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About Me

Hi everyone - how u doin'?I'm just trying this out to see what type of people I can meet.I'm into music, tv, movies and music again lol. Also into weird stuff like the supernatural, the meaning of dreams and the meaning of fantasies, lolIf you fancy getting in touch, then get in touch. What's the worst that could happen? I could ignore you, but then what does that really matter? Or, I could reply....now there's a thought.....Lol.

My Interests

HREF="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm15c3BhY2UuY2 9tL21hdHR0b2thbXVzaWM="

I'd like to meet:

People - doesn't matter how weird or wonderful you are....


One Republic, Massive Attack, Deviations Project, Matt Toka, Enigma, Linkin Park, Fedde le Grand, Bassboosa, Nine Inch Nails, Timbaland, Joan Armatrading, Rihanna, Rage Against the Machine, Jose Gonzalez, Green Day, Coldplay, Leftfield, DJ Sammy, Kristian Leontiou, Timberlake, Fuel, Ministry of Sound, Will Young, Ivan Neville, Faithless, Dido, Bif Naked, Evanescence, Phil Collins, Roisin Murphy, Christian Kane, Chris Daughtry, Britney Spears, Limp Bizkit,


Bourne 1-3, Queen of the Damned, Saw 1-4, The Descent, The Color Purple, Airplane!, The Usual Suspects, Brokeback Mountain, LOTR, The Amazing Mr Blunden, Fried Green Tomatoes..., Wrong Turn, Shawshank Redemption, Mars Attacks!, Lost Boys, From Dusk til Dawn, Kill Bill, Saving Private Ryan, Condorman (lol), Shaun of the Dead, 2001 Maniacs, Reservoir Dogs, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, The Matrix, Dogma, Goodfellas, An American Werewolf in London, Hot Fuzz, Return of the Jedi, Pride and Prejudice, Good Will Hunting, The Goonies, Gremlins, Poltergeist


Heroes, 24, Dexter, Friends, Lost, Deadwood


Most by Virginia Andrews, Stephen King, Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett

My Blog

Dream - cats

mmmm dreams.....last night my dream was about cats - 5 of them.  I had a front room full of them and a black and white 'regular' was attacking a kitten.  He nipped him on the back of the nec...
Posted by KJ on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 03:30:00 PST


Ok...so I wake up in a coach.  It's hot, sunny and I feel really groggy.  The coach is moving - fast.  I realise the last thing I remember was getting on a flight to Spain.  I must...
Posted by KJ on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 02:51:00 PST

Dream/Nightmare1 - Dec 10 2007

I'm in the back seat of a car with my young daughter and my ex.  Everything is normal, apart from me - I'm petirfied as I know something is following us.  I know it's a man, but he's not qui...
Posted by KJ on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:14:00 PST


Ok, so I haven't posted one of these things before but as I have time, I thought I might as well.  (Seems everyone else is doing them!)   I've decided to create a 'Dream Blog'.  I have ...
Posted by KJ on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:09:00 PST