I'm a PARTY ANIMAL!! But I never go out at night anymore. Not since I lost my head in mortal combat with my arch-nemesis, the 3D Ranger! He's currently pursuing the VFWW championship, and I'm about to give him a belt he's not expecting! I eat voluminous amounts. And... I LOVE to TRAVEL! I've been everywhere, man... even visited a faraway galaxy a long, long time ago!
All potential victims welcome! And ladies, be mindful that marriage proposals may propel you into top friend consideration... I'm vain that way!
I'll bet you didn't know that I can play all band positions on a song... AT THE SAME TIME! There are secrets in my work that would disturb you...
Horror flix intrigue me. Can't ever sit still long enough to get one watched, tho! Last time I tried, all I saw was a mad flurry of popcorn and a quick getaway!
I was on French television once. They spotted me leaving the scene of some heinous atrocity. They claimed I was the perpetrator. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! iF THEY ONLY KNEW....
The Tonal is tops... but all of you will have to wait another 30 YEARS for it to be discovered! I take in the odd comic on the fly!
Serial killers, creative chefs, and ME!I tried this once...I ate the lions!How do you think Duford feels now...Better... or worse?My greatest adventure!!