Blades Thunderbird profile picture

Blades Thunderbird

Somewhere between sanity and madness....

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I'm a bartender and musician living in TN, playing FFXI (username: Pyriell server: Siren) competing in competitions and striving for the perfect drink, and game of zombies!!! I Play bass for the BAD DUDES!!!! and that's all you need to listen to
Which Trainspotting Character Are You? Find me Web: email: [email protected] aim is dustfordestiny Which George Romero Movie Are You?
Day of the Dead.
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alcoholic beverage anyone? (with pics)

absolute vodka
You're absolute vodka. You are the party animal, you love to take shots, and chill with everyone at the party, can we say social butterfly? Everyone loves you, your strong, sexy, and you shake that thanggg. Who doesn't love vodka seriously? It's a party favorite, and that you are my friend. ;)
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You scored as Anarchism.
















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with
How to make a Jeff Cain
1 part success
5 parts courage
1 part leadership
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add emotion to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Hogwarts House Placement
Well, good for you. You're heroic and get off on dangerous situations. If you live past 20, it'll be a miracle, but at least you'll go out with a bang, and go down in history.
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My Interests

Movies, bars, music, zombies, new wave, metal, horror, bluegrass, wine, food, Final Fantasy XI, playstation, You Don't Know Jack, Goth/Industrial, Pretty Ladies, and cats
You Are a Martini
There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it! What Mixed Drink Are You?

I'd like to meet:

No one, I've met them all .. " ..


Gotta be some New wave: the church, tears for fears, the setup, new order, romeo void, the sounds, blondie, missing persons,men without hats the cure modern english. Metal!!! but nothing with a sentence for a name: norma jean, in flames, bloodjinn, borknagar arcturus, emperor, Opeth, amorphis, old man's child, extol, lengsal, and only good goth i.e. rosetta stone, razed in black, christian death, the marionettes, psychotica, big electric cat, portishead, ulver Take the quiz:

Rock God!
Wow, either you just lucked out or you rule! Congrats

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! Evil Dead the Musical: TV commercial

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ZOMBIES!!!Mirrormask, LOTRs, Starwars, Romero's Dead series, the village, sixth sense signs, anything M. Knight does, Hellraiser, Wes Craven, Big Trouble in Little China (Kurt Russell lives for our sins) Miracle, Big Fish, Tim Burton is my hero Speilburg, Carpenter, Terry Gilliam, good directors and such


Macguyver, 70's show, unsolved mysteries, x-files, Food network, G4, king of the hill, family guy, infomercials, Poltergeist: the legacy, LOST nothing on the WB


Clive Barker owns you. dragonlance, abarat, imagjica, narnia, LOTRs, Harry Potter, RLStevenson, Edgar allen Poe, first 6 Left behind (then they started to suck) Neil Gaimon, anything Vertigo, or X-Men


Kurt Russell

My Blog

Baby's on the Half Tip!!!

so......its been awhile since I've did a blog, so I'm doing one on the start of the new year!!! Life's been good, Christmas rocked my face off.  If you don't to be you.  I'm us...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 03:16:00 PST

If you ever were a lady to begin with......

so.....first game of zombies!!!! in quite some time. For those of you who missed it....banging game.  Yours truly came away with the win (barely...if Josh hadn't died and Sara came up short with ...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 09:36:00 PST

Virginia is for lovers and North Carolina is for haters

Exception being Kristin and Micheal.    Back from NC.  Worked my butt off, got a little frustrated and then realized that I had a good time.  I met up with Jinx and Danialah somew...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:31:00 PST

Episode Nine: Why We Fight

Ok.  Most of you know that I'm in North Carolina.  I'm here to help train the new barstaff at 1541: the Greensboro store.  There comes a time in everyone's life where you learn to trust...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 01:33:00 PST

The Road to Newport News

So I'm back in town until Satyrday.  As of right now, off the record, I'm not enjoying my time in Greensboro.  The bar is not staffed adequately enough to accomodate the amount of trainees w...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:22:00 PST

Spending time in Virginia

So yeah........ Just got back from the cruise.  Good stuff, I encourage all of you to take a cruise sometime in the near future.  I'm planning my return visit as we speak.  As soon as I...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:49:00 PST

Slick shoes???? are you crazy?

See you kids in 10 days..............................
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 04:39:00 PST

That bastard's faster than Walt Flannigan's Dog

First off, I need to thank everyone for coming out to the Knoxville bar competition last night.  By far the Maryville Fridays crowd blew everyone else out of the water.  I have to give you t...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 10:26:00 PST

Messege 6 00 91This is the serial number of our galatic sum

Ah HA!!!!! another damn blog The road to Regional Competition. Finished up on my routine, I'm pretty happy with it, even if I don't get past the store level competition I do have a good routine so tha...
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 07:58:00 PST


Yes......zombies on sunday and not on there
Posted by Blades Thunderbird on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 11:46:00 PST