The Mox profile picture

The Mox

I Am...

About Me

I am Nicky Meade.
The Entertainer - I am the voice, co-writer and co-founder of The Faded Spades. We are currently the House band for The World Famous Whisky A Go-Go on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, CA. This is an honor. They believe in us, because we put on a show that is second-to-none. And this is understood...
When all the greats are dead and gone...who will carry the torch of Rock n Roll? Is there anyone who can stand next to their heroes with the respect and humbleness to say, "Thank you...but now it's my time to shine?" I can...and I will given the opportunity.
The Wrestler - I spent most of my teenage and early twenties in the wrestling room. It is my passion. More so than competing, I embrace my ability to coach. Wrestling is not only a sport but a way of life that gives hands on training of self discipline, control and pride. I value my experience working with my second family, the grapplers.
The Son - I was born in New Jersey. Raised by a single mother; I have one sister and four brothers. My dearest childhood memories are of Winding River and of course the Shore. We moved to California where I spent my teenage years in the Desert. I currently reside in North Hollywood.
Upcoming Shows:
June 28th - 1st Annual Sunset Music Festival - The Whisky A Go-Go
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My Interests

I am interested in bettering myself in every position that I am in. I believe that life is a journey, not a destination, and even in death that trip goes on. I believe in vacations, but not in relationships. I am also interested in people and things that are positive in my life. It is too easy to fall behind yourself and get caught up in the bullshit. I have spent too long building my life around certain people who I have seen only pick up a phone when it is convient for them. Fuck'em.

I have a talent at reading people, and I can make the most hard-headed smile. I usually can say the right things at the right time...which is a gift. I acknowledge this, therefore I have a passion to always lead rather than follow.

I am interested in myself...and why shouldn't I be? You should be your own greatest fan, right? Confidence or arrogance, you decide where to draw the line. I am brutally honest, so if you want an answer but can't stand the truth, don't ask me. They say I'm negative, I say I'm honest. Whatever.

I am interested in myself; and chances are I am interested in you if you are still reading this...

I'd like to meet:

The person who I am willing to take my first shot with...

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


Rock n Roll...true blues-based music. Since music isn't just a sound. Someone forgot or decided that you can't see music anymore.

Music should encompass a real band. Solid, well-rounded, talented musicians. With a good look and an honest attitude. A front man who could talk his way outta a box, entertain, and captivate any audience. A true rythme section, and a guitarist who can make their axe do the talkin' for you.



Believe what you will, but I am a Conservative, so I enjoy watching The O'Reilly Factor, and Fox News. Animal Planet, History Channel, and National Geographic are the only other stations I watch. VH1 Classic every now-and-then.


I am 82% Asshole/Bitch.
. I am one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and my lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic next-day-mexican-dinner-ass-drip. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom


I truly stand by those words that no man is higher than their hero...These are the people I will always admire. Jesus Christ, Gene Simmons, Rob Halford, Nikki Sixx, Ronald Reagan, Antonio Buccino, and there are a few that I will keep with me.

My Blog


I am Moxie...and I am the voice of The Faded Spades.  I am an alcoholic, who has never been drunk.  I enjoy cherry coke...flat.  I have been accused of rape...on two different occasions...
Posted by The Mox on Sun, 21 May 2006 11:40:00 PST

Morally Outraged: RnR is Dead when Emo claims to be Rock and Fuckin' Roll...

Some say I am Morally Outraged...I just feel strong about expressing my feelings whenever it may need apply. Today I am outraged about the music scene. My Band, "The Faded Spades" try not to label o...
Posted by The Mox on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST