"MAS VALE SOLO QUE MAL ACOMPANIADO" it's better to be alone than with bad company ;-)I like to meet all the people that like to have fun enjoy life and that are honest, I hate drama, I like friendly people who don't give up easily and that have an ambition."Your best friend or your worse enemy, could be yourself" "I'm not here to teach you about life, life itself will teach you, but I will be here with you"
classical, dance, trance, electronic music and 80's spanish pop.
Favorite movies:The Godfather, The departed, Heat, Smoking aces, Pulp Fiction, 21 Grams, Amores Perros, Babel, Apocalipto, The Lady in the Water, The Mexican, The March of the Penguins, Meet the Robinsos, Happy Feet, Shreck, Cars, Titanic, Lucky number sleven etc, etc.
Discorvery Channel, Animal Planet, Comedy Central, favorites: Futurama, The Family Guy, South Park, King of the Hill, and Sponge BOb :-)