Victoria profile picture


Art Saves Lives

About Me

I am a mother of three boys, two grown, one that's damn close to being fully grown, and now I can add... I am a grandmother! I've done lot's of wonderful things in my life, and I'm sure I'll do many more, but it feels to me that being a mother is the most important thing I'll ever do. My boys have made me who I am, and of-course I have helped to make them who they are...funny how that works. I am excited about being a grandmother and look forward to this next great adventure!
At this point I think or hope that just about everyone in the country is pissed off at the way we have been deceived, manipulated and spied on by Bush & Co. And did I mention the over 3000 troops who have died in an illegal war that they lied us into?! Dylan was right when he said a hard rain is gonna fall, it is falling now and hopefully we won't suffer much more of this bleakly dreary insanity before the sun comes out. I'd like to see this country heal, get to a stronger, better place for all of this hideously arrogant corruption and divisiveness it's suffered through. I actually do have a very optimistic, bright outlook on life but it's balanced by a hardened realism and a wicked appreciation for humor.Look for ways you can make a difference!
Be creative with your is art, creativity is the voice of the heart and mind and is how we are reminded of, and truly glimpse our humanity.
Be so you. Progress is my driving force, love is my guiding light...yet I do love things with a twist or an edge and I am very grateful to be here. In 2007 I bought a used Mercedes diesel and converted it by adding a duel tank fuel system. I now run it on vegetable oil and biodiesel. No petroleum products needed!! Anyone can do this and it is a zero emissions way to go! Why pollute and contribute to the giant OIL problem when you can run a car on VEGETABLE OIL!!!
Check out the trailer for the film "Fields of Fuel" which has just been selected for Sundance Film Festival. It is one mans story and quest for solutions and is incredibly inspiring. Another extraordinary person following his passion for truth and a cleaner planet! View the trailer here:
Here are some photos I took of Barack Obama in October of 2007 at the USC Get-Out-the-Vote rally in Los Angeles. He is the man I hope will be our next President.

This is a little slide show that I created with a little help from photoshop and a lot of wishful thinking!
Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!
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My Interests

Music, Art (painting, drawing, photography, photoshopping), Film, Making Jewelry, Riding Horses, Bowling, Connecting the dots, Life, I find people fascinating, I love the smell of aged wood and campfires and the wind in the pines.... the smell of rain and the sound of footsteps on new fallen snow. Meeting new and interesting people. Autumn is my favorite time of year.
Here's a little photo essay I did on how the country seems to feel about our President....

Art is the conduit from which flows the magic of the human spirit, a way in which hopes, dreams and wishes can find their voice. That my friend has saved many a life. For without an expression, what are we?

This is a slideshow of the 27th Annual Surfabout held in Carmel, June 9th and 10th. My son placed 2nd in the Junior division!

I'd like to meet:

The original MySpace Map! Click here to make your own!
Humans with grace and a sense of equity. Anyone who's got something good to share. People with a rebellious, questioning nature. Quirks. Those with a sense of the big picture who aren't afraid to love.
People who I will know in the future.


But aside from them I would include, Colin Hay, Elvis Costello, The Rolling Stones, Radiohead, John Hiatt, Nirvana, Lucinda Williams, Blur, Dave Alvin, Neil Finn, Tim Finn, Patti Smith, Pretenders, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Joe Strummer, The Clash, Joan Jett, Betty Blowtorch, Deaf School, Love, Tom Waits, Steve Earle, Gram Parsons, Beach Boys, Townes Van Zandt, John Prine, Joe Walsh, The Who, Ry Cooder, Flaming Lips, Neil Young, Eminem, Beck, T-Rex, Bowie, PinkFloyd, Small Faces, Nick Drake, Richard Thompson, Midge Ure, Elliott Smith, Ryan Adams, Johnny Cash, Johnny Crawford, Byrds, Dylan, The Band, Robbie Robertson, Bonnie Raitt, Marvin Gaye, Lightnin' Hopkins, Joni Mitchell, Gun's N Roses, Shawn Colvin, Keith Jarrett, Miles Davis, The Police, Toni Price, Daniel Lanois, U2, Del Amitri, Foo Fighters, Boards of Canada, Sons of the Pioneers, Chieftains, Mance Lipscomb, Dwight Yoakam, The Youngbloods, Jerry Jeff Walker, Bruce Springsteen, Hank Williams, Velvet Underground, Iggy, Flying Burrito Brothers... MUSIC!!!! When done with a passion is always a pleasure to listen to.


