Traveling/touring, vintage guitars/amplifiers, cozy recording studios, tattoos, independent studies, haunted houses, paranormal research, T.A.P.S, baseball, trees, drunken antics, record stores, comic books, FANGORIA/RUE MORGUE magazine, horror movies, Jack and Coke, good blues, good folk music, good people, Arizona green tea
Old souls and fellow lords of the bar.
I was recently told I was "too eclectic for my own good." Well I say fuck that..
Most horror, most comedies, all the time...
Ghost Hunters, Family Guy, Miami Ink, old Saturday Night Live, Aquateen Hunger Force, VH1, The Boondocks, Unsolved Mysteries
Brain Droppings, Napalm and Silly Putty, When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops?, The Amityville Horror, Motley Crue: The Dirt, Dylan: Visions/Portraits/Backpages, The Men Who Killed Kennedy
The sweet one who birthed me.