The majority of independent labels function on limited funds and limited employees. Many rely solely on the product at hand, their artist. Whereas many see it as a simple process of recording an album and manufacturing a finished product; additional funds are spent on Publicists, Radio Promoters and general promotional materials. With all these efforts put forth and money spent they often times can barely get their albums where they should be, in the stores!
This is where our services and expertise come into play.
Upon hiring Playback Entertainment we create a Retail Sales Plan that fits the needs of your project. Our initial approach will be to educate the key retailers (500 or more) specifically selected around the target markets where the label wants to focus.
Playback Entertainment's database includes over 5000 retailers nationwide covering both chains and key independent stores. The store list will be selected by way of hometown, tour markets and any additional regional area success the project will create.
For more information on why labels such as Sidecho Records, Mediaskare Records, Cheap Lullaby Records, Omnirox Entertainment, Anodyne Records, Listenable Records, Orange Peal Records, Five One Inc, SixFeet Music Group, and many others have chosen Play Back Entertainment, please click here
Thank You to every one of our friends that work at the coolest records stores across the country for making our jobs worthwhile and keeping things exciting. We are so thankful to work with the most creative, thoughtful and hard working people; who day-in day-out live to bring the world great music. You are all the greatest, and your creativity never ceases to astound us!!!
Check out these recent Displays!
Yes you, who give so liberally of your time, creativity, and energy to make your displays such amazing successes!!! Thank you!!!
Playback Entertainment would like to give a special thanks to everyone at Zia Records Exchange, Oracle location in Tuscon, AZ, for their hardwork to create one of the most unique displays we have ever seen. We received some amazing entries for our various display contests, but only store required video to show their display.
Zia Records (Oracle) display
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Check out one of our favorite stores, Looney Tunes CDs, in Long Island, NY. Wish them luck on the re-opening after a devastating fire burnt the old store to the ground. Also look for all your favorite Playback releases