to just "d...
Posted by ReeseCup on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:56:00 PST