To Kill A Mockingbird, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, True Romance, Fight Club, The Money Pit, Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling For Columbine, Nightmare Before Christmas, 5th Element, Fisher King, Big Lebowski, Ferris Bueller, Bottle Rocket, Paris Texas, King of Hearts, Quick & the Dead, Time Bandits, Princess Bride, American Beauty, Braveheart, Amelie, Signs, Meet John Doe, Sullivans Travels, The Thin Man, Harold and Maude, Little Big Man, Betty Blowtorch and Her Amazing Adventures, Basquiat, Dig!, Almost Famous, Vanilla Sky, I Heart Huckabees, Lord of the Rings (especially the 3rd one), What The ..@&% Do We Know? Cold Mountain, Road To Perdition, The Green Mile, Willow, Veronica Guerin, Elizabethtown, Rushmore, Kingdom of Heaven, Heaven Can Wait, Made in Heaven, Modigliani, Pollock, Empire Falls, Field of Dreams, Shawn of The Dead, U.S. vs John Lennon, Finding Neverland, The Contender, Moulin Rouge,


TV?.... well, I can't really resist The Late, Late Show with TV's Craig Ferguson, the funniest man on TV, Real Time with Bill Maher (another very funny and intelligent man), Entourage, Sopranos (bye-bye, all gone)... not much any more


Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, Barry Miles' biography of Paul McCartney, Drugs, Kids and Crime, Surviving our Drug Obsessed Culture by Craig Farris, extremely informative! excellent book! Widow For One Year, To Kill A Mockingbird, Diamond In The Window, On The Road, Electric Cool-aid Acid Test, One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, Chronicles of Narnia, Freedom From The Known, Science and Health!! Agatha Christie. Biographies, Authors; Any John Irving!!!!! Larry McMurtry, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Walter Mosley, J.K. Rowling, Tony Hillerman, Ayn Rand



Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Mary Baker Eddy, Amelia Earhart, My sister Bianca, David Casper, Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King!
The Los Angeles Art Show is something I help produce. For more information you can check it out at

My Blog

Fox Finally Gets It Right!!

Clinton Operation Runs Aground Against Obama Movement in MilfordBy Major Garrett MILFORD, N.H. Friday, January 4, 2008In politics there are operations and movements.There is an operation i...
Posted by Victoria on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 02:47:00 PST

Transcript of Barack Obama’s Iowa victory speech

This a transcript of Senator Barack Obama's victory speech to his supporters in Des Moines after the Iowa Caucuses, as provided by Congressional Quarterly via The Associated Press.SENATOR BARACK OBAMA...
Posted by Victoria on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 08:04:00 PST

Looking At America - New York Times / Opinion

EditorialPublished: December 31, 2007There are too many moments these days when we cannot recognize our country. Sunday was one of them, as we read the account in The Times of how men in some of the m...
Posted by Victoria on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 07:43:00 PST

Wexler Calls For Impeachment Hearings

Rep. Robert Wexler (FL-19) and two other Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee - Luis Gutierrez (IL-04) and Tammy Baldwin (WI-02) - today called on the committee to begin impeachment hearings for...
Posted by Victoria on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 10:16:00 PST

The Bush Administration in One Sentence By William Rivers Pitt

The Bush Administration in One SentenceBy William Rivers Pittt r u t h o u t | Columnist ( 28 February 2007 History is bunk. - Henry Ford Just because the Supreme Co...
Posted by Victoria on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:05:00 PST

Barack Obama's Recent Speech on Iraq

A Way Forward in IraqRemarks of Senator Barack ObamaNovember 20, 2006Chicago Council on Global AffairsThroughout American history, there have been moments that call on us to meet the challenges of an ...
Posted by Victoria on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:08:00 PST

Breakdown of Democracy

It's so ironic that the US is purporting to deliver "democracy" to middle east when here at home is being made a mockery of. This years election day was so unbelievably disturbing. Things come out dai...
Posted by Victoria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


In the days leading up to the election I worked at phone banks, went to rallies, I tried hard in my own little way to make a difference. But honestly, I was so worried that the Bush Regime would someh...
Posted by Victoria on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 07:20:00 PST

Bush's Absolute Power Grab

Bush's Absolute Power Grab By Carla Binion Consortium News Saturday 21 October 2006 Many Americans are in denial about what is happening to the United States. They don't want to believe th...
Posted by Victoria on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 03:24:00 PST

Impeachment Anyone? The Case for Taking the Tape Off Our Mouths

By David Swanson, Thursday 05 October 2006This piece is based on seven new books on impeachment, all briefly discussed in a final note.Never before has the system of government est...
Posted by Victoria on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 10:58:00 PST