Love to spend time with my husband and children. MOTORCYLES ROCK!(especially Harleys!)...If it's not snowing, I'm riding with the love of my life! Some of my passions are music (pretty much anything but Rap...sorry). Love to Ride, sing, dance, read, play volleyball, travel and swim. Nascar and Indianapolis Colts ROCK!...(Manning is the Man!) Partial to the Steelers (Only because my baby likes the to have some rivalry, it makes it more fun to watch!). Love watching my children evolve into beautiful, intelligent and fun-loving human beings. In my spare time I also can create some very erotic cakes (check out my penis cake in the photo section!).
Anyone with a soul, a heart and a consience...I've seen Heart at least a dozen times but have yet to meet Ann and Nancy Wilson!
Heart - Dreamboat Annie (LIve in Seattle)
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Music is my soul! Let's see..too many to list but here goes...HEART...Rush...Tracy Bonham...Styx...Kansas...Pink Floyd...Avenged seven fold...Abba...Kelly Clarkson...Amy Lee...Queen...Al DeMeola...3 Days Grace...Led Zepelin...Foreigner...Journey...Supertramp...Genesis...AC/DC ...Bon Jovi...Loverboy...Scorpions
Hmmmmmmmmm.....I've watched a lot of movies...the latest ones were Mission Impossible 3...The DaVinci Code...The Sentinal and The Illusionist.
Not much of a T.V. watcher. Probably CSI...Survivor...Law & Order...24....Rock Star...House...and American Idol.
Too many to list...
My Mom and Dad...Ann & Nancy Wilson...Dale Earnhart & Darryl Waltrip... and of course, MY CREATOR!