Músico, 27 años. Comenzó a tocar la guitarra a los 12, formacion Autodidacta. Estudio música en el SADEM y en el Conservatorio Superior de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, realizando también cursos de armonÃa , composición y Producción Musical. Paralelamente Lutheria con Esteban Gonzáles. Formó parte de numerosos proyectos de Rock, Hard ,Fusión, Progresivo, Etnica, Clásica, etc, recorriendo todo el circuito under porteño y haciendo giras por la costa. Grabó varios demos y en forma independiente 3 EP como solista. Trabajó en producción, arreglos, grabaciones, mezclas, secuencias (pistas), como asà también en bares y pubs tocando como dúo o solista. Paralelamente docencia particular de guitarra y música digital desde 1999.
Hi, my name is David MartÃnez. I'm 27 years old. I always knew that I was destined to be a musician. I sing and play bass, keyboards, percussion and I do programming. Guitar is my main instrument besides folk ones like charango. I've been involved in a multitude of projects and recordings as a producer and arranger. These include composing sequences and jingles, as well as sound mixing. As a performer I have played concerts as a soloist or in duets. I started playing the guitar at the age of twelve. I received my musical education at the Conservatorio Superior de Buenos Aires in harmony, composition and musical production, as well as at Lutheria with Esteban González. I took part in several projects. The musical styles of the projects varied from rock, hard rock, fusion, progressive, ethnic all the way to classical and other music styles. The performences took place in Buenos Aires as well as within the Atlantic Coast circuit of Argentina. I have released three EPs of studio recordings. My latest work is an ethnic opus titled, "Vuelos" (engl. "Flights").
Thank you all, my Friends. This is just the beginning...
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"Vuelos" esta escrito, producido, arreglado y grabado por David Martinez. Reservados todos los derechos del autor de la obra. Sadaic.
Contacto: [email protected]
Arte y Fotos: Carolina Bejar, [email protected]
"Flights" -- written, recorded, fixed and produced by David Martinez. All rights reserved by the author of the work. Sadaic.
Contact: [email protected]
Art and Photos: Carolina Bejar, [email protected]